Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/125

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A.D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edward 1 I. Stat. 1. 79 Ex Rot. in Tarr. Lond. data ad donatorem vel ad ejus heredem revertatur. In cafu etiam cum quis dat tenementum in libe- rum maritagium quod donum habet conditionem annexam licet non exprimatur in carta doni que talis eft quod fi vir & mulier fine herede de ipfis procreato obierint tenementum fie datum ad dona- torem vel ad ejus heredem revertatur. In cafu etiam cum quis dat tenementum alicui & heredibus de corpore fuo exeuntibus durum videbatur & ad- huc videtur hujufmodi donatoribus & heredibus do- natorum quod voluntas ipforum in donis fuis ex- prefla non fueritprius nee adhuc eft obfervata. In omnibus enim prediclis cafibus poft prolem fufcita- tam & exeuntem ab ipfis quibus tenementum fie fuit datum conditionaliter hucufqtie habuerunt hu- jufmodi feoffati poteftatem alienandi tenementum fie datum & exheredandi de tenemento exitum ip- forum contra voluntatem donatorurri & formam de dono expreflam. Et preterea cum deficiente exitu de hujufmodi feoffatis tenementum fie datum addo- natorem vel ad ejus heredem reverti debuit per for- mam in carta de dono expreflam licet exitus fi quis fuerit obifiet per factum &. feofFamentum ipforum quibus tenementum fie fuit datum fub conditione exclufi fuerurit hucufque de reverfione eorundem tenementorum quod manifefte fuit contra formam doni fui. Propter quod dominus Rex perpendens quod ne- ceffarium & utile eft in predidtis cafibus apponere remedium ftatuit quod voluntas donatoris fecundum formam in carta dbni fui manifefte expreflam dece- tero obfervetur ita quod non habeant illi quibus te- nementum fie fuit datum fub conditione poteftatem alienandi tenementum fie datum quo minus ad exi- tum illorum quibus tenementum fie fuerit datum remaneat poft eorum obitum vel ad donatorem vel ad ejus heredem fi exitus deficiat per hoc quod nul- lus fit exitus omninovel fi aliquis exitus fuerit per mortem deficiet herede hujufmodi exitus deficiente. Nee habeat decetero fecundus vir hujufmodi mulie- ris aliquid in tenemento fie dato per conditionem poft mortem uxoris ejus per Legem Anglie nee ex- itus de fecundo viro & muliere fucceflionem here- ditariam fet ftatim poft mortem viri & mulieris qui- bus tenementum fie fuit datum poft eorum obkum vel ad eorum exitum vel ad donatorem vel ad ejus heredem ut prediflum eft; revertatur. Et quia in novo cafu novum remedium eft appo- nendum fiat impetranti tale breve : Precipe A. quodjujle, &c.- reddat B. tale manerium tumpert'inentiis quod C. dedit tali viro iff tali mulieri & heredibus de ipjis viro & muliere exeuntibus. Vel,., ^uod C. dedit tali viro in liber urn maritagium cum tali muliere & quodpojl mortem prediSiorum viri & tnulieris pridiilo B. filio prediStorum viri iff mulieris defcendere debet per jarma?n.donationis. predicate ut di- al * Vel, §>iiod C. dedit tali & heredibus de corpore fuo exeuntibus iff quod poft mortem ipjius talis prediclo B. filio prediiti talis defcendere debet perfortnam y isfc. Breve per quod donator habet recuperare fuum deficiente exitu fatis eft in ufu in cancellaria Et fci- endum quod hoc ftatutum quoad alienationem te,~ Bodies between them begotten, the Land fo given ; Roll 4 ! 9 . fliall revert to the Giver or his Heir. (z) In cafe alio Godbolt 3 cg, where one giveth Lands in free Marriage, which Gift 3 6 7- p 1 - 45 s ' hath a Condition annexed, though it be not exprefled Latch 6 56j " in the Deed of Gift, which is this, That if the Huf- savii 6 7 ?8g. band and Wife die without Heir of their Bodies be- 700.33'. gotten, the Land fo given fliall revert to the Giver or Fitz ' Tail » «" his Heir. (3) In cafe alfo where one giveth Land to. I2 ' *h 2 +> ,6 » another, and the Heirs of his Body ifluing ; it feem- 7 ' ' "' **> ed very hard, and yet feemeth to the Givers and their Co. Lit. 18. b. Heirs, that their Will being expreffed in the Gift, 19.3- 24..*. was not heretofore, nor yet is obferved. (4) In all "3- b - ' the Cafes aforefaid, after Iflue begotten and born be- *p 4 'o' ' tween them (to whom the Lands were given under fL. Formed. ' fuch Condition) heretofore fuch Feoffees had Power 61, & s .

