Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/279

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A. D. J 3 40. Anno decimo quarto Edwardi I If. Stat. 3^ 1 1 1 CAP. II. All Merchants, being no Enemies, fhall come into the Realm, and depart quietly. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. T"; T come y foit contenuz en la Grande Chartre J£, qe toutz marchantz eient fauve et feure con- duyt daler. hois do noftre Roialme dEngleterre et de y venir et demorer et aler par my le Roialme dEn- gleterre auxibien par terre come par ewe a achater et vendre paiantz lour dreits cuftumes forfpris en temps de guerre Nous a la requeft des ditz Prelatz Countes Barons & communes voloms & grantoms pur nous & pur noz heirs & fucceflures qe touz marchantz denzeins & foreins forfpris ceux qe font de noftre enemite puiffent fanz eftre deftourbe fau- vement venir en le dit Roialme dEngleterre od lour biens & marchandiks & fauvement demorer & fau- vement retourner paiantz les cuftumes fubfidz & autres proficz refonablement ent dues iffint toutes foitz qe les fraunchifes & franches cuftumes refon- ablement grantez par nous 6i par noz aunceftres a la Citee de Loundres & autres citees burghs & bo- nes villes de noftre dit Roialme dEngleterre lour foient fauveez. TEM, Where it is contained in the Great Char- Raft. 5. _ ter, That all Merchants fhall have fate and fure 9 H 3- (fa( '- *• Conduct to go out of our Realm of England, and to C -J°' 9 Ed ' 3- - come and abide, and go through the Realm of Eng- £„'?&„/ t y ' s * " land, as well by Water as by Land, and to buy and Ed.^.ftai .c.z. " fell, paying their Rights and Cuftoms, but in the fee 16 R. 1. c 1. " Time of War;" ' (2) we at the Requeft of the |^4- c - 9- ' Prelates, Earls, Barons, and Commons, will an( l,„,j„ 4 '^ M ' grant for us and for our Heirs and Succeflbrs, That strangers unacr ' all Merchants, Denizens and Foreigners (except feme Reftr simss ' thole which be of our Enmity) may without Let *'« Hktnifi ix ' lately come into the faid Realm of England with their H.t.^6. concern- ' Goods and Merchandifes, and fafelv tarry, and lately '"J, " r ""' e « • »u (^ n. C ur r J .u Ad-jenturert. return, paying the l^ultoms, oublidies, and other ' Profits reafonably thereof due ; (3) fo always, that Franchifes ' Franchifes and free Cuftoms reafonably granted by us granted to Cities. ? and our Anceftors to the City of London, and other and Boroughs ' Cities, Boroughs, and good Towns of our Realm of av ' ' England, be to them faved.' A Statute made at Weftminfter April 16th, Anno 14EDW. III. Stat. 3. and Anno Dora. 1340, reciting fome former Grants^ and limiting the Cujlom on Woolly Plate^ &c. See Appendix. I A Statute for the Clergy ', made at Weftminfter April 16, Anno 14 Edw. III. Stat. 4. and Anno Dom. 1340. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 20. EDWARD par le grace de Dieu Roi dEn- gleterre & de France & Seignur dlrlaunde as toutz ceux as queux ceftes lettres ven- dront faluz. Sachiez qe come en le primer article de la Grante Chartre foit contenu qe Lelglife dEn- gleterre (oit fraunke & eit totes fes droitures en- tiers & fes franchifes nient blemis et aufli en tut Iplein des eftabliflementz faitz auxibien en temps de jnoz progenitours com en noftre temps ft eft mefme [[article (ovent ratine & afterme ne pur quant en noftre parlement tenuz a Weftm' le Mefkerdy en imy Quarefme ft nous eft monftre parLonurable Piere en Dieu J. Ercevefqe de Canterbirs Primat de tote Engleterre les autres Prelatz et le Clerge de iioftre roialme coment afcuns oppreflions et grevan-

es font faites en divers maneres par afcuns noz mi-

liftres as gentz de feinte Eglife countre lour fran- rhifes la Grant Chartre et les eftabliflementz avant- iitz les quelles oppreflions ils miftrent en petition >n priant fur ceo remedie. Pur quoi nous veue et egarde lour dite petition et fur ceo eu deliberation )vefqe les pieres de noftre roialme et autres de loftre confeil et du roialme fomons a noftre dit jarlement et eant regarde a la Grant Chartre et tutres eftabliflementz fufditz et a la requefte des litz Prelatz et Clerge qi molt nous ount eide et de Vol.1. EDWARD by the Grace of God, &a Greet- ing. Know ye, That whereas in the firft Ar- ticle of the Great Charter it is contained, that the Church of England be free, and have all her Rights entirely, and Franchifes not blemifhed ; (2) and alfo in all the whole Eftablifhments made as well in Times of our Progenitors, as in our own Time, the fame Article is often ratified and confirmed : (3) Neverthelefs in our Parliament holden at Weft- viinjler the Wcdncfday next after the Sunday of middle Lent, it is {hewed unto us by the Reverend Father in, God, John Archbifbop of Canterbury, Frimate of England, and the other Prelates and Clergy of our Realm, how fome Oppreflions and Grievances be done in divers Manners by fome of our Servants to People of holy Church, againft the Franchife of the Great Charter and the Eftablifhments aforefaid, whxh Oppreflions they fhew in Petition, praying upon the fame Remedy, (j) Wherefore we, their Petition feen and regarded, and thereupon Delibera- tion had with the Peers of our Realm, and other of our Council and of the Realm, fummoned to our faid Parliament, and having Regard to the Great Charter, and to other Statutes aforefaid, and at the Requeft of the faid Prelates and Clergy, which have much aided us, and da ly do, by the Affent and Accord of Hh . "the 9 H. J, ftat.sfc