Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/356

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3 io Stat, i. Anno trieefimo fexto Edwardi III. A. D. 1362. CAP. XL The three Years Subfidy formerly granted fhall be no Example for the future. may tranfport Woolls. All Merchants EXP. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM le Roi del affentavantditeant regarde al grant fubfide qe les communes lui ont grantezore en ceft parlement des leines quirs & peaulxlanuz a prendre pur trois anns voet & grante qapres le dit terme paffe rien ne (bit pris ne demande des ditz communes fors foulement launciene cuftume de demy marc ne qe ceft grante ore faite ou qad efte faite devant ces heures ne foit tret en enfample ne charge du dite com- mune en temps avenir. Et qe les marchantz deinzeins puiffent paffer ove lour leines fi avant come les fo- reins- fanz eftre reftreintz & qe nul fubfide nautre charge foit mis ne grante fur les leines par les marchantz ity-Ed. 3. flat. i. ne par nu ] autre defore enavantfanz afTent du parlement. =•3- CAP. XII. ■ At what Times the four Seffions of Juftices of Peace fhall be holden. ITEM qe en les commiiTions des Juftices de la pees & des laborers foit faite expreffe mention qe mefmes les Juftices facent lour feffions quaterfoitz par an ceftaffavoir une feffion deinz les oetaves de la Tipha- nie la fecunde deinz la fecunde fimaigne de demy Qarefme le tierce entre les feftes de Pentecofte & de Seint Johan Baptiftre le quart deinz les oet jours de Seint Michel. CAP. XIII. An Efcheator fhall have no Fee, nor commit Wafte in Wards Lands. Lands feifed upon an Inqueft taken before an Efcheator, fhall be letten to Ferm. Enforced by 12 R. 2. C. 10. a H. 5. flat. 1. c. 4. 9 H. 3. flat. 1. c. 4. z% Ed, 1. Oat. 3. c tS. 14 Ed. 3. flat. I. c. 13. Regift. 72. 4 Co. 57. Cro. El. 523. Obf, as toWard- fbip bylzCar. 2. C. 24. 13 Ed. 4, c. 8. 4 Co. 59. Land feifed into the King's Hands by an Efcheator fhall be let to Feni to him which tendcreth a Tra- verfe to the Of- fice. 34Ed. 3. c. 14. 8 H 6. c. 16. 23 H. 6. 1. 16. TEM, For grievous Complaint that the King hath heard by his People of his Efcheators, and of their evil Behaviour;" ' he will and hath ordain- ed of the Affent aforefaid, That Lands feifed into his Hands becaufe of Ward, fhall be fafely kept without Wafte or Deftrudtion ; (2) and that the Efcheator have no Fee of Wood, Fifh, nor of Ve- nifon, nor other Thing, but fhall anfwerto the King of the Iffues and Profits yearly coming of the faid Lands, without doing Wafte or Deftrudtion ; (j) and if he do otherwile, and thereof be attainted, he fhall be ranfomed a"t the King's Will, and yield to the Heir the treble Damages at his own Suit, as well within Age, as of full Age ; (4) and his Friends, as long as he is within Age, fhall have the Suit for him, anfwering to the faid Heir of that which fhall be fo recovered. (5) Alfo of other Lands feifed into the King's Hands by Inqueft of Office taken before the Efcheators, this Ordinance and Penance fhall hold Place againft the Efcheators. (6) And if there be any Man that will make Claim or Challenge to the Lands fo feifed, that the Kfcheator fend the In- queft into the Chancery within the Month after the Lands fo feifed, and that a Writ be delivered to him to certify the Caufe of his Seifin into the Chancery, and there he fhall be heard without Delay to traverfe the Office, or otherwife to fhew his Right, and from thence fent before the King to make a final Dif- cuffion, without attending other Commandments. (7) And in cafe that any come before the Channel - lor, and fhew his Right, by which {hewing by good Evidences of his antient Right and good Title, the Chancellor by his good Difcretion and Advice of Counfel (if it feem expedient to him to have Coun- fel) fhall let and demife the Lands fo in Debate to the Tenant, yielding thereof to the King the Value, if it pertain to the King, in the Manner as he and the other Chancellors before him have done in Times paft of their good Difcretion, fo that he find Surety ITEM pur la grevoufe pleinte qe le Roi ad oie de fon poeple de fes efchetours &c de lour mal port il voet & ad ordeigne del affent avantditqe ter- res feifiez en fa mein pur caufe de garde foient fau- vement gardez fanz waft ou deftrudtion et qe lef- chetour eit nul fee de bois venifon ne peffon nautre rien mes refpoigne au Roi des iffues & profitz an- nuels provenantz des ditz terres fanz waft ou de- ftrudtion faire et fil face autrement & de ce foit atteint foit reint a la volente le Roi & rende al heir les damages au treble a fa propre fute fibien deins age come de pleine age & eient les amys tant come il eft deinz age la fute pur lui refpoignantz au dit heir de ce qe ferra iffint recovery. Auxint des autres terres feifiez en la mein le Roi par enquefte- doffice prife devant les efchetours tiegne mefme cefte ordeignance & penance devers les efchetours. Et fil eit nul bomme qe mette chalenge ou claym as terres iffint feifiez qe lefchetour mande lenquefie en la Chancellerie deinz le mois apres les terres iffint feifies et qe brief lui foit livere de certifier la caufe de fa feifine en Chancellerie & ilioeqes foit oie fanz delay de traverfer loffice ou autrement monftrer fon droit et dilloeqes mande devant le Roi affaire finale difcuffion fanz attendre autre mandement. Et en cas qe afcun veigne devant le Chanceller et mon- ftre fon droit pur quele demonftrance par bones evidences de fon auncien droit et bon title qe le Chanceller par fa bone difcretion et avis de confeil fi lui femble qil bufoigne avoir confeil qil lefTe et bailie les terres iffint en debatau tenant rrndantent au Roi la value ft au Roi appartient en mancre come il et les autres Chancellers devant lui ont fait de- vant ces heures de lour bone difcretion iffint qil face ieurete