Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/367

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A.D. 1363* Anno tricefimo o&avo Edwardi III, Stat. .2. 321 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. temps parte et avendront enapres il la chofe ferroit foefferte paffer avant par caufe de perfoneles citati- ons ct autres qont paflez avant ces hures et paffent cornmuncment de jour en autre hors de la courte de Rome par my feintes ou faufes fuggeftions et propo- sitions deceivantz le faint Piere encountre toutj>lein des perfones du dit Roialme fur caufes dount la cogniflance et finale difcuflion appertient a noftre Seignur le Roi et a fa courte Roiale et autrement et auffides impetrations &provifions faites en meifme la courte de Rome des benefices & offices defglife appertenantz a la donation prefentation ou difpofi- tion noftre dit Seignur le Roi & dautres patrons lais de fon Roialme & des eglifes chapeles & autres benefices appropries as eglifes cathedrales collegi- ales abbaies priories chaunteries hofpitalx & autres povres maifons & des autres dignitees offices & be- nefices occupez en temps pane & prefent par diver- fes & notables perfones du dit Roialme pur les que- les caufes & dependences dicelles les bones & aun- cienes lois ufages cuftumes & fraunchifes du dit Roialme ount eftez & fount moult grandement em- pefchez blemiz & confounduz la corone le Roi noftre Seignur abeffe & fa perfone moult durement & faufement difFamee les avoirs & richeffes du Roi- alme emportez les heritances & fubgiz dicelx em- povriz & troubliz les benefices def lifes gaftez & deftruitz divin fervice hofpitalites almoignes & al- tres oevres de charitee entreleffez & fouztraitz les grantz communes & fubgitz du dit Roialme tra- vaillez & en corps et en biens damagez : " hath been done and happened in Times part, and " that fhall happen hereafter, if the Thing from hence- " forth be fufrered to pafs, becaufe of perfonal Cita- " tions, and other that be paft before this Time, and " commonly doth pafs from Day to Day out of the " Court of Rome by feigned and falfe Suggeftions and " Propofitions, * againit all Manner of Perfons of the * Add deceiving " Realm, upon Caufes, whofe Cognifance and final ltc hol S Father. " difcuiling pertaineth to our Lord the King and his " Royal Court; (2) and alfo of Impetrations and Pro- The ftveral " vifions made in the faid Court of Rome, of Benefices Enormities of " and Offices of the Church, pertaining to the Gift, Citrtionsmd rreientation, Donation, and JJilpoiition or our laid Benefices ob- " Lord the King and other Lay Patrons of his Realm, tained from " and of Churches, Chapels, and other Benefices ap- Rome. " propried to Cathedral Churches, f Abbeys, Priories, f Add Colleges. " Chantries, Hofpitals, and other poor Houles, and of " other Dignities, Offices, and Benefices occupied in " Times paft and prefent by divers and notable Per- " fons of the faid Realm: (3) For the which Caufes, " and the Dependants thereof, the good ancient Laws, " Cuftoms, and Franchifes of the faid Realm have been " and be greatly impeached, blemifhed, and conlbund- " ed, the Crown of our Lord the King abated, and his " Perfon very hardly and falfly defamed, the Treafuve " and Riches of his Realm carried away, the Inhabi- " tants and Subje&s of the Realm impoverifhed and " troubled, the Benefices of the Church wafted and " deftroyed, Divine Service, Hofpitalities, Alms-deeds, " and other Works of Charity withdrawn and fet apart, " the Great Men, Commons, and Subjects of the " Realm in Body and Goods damnified :" CAP. I. Perfons receiving Citations from Rome in Caufes pertaining to the King, &rV. to incur the Pe- nalties of 25 Edw. 3. Stat. 6. NOftre dit Seignur le Roi a fon parlement te- nuz a Weftm' en les oytaves de Seint Hiller Jan de fon regne trente oytifme eiant regard a la quiete de fon poeple le quel il defire tres foveraigne- ment a fuftenir en tranquiliite pais et repos et go- Vernir folonc les lois ufages et fraunchifes de fa tel- re et ficome tenuz y eft par fon ferernent donez en fa coronation en eide et confort du Pape 'qi moult fovent a eftee trublez par tieles et femblabies im- portuns clamours et impetrations et qi y meift voluntiers covenable remedie il fa feyntetee eftoit fur ces chofes enfourmee et paffant parmy les voies de fes nobles progenitours les queux pur le temps lors courrant firent certeynes bones purveiances et ordenances encountre les avantditz grevaunces et perils les queles ordinances et purveances et auffi toutes les autres faites en fon temps et par efpecial en Ian de fon regne xxv. et xxvii. Noftre dit Seig- nur le Roi de laffentement et expreffe volunte et Concorde des Dues Contes Barons Nobles et com- munes de fon Roialme et de touz altres qe la chofe touche par bone et meure deliberation et avifement a approve accepte et conferme fauf leftat des Pre- latz et daltres Seignurs du Roialme touchant la li- bertee de lour corps fi qe par force de ceft eftatut lour corps rie foit pas pris ajouftant a ycelles a pur- veu et ordene qe touz ceux qont impetrez purcha- cez ou purfuiz tiels perfoneles citations et autres en aucun temps pane ou impetreront purchacerount ou purfuerount iemblables en temps avenir encoun- VOL. I. UR Sovereign Lord the King, at his Parlia- ment holden at Weftminjier in tke Utas of St. Hillarie, the Thirty eighth Year of his Reign ; ha- ving a Regard to the Quietnefs of his People, which he chiefly defireth to fuftain in Tranquillity and Peace, to - govern according to the Laws, Ufages, and Fran- chifes .of his Land, .as he is bound by his Oath made at his Coronation, J following the Ways of his Pro- genitors, which for their T. ime made certain good Ordinances and Provisions againft the laid Grievan- ces and Perils; which" Ordinances and Provifions, and all the other made in his Time, and efpecially in the Twenty fifth and Twenty feventh Year of his Reign, our Sovereign Lord the King by the Affent and exprefs Will and Concord of the Dukes, Earls, Barons, and the Commons of his Realm, and of all other whom thefe Things touched), by good and mete Deliberation and Avifement, hath approved, accepted, and confirmed, faving the Eftate of the Prelates and other Lords of the Realm, touching the Liberty of their Bodies, fo' that by Force of this Sta- tute their Bodies be not taken. Joining to the fame hath provided and ordained, That all they which have obtained, purchafed, or pttriued, fueh perfonal Citations or other in any Times paft, or hereafter fhall obtain, purchafe, or pur'fue fuch like, againft him or any of his Subject.--, and alfo all they that have obtained or fhall obtain In the laid Court, Dean- ries, Archdeaconries, Provofties, arid other Digni- fies, Offices, Chappels, or Benefices of holy Church, J AAA for the Fcfe an J Conve- nience of the Pope, •who h::i been fre- quently </ :':; rbed by . . importu- nate Clamours and Impetrations, and ttiould toiltmgly apply convenient Randy, if lis Hclir.y s ?vas in- fcimcd of thefe Things. Tt pertaining