Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/258

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212 Stat. i. Anno nono Edwardi III. A «D. 1335. Ex Rot. in Tv.rr. Lond. quam gubernacula regni noftri fufcepimus vobis mittimus in forma patent! mandantes quod ftatuta predifia & omnes articulos in eis contentos in predida terra noftra Hibernie tam infra libertates quam extra publice proclamari & quantum ad vos & populum noftrum partium illarum attinet firmiter teneri & obfervari facias. T. R. apud Norhampton xi. die Aprilis anno predi&i Regis fexto. Statutes made at York craflino Afcenfionis, Anno 9 Edw. III. Stat. r. and Anno Dom. 1335. HERE AS before this Time in many Par- liaments, and now at this prefent Parlia- ment fummoned at York on the Morrow after the Afcenfion, in the Ninth Year of the P«.eign of King Edward the Third after the Conqueft, it was ftiewed to our faid Lord the King, by the Knights of the Shires, Citizens of the Cities, and Burgefles of the Boroughs, which come for the Commons of the faid Shires, Cities, and Boroughs, that in divers Cities, Boroughs, and other Places of his Realm, great Durefs and grievous Damage have been done to him and his People by fome People of Cities, Bo- roughs, Ports of the Sea, and other Places of the faid Realm, which in long Time part have not fuf- fered, nor yet will fuffer Merchant Strangers, nor other, which do carry and bring in by Sea or Land, Wines, Aver de pais, and other Livings and Victuals, with divers other Things to be fold, neceflary and profitable for the King, his Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other Noblemen, and the Commons of this Realm, to fell or deliver fuch Wines, Livings, Vic- tuals, nor other Things to any other than to them- felves, of the Cities, Boroughs, Ports of the Sea, or other Places where fuch Wines, Livings, Victuals, and other Things to be fold, fhall be brought or car- ried ; (2) by reafon whereof fuch StufF aforefaid is fold to the King and to his People, in the Hands of the faid Citizens, Burgeffes, and other People, De- nizens, more dear than they fliould be, if fuch Merchant Strangers, and others, which bring fuch 1 hings into the Realm, might freely fell them to whom they would, to the great Damage of our Lord the King, and of his Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other Nobles of this Realm, and grievous Oppreflion of his Commons ; (3) whereupon the faid Knights, Citizens, and Burgeffes, for them and the Com- mons, defired our (aid Lord the King in his faid Par- liament, by their Petition, that for the Profit and Commodity of his Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other Nobles of this Realm, ft may pleafe him with- out further Delay upon the faid Grievances and Outrage to provide Remedy."' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 25. OME avant ces heures en plufurs par'e- mentz et ore darrainement en parlement fo- mons a Everwyk a lendemayn de 1 Afcenfion Ian du regne noftre Seignur le Roi Edward tierz apres le conqueft noefifme par les chivalers des countez citeins des citeez et burgeis des burghs queux y vindrunt pur les communaltez des aitz countez citez et burghs monftre fuft a noftre Seignur le Roi qe en plufours citez burghs et au- tres lieux de fon Roialme grantz durefces et out- rages damageous eftoient faitz a lui et a poeple de fon Roialme par afcunes gentz des citez burghs portz de meer et autres lisus du dit Roialme qi nount pas fufFert grant temps ne uncore ne fcef- frent marchantz eftranges ne autres qi mefnent ca- rient ou portent par meer et par terre vins aver du pois et autres vivres vitailles et autres chofes ven- dables pur le Roi Prelatz Countes Barons nobles et le poeple de fon Roialme neceffairs et profitables les ditz vins vivres vitailles ne autres chofes vendahles vendre ne bailler as autres qe a ceux de meifmes les citez burghs portz de meer ou autres lieux on les ditz vins vivres vitailles ou autres chofes venda- bles ferront mefnez cariez ou portez et par ce fi font les chofes fufnomes mifes et vendues au Roi & a fon poeple en les meins des ditz citeins bur- geis & autres gentz denzeines a trop grande cherte outre ceo qe eles eufient eftez fi les marchantz e- ftranges & autres qi font venir tieles chofes deinz le Roialme les peuffent franchement vendre a qi qils voufiflent a grant damage de noftre Seignur le Roi & des Prelatz Countes t'arons & autres nobles de fon Roialme & opprefiion de fon poeple Sur quei les ditz chivalers citeina & burgeis pur eux & pur le communes prierunt a noftre Seignur le Roi en dit parlement par le peticfon qe pur fon profit & pur le profit des ditz Prelatz Countes Barons no- bles & de poeple de fon Roialme lui pluft faunz plus delay fur les ditz durefces & outrages mett;e. remede covenable.. CAP. I. Merchant Strangers may buy and fell within this Realm without Disturbance. UR Lord the King, defiring the Profit of hi9 • Vpm Advizi ' y People, * by the Ajfent of his Prelates, Earls, badiuitb. ' Barons, and other Nobles of his Realm, fummoned •J- And wtb thoft ' at his Parliament, f and hy the Advice of his Council tf bis, (3c. <• being there, upon the faid Things difclofed to him, ■ Add ibc King ' and found true, to the great Hurt of || the faid Pre- 0nd'f > &c, " ' lates, Earls, and Barons, and other Nobles of his Oftre Seignur le Roi defirant le profit de fon. poeple en avifement ove les Prelatz Countej Barons & autres nobles de fon Roialme a fon dit parlement fomons & ove ceux de fon confeil illocqes eftcantz des dites chofes a lui monftrees trova qe meifmes les chofes furunt veritables a grant damage de Jul & des Prelatz Countes Barons & autres no- bles-