Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/168

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122 Stat, i. Anno decimo o&avo Edward i I. A. D. 1290. 11 Car. 7.. c.24. * take* aiuayjeodal * Services* The Statute of WESTMINSTER the Third, viz. Quia emptores terra- rum, made Anno i8Edw. I. Stat. 1. and Anno Dom. 1290. CAP. I. The Feoffee fhall hold his Land of the chief Lord, and not of the Feoffor. Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. OU I A emptores terrarum & tenementorum de feodis Magnatum & aliorum in prejudicium eorumdem temporibus retroaciis multotiens in feodis fuis fint ingreffi quibus libere tenentes eo- rumdem Magnatum & aliorum terras & tenementa fua vendiderunt tenenda in feodo fibi & heredibus fuis de feoffatoribus fuis & non de Capitalibus do- minis feodorum per quod iidem Capitales domini efcaetas maritagia & cuftodias terrarum & tene- mentorum de feodis fuis exiftentium fepius amife- runt quod eifdem Magnatibus & aliis dominis quam plurimis durum & difficile videbatur & fimiliter in hoc cafu exheredatio manifefta Dominus Rex in parliamento fuo apud Weftm' poft Pafcha Anno Regni fui decimo ocfavo videlicet in quindena fancSti Johannis Baptifte ad inftantiam Magnatum regni fuiconceffit providit & ftatuit quod de cetero liceat unicuique libero homini terram fuam feu tenemen- tum feu partem inde pro voluntate fua vendere. Ita tamen quod feofFatus teneat terram illam feu te- nementum de Capitali domino per eadem fervicia &. confuetudines per que feoffator fuus illa.prius, te- nuit. 7^0rafmuch as Purchafers of Lands and Tene- ments of the Fees of great Men and other Lords, have many Times heretofore entered " into their Fees, to the Prejudice of the Lords, to " whom the Freeholders of fuch great Men have fold " their Lands and Tenements to be holden in Fee of " their Feoffors, and not of the chief Lords of the " Fees, whereby the fame chief Lords have many " Times loft their Efcheats, Marriages, and Ward- " fhips of Lands and Tenements belonging to their " Fees ; which Thing feemed very hard and extream ■" unto thofe Lords and other great Men, and moreo- " ver in this Cafe manifeft Difheritance:" ' (2) Our ' Lord the King, in his Parliament at Wejlminjler, af- ' ter Eqfter, the eighteenth Year of his Reign, that is ' to wit, in the Quinzime of Saint "John Bapti/l, at the - Inftance of the great Men of the Realm, granted, FUz. Avowry,, ' provided, and ordained, That from henceforth it 108, 185, 255. ' fhall be lawful to every Freeman to fell at his own ' Pleafure his Lands and Tenements, or Part of them, ' fo that the Feoffee fhall hold the fame Lands or Te- nements of the chief Lord of the fame Fee, by fuch Service and Cuftoms as his Feoffor held before.' C A P. II. If Part of the Land be fold, the Services fhall be apportioned. Dyer 290/. Fitz. Avowry, ioi, 108, 218. Fitz. Herriot, I, Br >. Tenures, 2. 65. 6 Co. 1. 8 Co. 105. 37 H.8. t. 26. 40 E^l. 3. f. 40. s Inft. 503. ND if he fell any Part of fuch Lands, or Tene- ments to any, the Feoffee fhall immediately hold it of the chief Lord, and fhall be forthwith charged with the Services, for fo much as pertaineth, or ought to pertain to the faid chief Lord for the fame Parcel,, according to the Quantity of the Land or Tenement fo fold. (2) And fo in this Cafe the fame Part of the Service fhall remain to the Lord, to be taken by the Hands of the Feoffee, for the which he ought to be attendant and anfwerable to the fame chief Lord, according to the Quantity of the Land or Tenement fold for the Parcel of the Service fo due.' T?T fi partem aliquam earumdem terrarum & te- a nementorum alicui vendiderit feoffatus illam teneat immediate de Capitali domino & oneretur ftatim de fervicio quantum pertinet five pertinere debet eidem Capitaii domino pro particula ilia fe- cundum quantitatem terre feu tenementi venditi Sc fie in hoc cafu decidat Capitali domino ipfa pars fervicii per manum feoffati capienda ex quo feof-. fatus debet eidem Capititi domino juxta quantita- tem terre feu tenementi venditi de particula ilia fervicii fie debiti efle intendens & refpondens. C A P. III. No- Feoffment fhall be made to allure Land in Mortmain. .•», Inft. 504. ftat. 1.

  • A N D it is to be underftood, that by the faid

' 4 Sales or Purchafes of Lands or Tenements, or ' any Parcels of them, fuch Lands or Tenements fhall ' in no wife come into Mortmain, either in Part or in '■Whole,, neither by Policy ne Craft, contrary to- the ' Form of the Statute made thereupon of lajt'e. (2)

  • And it is to wit, that this Statute extendeth but only
  • to Lands holden in Fee-fimple; (3) and that it ex-
  • tendeth to the Time coming, and it fhall begin to
  • take Effect at the Feaft of Saint Andrew the Apoftle

' next coming. Given the eighteenth Year of the

  • Reign of King Edivard, Son to King Henry.'

, H. 3 c. 3». Add 7 Ed. J. flat. 2. 13&/. I, c. yi. and ^Ed. 3. And fee 18 Ed. 3. fiat in Mortmain. 1 & 7. P. & M. c. 8. permitting them tofpiritual Corporation. 39 Eliz. c. 5. Btntfii of lie Poor, &c. 7 & 8 W. 3. c. 37 ,. empowering tie Crown to grant Licences to alien in » For t, 1%. ReaJ t. 36. ET fciendum eft quod per prediftas venditiones feu emptiones terrarum feu tenementorum feu partis alicujus eorumdem nullo modo poffunt terre feu tenementa ilia in parte vel in toto ad manum mortuam deveni-re arte vel ingenio contra formarfv ftatuti dudum fuper hoc editi. Et fciendum eft quod iftud ftatutum tenet terris venditis tenendis in feodo fimpliciter tantum & quod fe ex- tendit ad tempus. futurum Et incipiet locum tenere ad Fefturn Sancti Andree Apoftoli proxime futu- rum. ■ 3. <-■ -- 15S. 2. c. ;. 23 W. 8. e. 10. refiraining Alienal'itnt 21 Jac. I. c. I. 13^14 Car. 2. c. 12. permitting • tb&n fur the Mortmain. Andy Ceo. c. 36. refiraining Gifts in Mortmain by Will. The