Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/291

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A. D. 1344. Anno decimo o<5tavo Edwardi III. Stat. 245' que. Et en cas que afcuns lettres vous veignent contrariez a la ley, que vous ne ferres riens per tielx lettres, evens certifies le Roy deceo, & irrez avaunt, pur faire la ley, nient contrefteantz mef- mes les lettres. Et que vous ferres & procures le profit du Roy & de (a Corone ove toutes les cho- fes ou vous le purres faire refonablement Et en cas que vous foies trove en defaute deforenavant en nul des pointes avantditz, vous ferres en la volunte du Roi du corpz terres & davoir, de faire ent que luy plerra. Si Dieu vous eide & toutes feyntes. none other Man's, nor for none other Caufe ; and in cafe any Letters come to you contrary to the Law, that ye do nothing by fuch Letters, but certify the King thereof, and proceed to execute the Law, not- withftanding the fame Letters. (10) .^nd that ye To procure the fhall do and procure the Profit of the King and of his King's Profit. Crown, with all Things where ye may reafonably do Th e Penalty of the fame, (1 1) And in cafe ye be from henceforth an 0ften,lei " found in Default in any of the Points aforefaid, ye fhall be at the King's Will of Body, Lands, and Goods, thereof to be done as {hall pleafe him, as God you help and all Saints.' 3 Inft. 124. The Oaths of the Clerks of the Chancery, and of the Clerks of Courfe y . made Anno 18 Edw. III. Stat. 5. and Anno Dom. 1344. VOUS jurez, que bien & loialment fervirez a noftre Seignur le Roy & a foun poeple en le office de la Chauncellarie, a quele vous eftes attitle ; & naffentirez ne procurez defheritance ne perpetual damage du Roy a voftre poair ; ne fraude ferres, ne procurez eftre fait, a tortdafcuns du poeple, nen chofe que touche la garde de feal : & loialement counfeilerez les chofes que touchent le Roy, quant ferrez ent requis ; & le counfeil que vous faves touchant luy, conceleres. Et fi vous faches defheritance ou perpetuel damage le Roy, ou fraude eftre fait fur chofes queux touchent la garde du dit feale, vous metterez voftre loiale po- air de ceo redreffer & amender. Et ft de ceo ne poiez faire, vous aviferez le chanceller, ou auters que le poent faire amender a voftre entention. Et addatur pro clench de curfu. Et vous ne porterez, ne foeffres eftre porte a voftre efcient, brieves que vous ferrez, hors du court nient enfealez dent faire execution. Ne nul attourne ne recorderez, ne per brieves ne fauns brief, fauns efpecial counge, & fi vous neiez loialement examines la partie et lat- tourne en propre perfone, ou a meyns celluy que fra lattourne en propre perfone. Ne nul brieve que foit de commandement ne liverez a les exa- minours ne au feale, avaunt que mefme le brieve foit ccmmaunde a vous per commandour que poair en eit, fil ne foit a Chancellour, ou a un des meifters que vous commandera de faire lez brieves. Et toutz lez brieves queux vous ferrez, liverez a les examinours per voftre mayn demefne, ou par une compaignon qui eft jurez au Roy, fi vous nefme foies hors du court per caufe de maladie, ou autre caufe neceflarie, ne les poez faire. Et que nul brieve efcript dautri mayn liveres a les exami- nours foutz voftre noun come le voftre, ne nul noun forfque le voftre mettres fur vos briefs. Si vous eide Dieu et fes Seintes. XT E fhall fwear, that well and lawfully ye fhall ferve our Lord the King and his People in the -*" Office of Clerk of the Chancery, to which ye be attitled ; (2) and ye fhall not aflent nor procure the King's Difherifon nor perpetual Damage to your Power ; (3) nor ye fhall do, nor procure to be done, any Fraud to any Man's Wrong, nor Thing that toucheth the Keeping of the Seal. (4) And ye fhall lawfully give Counfel in the Thing that toucheth the King, when ye fhall be thereto required ; and the Counfel which you know touching him, ye fhall conceal. (5) And if you know the King's Difheri- fon, or perpetual Damage or Fraud to be done upon . the Things which touch the keeping of the Seal, ye fhall put your lawful Power to reprefs and amend it ; and if ye cannot do it, then ye fhall certify the Chan- cellor, or other, which may do the fame, to be amended to your Intent. (6) And for the Clerks of cierksofCuurfa,- Courfe fhall be added : And ye fhall not bring, nor to your Knowledge fuffer to be brought, any Writs which ye make out of the Court not fealed, thereof to do Execution ; (7) nor fhall record any Attorney by Writs, nor without Writs, without efpecial Li- cence, if ye have not lawfully examined the Party and the Attorney in proper Perfon, or at the leaft him that fhall make Attorney in proper Perfon. (8) Nor ye fhall deliver any Writ which (hall be of Com- mandment to the Examiners, nor to the Seal, before that the fame Writ be fent to you by the Command- er, which thereof hath Power, unlefs it be to the Chancellor, or to one of the Mafters, which com- mandeth you to make the Writs, (y) And all the Writs which ye fhall make, ye fhall deliver to the Examiners by your own Hand, or by one Compa- nion which is (worn to the King, if ye yourfelf be out of the Court becaufe of Sicknefs, or other Caufe neceffary, fo that ye cannot do it. (10) And no Writ written of another Man's Hand fhall be deli- vered to the Examiners under your Name, as yours,, nor no Name fhall ye put under your Writs, but your own, as God you help, and all Saints.' Statutes