Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/370

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24 C. i— 4. Anno quadragefimo fecundo Edwardi III. A. D. 1368* Statutes made at Wefcminfter, Anno 42 Edw. III. and Anno Dom. 1368. CAR I. A Confirmation of the Great Charter and the Charter of the Foreft, and a Repeal of thofe Statutes that be made to the contrary. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 3. EN le parlement noftre Seignur le Roi tenuz a Weftm' le primer jour de May Ian de fon regne quarantifme fecond eft affentu et ao corde qe la Grande Chartre et la Chartre de la Fo- refte foient tenuz et gardez en touz pointz et fi nul tH.i.flat.2. " in an romts; (3; ana it any otatute De maae to the eftatut foit fait a contraire foit tenuz pur nul. Kin?, T the Parliament of our Lord the ivm S , holden at Weftminjler the Firft Day of May, the two and fortieth Year of his Reign," (2) it is afiented and accorded, That the Great Char- ter and the Charter of the Foreft be holden and kept in all Points; (3) and if any Statute be made to the contrary, that fhall be holden for none.'

  • Tb'isfeems to be a m'ftaken Reference; and is -probably 'intended for 25 Ed. 1. fat. I. c. 1 £f 2,

CAP. II. A Writ of Allowance of a Pardon granted Anno 36 Edw. 3. EX Pi T7Nfement eft affentu qe la pardon qe le Roi fift a fa commune Ian trente fifme foit tenuz en touz fez JlL pointz & ft nul fe fent greve contre la lorme dicelle il avera brief en Chancellerie dallower les pointa <lu dit pardon. CAP. III. None fhall be put to anfwer an Accufation made to the King without Prefentment. ITEM a larequefte de la commune par leur pe- tition mis avant en ce parlement pur oufter mef- chiefs et damages faitz as plufours de fa dite com- mune par faux accufours qe fovent ontfait leurac- cufementz plus pur vengeance & fingulere profit qe pur profit du Roi ou de fon poeple queux accufez ont efte aucuns pris et autres faitz venir devant le confeil le Roi par brief et autrement fur greve peine et encontre le leye eft affentu et accorde pur le bone government de la commune qe nul homme foit mis a refpondre fanz prefentement devant Juftices ou chofe de record ou per due proceffe et brief origi- nal folonc launcien leye de la terre et fi rien defore enavant foit fait al encontre foit voide en leye et te- nuz pur errour. 9 7/. 1. c. 29, •I Ed. 3. c. 8. S Ed.3. c. 9. 14 Ed. $.ftat. I. c. 1 4. 15 Ed. 3. flat. 5. c. 4. 28 Ed. 3. f-3. 37Ed.3. c. j 8. Enforced «< TTEM, At the Requeft of the Commons by their " J. Petitions put forth in this Parliament, to efchew " the Mifchiefs and Damages done to divers of his " Commons by falfe Accufers, which oftentimes have " made their Accufations more for Revenge and fin* " gular Benefit, than for the Profit of the King, or of " his People, which accufed Perfons, fome have been " taken, and fometime caufed to come before the " King's Council by Writ, and otherwife upon grie- " vous Pain againft the Law:"' (2) it is affented and ' accorded, for the good Governance of the Commons, ' That no Man be put to anfwer without Prefentment ' before Juftices, or Matter of Record, or by due Pro- ' cefe and Writ original, according to the old Law of ' the Land: (3) And if any Thing from henceforth ' be done to the contrary, it fhall be void in the Law, ' and holden for Error.' by 1 1 R. »■ c . ] o» *6 Car. I. c. 10. ivbicb regulates the privy Council and ta hs aiuay the Star Chamber* CAP. IV. To what Sort of People Commiffions of Inquiry fhall be granted. ' TTEM, Becaufe that Commiffions have been ' JL made and granted in divers Counties, at the ' Procurement of certain Perfons, to inquire of cer- ' tain Articles, which Commimoners have made their ' Inquiries in fecret Places, and by People not fuffi- ' cient and of their Covin, more to their private Pro- ' fit than for the King's Advantage, or of his People;" (2) it is affented and accorded, That from hence- forth in all Inquiries within the Realm, Commiffions fhall be made to fome of the Juftices of the one Bench or of the other, or Juftices of Affile, or Juftices of JTEM por ce qe commiffions ont efte faitz & grantez en divers contees as procurementz de certeins perfones denquere de certeins articles queux commiffioners font leur enquerrees en pla- ces privees & par gentz nient fufficeantz & de leur covyn plus au profit de eux qe en avantage du Roi ou de fon poeple eft affentu & accorde qe defore en touz enquerrez deinz la Roialme foient commiffions faites as afcuns des Juftices de lun Bank ou de lau- tre ou Juftices daffifes ou Juftices de la pees ovefqe autres de meulx vauez, du paiis fibien pur profit du Roi