Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/382

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336 G. 8, 9. Anno primo Richar'd-i II. A. D. i 377 . ' by fuch Livery to do Maintenance; (5) and they ' which thereof fhall be found guilty, fhall be duly pu- ' niihed, every Man after the Quantity of his Defert.' Ex Rot. in Turr, Lond. blez foient duement punys chefcun folonc la quan- tite de fa defert. See 20 R- 2. C..I. See farther 7 R,2. c. 15. and^zIJ.S.c.g. which inflict Penaltieson unlawful Maintenance. CAP. VIII. In what Cafe a Protection cum claufula Volumus is not allowable. Reg. ^s. 33 Ed. 1. ftat.-i. Protect i. onibus. Z$Ed. y.Jfat. 5. c. 19 c. 13. 23 if. "6. c 16. 14 Ed. 4, c. z. ITEM it is affented, That from henceforth no Protection with the Claufe of Volumus be allowed before any Judge for Victuals taken or bought upon the Voyage or Service whereof the Protection maketh mention, nor alfo in Pleas of Trefpafs, or of other Contract, made or perpetrate after the Date of the fame Protection.' Explained by 13 R. 2, flat. 1. c, 16. See farther concerning Prote&'wns 7 H. 4. c. 4 I TEM eft affentuz qe defore nul protection ovc f, claufe de Volumus foit allowe devant afcun Juge pur vitailles pris ou achatez fur le viage ou fervice dont la protection fait mention nauxint en plees de trefpas ou dautre contracte fait ou perpetrez puis la date de mefme la protection. $H. $.J>at. 1, c. 3. 4R 6. f.s. %H. 6. CAP. IX. A Feoffment of Lands or Gift of Goods for Maintenance fhall be void, tainable againft the Pernor of the Profits of Lands. An Affife is main- £ Co. I23, Bro.Feoffments, I. 19. Fitz. Conntevplee de voucher, 3. Fitz. Return de Vifcountj 5. Co. Lit. 369. 3 H. 5. f. 4. 32 H 4. f. 21. 5 H. 6. r. 14. 22 H.6. f. 16. 39 K.6. f. 44 3 fd. 4. I. 2. <).Fd. 4. f 17. 31 H.6. f. 55. Raft. 68 A Difleifee may iruirrain an Af- fife againft the Pernor of the Profits. Altered t>y 4 H. 4. c. 7. ivbich 11 explained by 11 H. 6. c. 3. ushered further by 1 H -. c. 1. 27 !-'. g. c. 10 4H.4. c 7 .

  • H. 7 . c.24.

TEM, Becaufe it is complained to the King, that many People of the faid Realm, as well great as fmall, having right and true Title as well to Lands, Tenements, and Rents, as in other perfonal Actions, " be wrongfully delayed of their Right and Actions, " by means that the Occupiers or Defendants to be " maintained and fuftained in their Wrong, do com- " monly make Gifts and Feoffments of their Lands and " Tenements which be in Debate, and of their other " Goods and Chatties to Lords and other great Men of " the Realm, againft whom the faid Purfuants, for " great Menace that is made to them, cannot nor dare " not make their Purfuits : (2 And alfo on the other " Part Complaint is made to the King, that oftentimes " many People do diffeife other of their Tenements, " and anon after the Diffeifin done, they make divers " Alienations and Feoffments, fometime to Lords and " Great Men of the Realm to have Maintenance, and " fometime to many Perfons of whofe Names the Dif- " feifees can have no Knowledge, to the Intent to de- " fer and delay by fuch Frauds the faid Diffeifees, and " the other Demandants and their Heirs, of their Re- " covery, to the great Hindrance and Oppreffion of " the People :" ' (3) It is ordained and eirahlifhed, ' That from henceforth no Gift or Feoffment of Lands, ' Tenements, or Goods be made by fuch Fraud or ' Maintenance ; (4.) and if any be in fuch wife made, ' thc-y fhall be holden for none and of no Value ; (,5 ) ' and the faid Diffeifees fhall from henceforth have their ' Recovery againft the firft Diffcifors, as well of the ' Lands and Tenements, as of their double 1/amages, ' without having Regard to i'uch Aliena.ions, fo chat ' the Liffeifees commence their Suits within the Year ' next after the Diffeifin done. (6) And it is oulain- ' ed and ftablifhed, That the fame Statute fhall hold c Place in every other Action * in Plea of Land^ where ' (iui h Feoffments be made by Fraud or Coilulion, to ' have their Recovery againft the fiift fuch Feoffor. ' (7) And it is to wit, that this Statute ought to be ' underftood where fuch Feoffors thereof take the Pro- ' fits.*

  • Or.

ITEM pur ceo qe pleint eft fait aRoi qe plufours gentz de dite Roialme fibien greyndres come meyndres eiantz droit & verrois titles fibien as ter- res tenementz & rentz come en autres actions per- fonels font torcenoufement delaiez de lour droit & actions parmy ceo qe les occupiours ou defendants pur eftre fuftenuz & mayntenuz en lour tort font communement dounes & feoffementz de lour terres & tenementz qe font en debate & de lours autres biens & chateux as Seignurs & autres grantz du Roialme vers queux les ditz purfuantz pur grant manace qe lour eft faite ne poient ne ne ofent faire lour purfuytes & auxint dautre part pleinte eft fait qe meyntfoitz plufours gentz diffeifent autres de lour tenementz & tantoft apres la diffdfine fait font diverfes alienations & feoffementz afcunfoitz as Seignurs & grantz de Roialme pur meyntenance a- voir & afcunfoitz as plufours perfones de qi nouns les diffeifez ne poent avoir coniffance au fin dal- loigner & delaier par tieux fraudes les ditz diffeifez & les autres demandantz et lour heirs de lour re- coverer a grant anientiffement et oppreffion du poeple ordeigne eft et eftably qe deformes nulle don ou feoffement des terres tenementz ou biens foit fait par tiel fraude ou mayntenance et fi afcuns foi- ent faitz tielment foient tenuz pur nulles et de nulle value et eient defore les diffeifez lour reco- verir vers les primers diffeifours fibien des t rres et tenementz come de lour doubles damages fanz avoir regard as tielx alienations pariffint qe les diffeifiz comencent lour fuyfes deinz Ian profebein apres la difieifine faite. Et eft ordeigne et affentuz qe mefme cell eftatut teigne lieu en chefcun autre action ou pie de terre ou tielx feffementz font faitz par fraude ou coilulion davoir lour recoverer vers le primer tiel feffbur. Et eft affavoir qe ceft efta- tut doit eftre entenduz la ou tieux feftburs ent preigncnt les profitz, CAP,