Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/337

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A. D. 1357; Anno tricefimo primo Edwardi III. Stat. 1. 291 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. poeple Si eft acorde & eftabli qe proclamation foit faite par tote le Roialme qe nul marchaunt face tiele covyne fur gref forfaiture et fi nul face a lencontre apres la proclamation faite le Roi affignera fes Ju- ftices denqucre a fuyte de partie de touz qi font tiele covyne et doier et terminer pur le Roi et pur la partie. Et qe certcines balaunces & pois de fac dimy fac & quarter livre dimy livre & quarteron atfordaunt aleftandard de Lefcheqierfoient mandez as touz vifcontz dEngleterre entre cy a la nativite Seint Johan profchein aVenif Iffint qib receues les di'.es balances & pois facent proclamation par touz lour counteez qe chefcun qi voudra aver tieu ba- lances & pois viegne au vifcont devant le .Seint Michel de faite lour balances &* pois acordantz au dit eftandard a lour couftages faunz rien doner au vifecnte pur laffay en lenfample des dites balances & pois aver & qe dcladonqes nul ne vende nachate par autre pois & ft nul face a lencountre foit puny pajr fyn a la volente le Roi. " tute before this Time, in Annoyance of the Peo- " pie;" ' (z) it is accorded and eftahlifhed, That ' Pioclamation be made through the Realm, that no ' Merchant do fuch Covin, upon a grievous Forfeiture: ' ( () And If any do againft the fame after the Procia- ' mation, the King fhall affign his Juftices to enquire ' at the Suit of the Party of all that do fuch Covin, ' and to hear and determine for the King and for the ' Party. (4) And that certain Balances and Weights ' of Sack, half Sack, and Quarter, Pound, half ' Pound, and Quarter, according to the Standard of ' the Exchequer, be fent to all Sheriffs of England hz- ' twixt this and the Nativity of St. John next coming, ' (5) fo that they (fuch Balances and Weights receiv- 9 f/ - 1-P>- *• ' ed) fha.ll make open Proclamation thro' all their ^ * 5- 5 1 #-3- ' Counties, that every Man that will have fuch Ba- ".'sj, « at ' w J." ' lances and Weights, fhall come to the Sheriff before c . 12. zyEd.$. ' Michaelmas, to make their Balances and Weights zc-fia'. 2. c. 10, ' cording to the faid Standard at their Cofts, without ' any thing giving to the Sheriff for to have Aflhy or ' Example of the laid Balances and Weights ; (6) ' and that from henceforth none fhall fell nor buy by 1 other Weight; (7) and if any do againft the fame, £«&"**'<"!& ' he fhall be punifhed by Fine at the King's Will.; ^sii 9- 15 R. a. c. 4. 11 H. 7. c. 4. 12 H. 7. c. 5. 16 Car. I: c. rt). and 22 Car. 2. c. Si- CAP. III. A Man charged with detaining a Felon's Goods, layeth the Fault on another. ITE M ft nul homme ou ville foit charge en Lef- cheqier par eftrete des Juftices des chateux des futifs & de felons & voet alleggef en defcharge de lui autre qe foit chargeable foit oi &: outre fait droit. TEM, If any Man or Town be charged in the _ Exchequer by Eftreats of the Juftices of the Chat- tels of Fugitives and Felons, and will alledge in Dif- charge of him another which is chargeable, he fhall be heard, and Right done to the other.' C A P. IV. Redrafting of Extortion in Bifhops Officers in proving of Wil!s ; . 1 TEM come les miniftres des Evefqes & autres J. ordinairs de feinte eglife preignent du poeple grevoufes & outrr.geoufes fynes pur le proeve des teftamentz & pur les acquittances ent faire le Roi ad charge Lercevefqe de Canterbirs & les autres Evefqes qils ent mettent amendement & fils ne fa- cent acorde eft qe le Roi ferra enquere par fes Ju- ftices des tieux oppreffions & extorfions & de les oier & terminer ftbien a la fuyte le Roi come de prove come auncienement ad efts life.. " TTEM, Whereas the Minifters of Bifhops art* " J. other Ordinaries of holy Church, take of the " People grievous and outragious Fine for the Probate " of Teft.iments, and for the making of Acquittances " thereof;" ' the King hath charged the Archbifhop ' of Canterbury, and the other Bifhops, that they caufe ' the fame to be amended ; (2) and if they do not, it ' is accorded, That the King fhall caufe to be inquired ' by his Juftices of fuch Opprefiions and Extortions, ' to hear them and determine them, as well at the ' King's Suit, as at the Suit of the Party, as in old time '" hath been ufed.' CAP. V. The Contents of a Tun of Wine, and the gauging thereof. Infer 5- c c - 5 certai to be ced liy 3 H. i. 21 H.8. ijohlcb af- n t/jcFtes ten.- TEM come ordine foit par eftatutqe les tonelx de vin duiflent contenir certein nombre des galons folonc launciene gauge & ore ils font ame- nufez per defaute del office de gauge" malement ufe a grant damage du poeple Acorde eft & eftabli qe le dit eftatut foit tenu & garde en touz pointz & outre ceo fi nul vende tonel ou pipe de vin nient gauge qe le vendour forface mefme le vin ou le va- lue devers le Roi.. TEM, Whereas it is ordained by a Statute, That the Tuns of Wine ought to contain a certain " Number of Galons, according to the old Gauge, " and now they be diminifhed for Default of the "" Gauger's Office evil ufed, to the great Damage of " the People;" ' (zj it is accorded and eftablifhedj ' That the faid Statute fhall be hold'en and kept in all ' Points; (3) and moreover, if any fell a Tun or ' Pipe of Wine not gauged, that the faid Seller fhall .' forfeit the fame Wine, or the Value, to the King.' 47 Ed, 3. flat. T, c. S. Pp CAP. Enforced by ' 4.K..2. c.i. 18 H. 6. c. 17. 1 R. 3. c. 13. 2S H, 8. c. 14.