Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/127

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A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Ed ward i I. Stat. i. 8i Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. diftringenti returnum averiorum & fie diftrictus poftquam averia fie retornata iterum replegiaverit cum viderit diftringentem comparentem in curia paratum fibi refpondere defaltam fecerit ob quam iterum adjudicabitur diftringenti returnum averi- orum & fie bis tertio & in infinitum replegiabuntur averia nee habebunt judicia curie Regis in hoc cafu fuper quo non fuit prius remedium provifum ordinatus eft in hoc cafu talis procefius quod quam cito adjudicatum fuerit diftringeftti re- turnum averiorum per breve de judicib mandetur Vicecomiti-quod returnum habere faciat diftringenti de averiis in quo brevi inferatur quod vicecomes ea non deliberet fine brevi in quo fiat mentio de judi- cio per Jufticiarios reddito quod fieri non poterit nifi per breve quod exeat de rotulis Jufticiariorum coram quibus dedurSta fuerit loquela. Cum igitur adierit J uftic' & petierit averia fua iterum replegiari fiat ei hoc breve de judicio quod vicecomes capta Tecuritate de profequendo & etiam de averiis vel catallis retornandis vel eorum pretio fi adjudicetur returnum deliberet ei averia vel catalla prius retor- nata & attachietur qui diftrinxit ad veniendum ad scertum diem coram Jufticiariis coram quibus placi- tum deducatur in prefentia partium. Et fi iterato ille qui replegiaverit fecerit defaltam vel alia occafione •adjudicetur returnum diftri&ionis jam bis replegi- .ate remaneat diftrictlo ilia imperpetuum irreplegi- ■abilis fet fi de novo & de nova caufa fiat diftri&io ule nova diftrictiohe fervetur procefius fupradictus. periour fhall reftore. (4) And forafmuch as it hap- neth fbmetime, that after the Return of the Beafts is awarded unto the Diftrainor, and the Party fo di- ftrained, after that the Beafts be returned, doth re- plevy them again, and when he feeth the Diftrainor appearing in the Court ready to anfwer him, doth make Default, whereby Return of the Beafts ought to be awarded again unto the Diftrainor, and fo the Beafts be replevied twice or thrice, and infinitely,- and the Judgments given in the King's Court take no EfFecT. in this Cafe, whereupon no Remedy hath been yet provided ; (5) in this Cafe fuch Procefs fhall be awarded, that fo foon as Return of the Beafts fhall be awarded to the Diftrainor, the Sheriff fhall be commanded by a judicial Writ to make Return of the Beafts unto the Diftrainor ; in which Writ it fhall be expreffed, that the Sheriff fhall not deliver them without Writ, making mention of the Judg- ment given by the Juftices, which cannot be without a Writ iffuing out of the Rolls of the faid Juftices before whom the Matter was moved. (6) Therefore when he cometh unto the Juftices, and defireth Re- plevin of the Beafts, he fhall have a judicial Writ, that the Sheriff taking Surety for the Suit, and alfo of the Beafts or Cattle to be returned, or the Price of them (if Return be awarded) fhall deliver unto him the Beafts or Cattle before returned, and the Di- ftrainor fhall be attached to come at a certain Day before the Juftices, afore whom the Plea was moved in Prefence of the Parties. (7) And if he that re- plevied make Default again, or for another Caufe re- turn of the Diftrefs be awarded, being now twice replevied, the Diftrefs fhall remain irrepleviable; (8) but if a Diftrefs be taken of new, and for a new Caufe, the Procefs abovefaid fhall be obferved in the fame new Diftrefs.' CAP. III. A Cut in vita for the Wife. "Where a Wife, or he in Reverfion, fhall be received. A Writ of fe» cond Delive- rance. Dyer 41, 59. Kel. 92. 26 H. 8. 6. 21 H. 7. 28.. 12 H. 7. 4. A Diftrefs irre- pleviable. 14 H. 7. 6. Dyer 280. Fitz. Return des Avers, 6, 15,18, 19, 24, a6 > 3 2 > 33> 34> 35- IN cafu quando vir amifit per defaltam tenemen- tum quod fuit jus uxoris fue durum fuit quod uxor poft mortem viri fui non habuit aliud recu- perare quam per breve de Refto propter quod Do- minus Rex ftatuit quod mulier poft mortem viri fui habeat recuperare per breve de Ingreftu cui ipfa in vita fua contradicere non potuit quod in forma predifta erit placitand'. Si contra petitionem mu- lieris tenens excipiat quod habuit ingreffum per ju- dicium & comperto quod per defaltam ad quod te- nens neceffe habet refpondere fi ab eo queratur tunc neceffehabet ulterius oftendere jus fuum fecundum formam brevis quod prius impetravit fuper virum & uxorem. Et fi verificare poterit quod jus habet in tenemento petito nichil capiat mulier per breve fuum quod fi oftendere non poterit recuperet mu- lier tenementum petitum hoc obfervato quod fi vir abfentaverit fe & noluerit jus uxoris fue defendere vel invita uxore reddere voluerit fi uxor ante judi- cium venerit parata petenti refpondere & jus fuum defendere admittatur uxor. Eodem modo fi tenens in dotem per Legem Anglie vel aliter ad terminum Vol. I. IN cafe when a Man doth lofe by Default the A CuI ' a v ' ta Land which was the Right of his Wife, it was fo [ the , wif f' very, hard that the Wife, after the Death of her «afcd Hu'fca'iid Hufband, had none other Recovery but by a Writ of loft by Default. Right ;" (2) wherefore our Lord the King hath or- Regift. 232. dained, That a Woman, after the Death of her 2lnfl - 34 1 - Hufband, fhall recover by a Writ of Entry (whereto f Co ;!' H S 5°" fhe could not difagree during his Life) which fhall Fit' z . 2 Cui 'in vll be pleaded in Form under-written. (3) If the Te- ta, 7, 8,9, 10, riant do except againft the Demand of the Wife, that u, 14, 16, 17, he entered by Judgement, and it be found that his J 9> 2 °> 2l » 26 » Entry was by Default, whereto the Tenant of Ne- £.*' |° t ' 32 ' 3 £" ceffity muft make Anfwer, if it be demanded of him, ,53.3'. j! a." then he fhall be compelled to make further Anfwer, 356. a. Dyer and to fhew his Right according to the Form of the 2 9 8 > 3'5> 34i- Writ that he purchafed before againft the Hufband Fitz ' Refceit > and the Wife. (4) And if he can verify that he ) 3 'J' ;'_ 9 ' "' hath * or bad Right in the Land demanded, the -V im. iceb. Woman fhall gain nothing by her Writ; which 44' 5 Ed. 3. 61! Thing if he cannot fhew, the Woman fhall recover c, °- Car. 43. the Land in Demand; (5) this being obferved, that ! Noti " t r ' s ' if the : Hufband abfent himfelf, and will not defend ^T^cl'JX his Wife's Right, or againft his Wife's Confent will vkln that iL' render the Land, if the Wife do come before Judge- Hnjbatid's.Aa ment, ready to anfwer the Demandant, and to defend ""t? °f '>-"&'>/*': her Right, the Wife fhall be admitted. (6) Likewife L ™. d fi a!l , ""' ,~r..L. „j prejudice her or her Heirs. if Tenant in Dower, Tenant by the Law'of the Land, f" M or m i I