Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/270

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224 Stat.'i. Anno decimo quarto Edwardi III. A. D. 1340-. The Officers Oath to l'erve the King and his People. 3.7 tl. c.t.fir Redrefs of erro- neous Judgments in B. R. ~ Regift. 17. Raft. 302. Council, as many and fuch as they fhall think con- venient, fhall proceed to take a good Accord, and make a good judgement ; (5.) and according to the fame Accord fo taken, the Tenor of the faid Record, together with the Judgement which fhall be accord- ed, fhall be remanded ^before the Juftices, before whom the Plea did depend, and that they haftily go to give Judgement according to the fame Record ; (6) and in cafe it feemeth to them, that the Difficulty be fo great, that it may not well be determined with- out A fieri t of the Parliament,, that the faid Tenor or Tenors fhall be brought by the faid Prelate, Earls, and Barons, unto the next Parliament, and there fhall be a final Accord taken what Judgement ought to be given in this Cafe ; (7) and according to this Accord it fhall be commanded to the Judges, before whom the Plea did depend, that they fhall proceed to give Judgement without Delay. (8) And to begin to do Remedy upon this Ordinance, it is aflented, that a Commiflion and a Power fhall be granted to the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Earls of Arun- del and Huntington, the Lord of TFake, and the Lord Ralfe Bajfel, to endure till the next Parliament. (9) And though the Minifters have made an Oath before this Time, yet neverthelefs to remember them of the fame Oath, it is aflented, that-' as; well the Chancellor, Treasurer, Keeper of the Privy Seal, the juftices of the one Bench and of the" other, the' Chancellor, Barons of the Exchequer, as the Juftices affigned, and all they that do meddle in the faid Places under them, by the Advice of the fame Arch- bifhop, Earls, and Barons, fhall make an Oath well and lawfully to ferve the King and his People. (10) And by the Advice of the faid Prelate, Earls and Ba- rons, be it ordained to increafe the Number of the Minifters when need fhall be, and them to diminifh in the fame Manner; (n) and fo from Time to Time, when Officers fhall be newly put in the faid Offices, they fhall be fworn in the fame Manner.' CAP. VI. A Record which is defective by Mifprifion of a Clerk, fhall be amended. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. come ils verront qe bufoignables ferront aillent a- vant a prendre bon acorde & bon juggement faire & felonc meifme laccord enfi pris foit- remahde as Juftices devant queux le plee pent le tenur du dit record enfemblement ove tieu juggement qe ferra acorde & qe eux aillent haftivement a juggement rendre folonc meifme laccord. Et en cas qe lour femble qe la difficulte foit ft grande qele ne poet pas bonement eftre termine fanz affent du parle- ment foit la dit tenour ou tenours portez par les ditz Prelat Contes & Barons a profchein parlement. & illoeqes foit pris final acord queu juggement fe. devera faire en tiel cas & felonc eel acord foit. mande a Juftices devant quieux le plee pent qils aillent a juggement rendre fanz delay. Et pur comencier a faire remedie fur ceft eitabliflement ft eft afl'entuz qe commiflion & poair foit fait a Lercevefqe de Canterbirs les Contes dArundell & de Huntingdon le Seignur Wake & monfieur Rauf Baffet adurer tanqea prochein parlement. Et co- merit qc les miniftres eient fait ferement avant ces- heures ne pur q.uant.pur eux rernentiner de mafme' le ferement fi afl'entuz qe auffi bien Chancellier Treforer Gardein du Privee Seal Juftices del un Bank & del autre Chancellier & Barons del Efche- qer come Juftices affinez & touz ceux qe fe med- dlent es dites places defoutz eux felonc lavifement des ditz Ercevefque Contes & Barons facen.t fer- ment de bien & loialment fervir au Roi &,au poe- ple. Et par avifement des avantditz Prelat Contes & Barons foit ordene dencreftre le nombre des mi-. niftres par la ou il bufoigne & de le amenufer en< mefme la manere & iffint de temps en temps quant officers ferront novelement mys en les ditz offices, foient en la manere avantdite ferementez. . 5 Co. i.%. 8 Co. 157.. Ero. Amend. 9 I?, 18, 10,243 27, 3 2 > "3- Explained by 9 H. s.Jla:. 1, c « T TEM it is aflented, That by the Mifprifion of a ' X Clerk in any Place wherefoever it be, no Procefs ' fhall be adnulled, or difcontinued, by miftaking in < Writing one Syllable, or one Letter too much or too ' little ; (2) but as foon as the Thing is perceived, by ' Challenge of the Party, or in other Manner, it fhall ' be haftily amended in due Form, without giving Ad- ' vantage to the Party that challengeth the fame be-- ' caufe of fuch Mifprifion.' See farther 8 R. z. c. 4. 1 H. 5. c. 5. 4H. 6. c, 3. 8H. 6. c. 12, 15. ioi/. 6. c. 4, 18//.6 TEM eft affentu &eftabli qe par mefprifio'n du clerc en quecunque place qe ce foit ne ne foit proces anientiz ne difcontinues par mefprendre en efcrivant un letre,ou un fdable tropp ou trop poi mes fi tot qe la chofe foit aparceu par chalenge du partie ou en autre manere foit haftivement amende en due forme fanz doner avantage a partie qe ce chalange par caufe de tieu mefprifion. 4 Anr., c. 16, to-«< Defeils may be amended, and wbjt not. 5 El, c, 23. 27 El, c, 5. and CAP. VII. Plow long a Sheriff fhall tarry in his Office. « TTEM, Becaufe that fome Sheriffs have their Bai- " X liwicks for Term of Years of the King's Grant, " and fome do fo much truft to tarry in their Office by " Procurement, that they be encouraged to do many " Oppreffions to the People, and evil Service to the " King and his People ;" ' (2) it is aflented and efta- { blifhed, That no Sheriff fhall tarry in his Bailiwick

  • over one Year, and then another convenient fhall be

TEM pur ce qe afcuns vifcontes ont lour bail- lies a terme des ans du grant le Roi & afcuns fe fient tant de lour long demoere en lour baillie par procurement qils font efbaudiz de faire moultz des oppreffions au poeple & de mal fervire au Roi & a fon poeple fi eft afl'entuz & eftabli qe nul vifcount demoerge en fa baillie outre un an k adonqes foit autre covenable ordene en fon lieu qad terre fuf- fifante