Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/141

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A. D. 1285. Anno decimo tertio Edwardi I. Stat. 1.' 95 CAP. XXIII. Executors may have a Writ of Aecompt. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. HAbeant decetero executores breve de Compoto reddendo & eandem actionem & proceilum per illud breve qualem habuit mortuus & haberet fi vixifTet. EXecutors from henceforth fhall have a Writ of 2 Inft. 404. Aecompt, and the fame Adtion and Procefs in Fit*. Execu- the fame Writ as the Teftator might have had if he t0 !l> 97- had lived.' *A V - C 'V ivbtcb gives Exe- cutor! an Aclion of Trefpafifor Wrong done to TeJIator, And 15 Ed. 3. flat. 5. c. 5. extendi it to Executors of Exeaitirs, Quejlus eft nobis A. quod B. injufte, &c. levavit domum murum mercatum £3' alia que funt ad nocu- mentum. Si hujufmodi levata transferantur in aliamperfo- nam decetero fiat breve fie : Queftus ejl nobis A. quod B. C5' C. levaverunt, &c. Eodem modoficut perfona alicujusecclefie recu- perare poteft communiam pafture per breve Nove difTeifine eodem modo decetero recuperet fucceffor fuper difieiiitorem vel ejus heredem per breve Quod permittat licet hujufmodi breve prius a Cancellaria non fuit concefTum. Eodem modoficutconceditur breve utrum aliquod tenementum fit libera elemo- iina alicujus ecclefie vel laicum feodum talis dece- tero fiat breve utrum fit libera elemofina talis ec- clefie vel alterius ecclefie in cafu quo libera elemo- fina unius ecclefie transfertur in pofleffionem alte- rius ecclefie. Et quotienfeumque decetero eve- nerit in Cancellaria quod in uno cafu reperitur breve & in confimili cafu cadente fub eodem jure & fimili indigente remedio concordent clerici de Cancellaria in brevi faciendo vel atterminent que- rentes in proximo parliamento & fcribant cafus in quibus concordare non poffunt & referant eos ad proximum parliamentum & de confenfu jurifperi- torum fiat breve ne contingat decetero quod curia iiu deficiat querentibus in juftitia perquirenda.. C A CAP. XXIV. A Writ of Nufance of a Houfe, &c. levied and aliened to another. A Quod ■permittat and Juris utrum for a Parfon of a Church. In like Cafes like Writs be grantable. IN cafibus quibus conceditur breve in Cancella- ria de fafto alicujus decetero non recedant que- rentes a curia Regis fine remedio pro eo quod te- nementum transfertur de uno in alium & in regi- ftro de Cancellaria non eft inventum aliquod breve in illo cafu fpeciale ficuti de domo muro mercato conceditur breve fuper eum qui levavit. Et fi transferatur domus murus & hiis confimilia in ali- am perfonam breve denegatur fet decetero cum in uno cafu conceditur breve & in confimili cafu fi- mili remedio indigente ficut prius fit breve : N Cafes whereas a Writ is granted out of the A Writ of Nu* _ Chancery for the Fact of another, the Plaintiffs fance - from henceforth fhall not depart from the King's !f i^ 4 "^. Court without Remedy, becaufe the Land is tranf- rJJ_ jt° ferred from one to another. (z) And in the Regif- ter of the Chancery there is no fpecial Writ found in 6 R- 2. fiat, n this Cafe, as of a Houfe, a Wall, a Market, but c - 3- the Writ is granted againft him that levied the Nu- '^ToTnT fance. (3) And if the Houfe, Wall, or fuch like f a " C e called Vi- be aliened to another, the Writ fhall not be denied ; contUU fhall ' be- but from henceforth, where in one Cafe a Writ is purfued. granted, in like Cafe, * when like Remedy falletb, the 1 C °' 55" . Writ fhall be made as hath been ufed before : *jj£ ^} (4) Queftus eft nobis A. quod D. injufte, &c. le- vavit domum, murum, mercatum, & alia quae funt ad nocumentum, &c. ' (5) And if fuch Things levied be aliened from one ' to another, the Writ fhall be thus :' Queftus eft nobis A. quod B. & C. levaverunt, &c. ' II. In like manner as a Parfon of a Church may Quod permittat. recover Common of Pafture by Writ of Novel dijfei- ^ aft .> 53 s - Jin, likewife from henceforth his Succeflbr fhall have Re s ift, '3*>- a Quod permittat againft the Diffeifor or his Heir, though a like Writ were never granted out of the Chancery before, (z) And in like manner as a Writ is granted to try whether Land be the free Alms of fuch a Church, or the Lay Fee of fuch a Man, even fo from henceforth a Writ fhall be made to try whe- ther it be the free Alms of this Church, or of ano- ther Church, in Cafe where the free Alms of one Church is transferred to the PofieiTion of another Church. (3) And whenfoevsr from henceforth it fhall fortune in the Chancery, that in one Cafe a Writ is found, and in like Cafe falling under like Law, and requiring like Remedy, is found none, the Clerks of the Chancery fhall agree in making the * ov adjourn Writ ; (4) or * the Plaintiffs may adjourn it until the Plaintiffs, the next Parliament, and let the Cafes be written in Raft- 419- which they cannot agree, and let them refer them- Co !j^P Ia - 359* felves until the next Parliament, by Confent of Men I tr 1 %u,'ii'J,l'rt learned in the Law, a Writ fhall be made, left it f^'arfinl'vicw. might happen after that the Court fhould long time Raft." 113. • fail to minifter Juftice unto Complainants.' Fit?, Entry, j r 7, 8, 10, 6 1, 64,. tj vvir 6? ' ^ 6 9' 7** Jr. A.A.V. Go. Lit, 54. b.- Of ' what Things an Affife fhall lie. Certificate of Aflife. Attachment in an Affife. OUia non eft aliquod breve in cancellaria per quod querentes habent tarn feftinum reme- emm .ficut. per hreve. Nove difTeifine dominus Rex " TTOrafmuch as there is no Writ in the Chancery OfwhatTlirngs " J? whereby Plaintiffs cart have fo fpeedy Remedy, aii Affife of No- "• as by a Writ of Novel diJTtifirrf (2) ' our Lord the y d diffeifin w '"' King,