  • to aliene the Land fo given, and to diflierit their Iflue Fjtz. Tail, ^i<r.

' of the Land, contrary to the Minds of the Givers, ' and contrary to the Form exprefled in the Gift. (5) ' And further B When the Iflue of fuch Feoffee is fail- Fte. Tail, 15. ' ing, the Land fo given ought to return to the Giver, ' or his Heir, by torm of the Gift exprefled in the

  • Deed, though the Iflue (if any were) had died ^

' (6) Yet by the Deed and Feoffment of them (to ' whom Land was {o given upon Condition) the Do- ' nors have heretofore been barred of their Reverfion, . ' * which was directly repugnant to the Form of the * Add of the ' Gift, fame Tentmcnts. ' II. Wherefore our Lord the King, perceiving how j n Gi f ts in TaL1 ' neceflary and expedient it Ihould be to provida Re- the Donor's

  • medy in the aforefaid Cafes, hath ordained, That the Will (hall be

' Will of the Giver, according to the Form in the obfer ™*- 1 Deed of Gift manifeftly exprefled, {hall be from "tt'carrant ' henceforth obferved ; fo that they to whom the Land 16,^0/57* sj£ ' was given under fuch Condition,, fliall have no Pow- 3 Co. £5. ' ' c er to aliene the Land fo given, but that it fliall re- Fitz - Formed.. ' main unto the Iflue of them to whom it was given Ij 2 ?> 33. 3'» ' after their Death, or fliall revert unto the. Giver, or ;* 2 ' i4 ' 59 ' 6l >- ' his Heirs, if Iflue fail (f whereas there is no Iflue at f 4- For whereas, ' all) or if any Ifllte be, and fail by Death, or Heir of read in that. 1 the Body of fuch Iflue failing. (2) Neither ftiall fit*- Dower, 87.- ' the fecond Hufband of any fuch Woman, from hence- 3 Co - 8 ' c forth,, have any Thing in the Land fo given upon |' J ^'

  • Condition, after the Death of his Wife, by the Law s. 3;' 36*

' of England, nor the Iflue of the fecond Hufband and. ' Wife fliall fucceed in the Inheritance^ but immediate- ' ly after the Death of the Huiband and Wife (to whom ' the Land was fo given) it fliall ccme to their Iflue,. ' or return unto the Giver, or his Heir, as before is 1 faid. ' III. And forafmuch as in a new Cafe new Remedy ' muft be provided, this Manner of Writ fliall be ' granted to the Party that will purchafe it :' (2) Praecipe A. quod jufte, &c. reddat E, maneriuraForrrredon in de F. cum fuis pertinentiis, quod C. dedit tali. viro ■& difcender. tali mulieri, & hseredibus de ipfis viro & muliere exeun- Rc 8 ift - a ;8 < tibus.. C0.pia.317,.. ' Or ftinc-' 33!S ' 341, wi tnus .. Dyer 2j 5 24.^ (3) Qiiod C. dedit tali, viro in liberum. maritagium Fuz. Fine's, 125-. cum tali muliere, & quod poft, mortem praediiSrorum F'tz. Formed, viri & mulieris, prasdidto B. filio eorundem viri & mu-.5> 6 > 75 »> » lieris defeendere debeat per formam donationis praedic- "* } t3e, utdicit, &c. (4) Vel, QuodC. dedit tali & hsere dibus de corpore fuo exeuntibus, £c qyod poft mortem illius talis, praedidto B. filio prsedicli talis defcendere debeat per formam, &c ' a IV. The Writ whereby, the Giver- fhall" recover,. tr (when Iflue faileth) is common enough in the Chari- 4 eery; (2) and it is to wit, that this Statute lhall hold " ' Place. 166. 9.105. 11. 72. Co, Lit. 327. b. . 42, 44s- 4 6 »47j19->