Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/383

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A. D. 1377. Anno primo Richardi II. C. 10 — 12. 337 CAP. X. A Confirmation of the Pardon granted by King Edw. 111. in the 51ft Year of his Reign.. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM noftre Seignur le Roi defirant la quiete de fon poeple voet & grante del affent avantdit qe les E x p - general pardon h. graces queles le noble Roi E. aiel a noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft fift a fon poeple dEngleterre Ian de fon regne cynquantifme primer teignent lieu & foient allowez en lefcheqer avantdit & aillours pur totes gentz comprifes deinz ycelles pardon & grace fibien ceftaffavoir des niefs vitailles artillerie armures & veffelmentz nient expreffez par efpecial en ycell come des toutes dettes & accomptes &C autres chofes y comprifes en general. CAP. XI. None that hath been Sheriff fhall be fo again within three Years. ITEM ordeigne eft qe nully qad efte vifcont dune conte par un an entier ne foit deinz les trois anz profcheins enfuantz reefluz ou remys en dite office de vifcont fi y foit autre fuffifant en dite contee des poffemons et biens pur refpondre a Roi et a poeple. ITEM it is ordained, That none that hath been Sheriff of any County by an whole Year, fhall be within three Years next enfuing chofen again, or put in the fame Office of Sheriff, if there be other fuffi- cient in the faid County of Poffeffions and Goods to anfwer to the King and his People.' 6. c. 8. * See farther iz Ed.q, btfcre that Time, • Read c. 7. Rafh 2<j». i4Ed. 3. flat. 1, c. 7. 42 Ed. 3, c. 9. Seei.% H* c. 1. and 17 Ed. 4. c. 7. lmptrviiring Sheriffs to occupy the'.r Office* during Michaelmas and Hillary Terms, unlejs difcharged C A XII. A Prifoner by Judgement fhall not be let at large. Confeffion of a Debt to the King to delay another's Execution. ITEM pur ce qe diverfez gentz a fuyte de par- tie comandez a la prifone de Flete par jugement renduz en les courtes noftre dit Seignur le Roi font plufours foitz foeffertz aler a large par le gardein de la dite prifone alefoitz par maynpris ou baill et alefoitz fanz afcun maynpris avec une bafton de Flete et fen vont en paiis entour lour marchandife et autres lour bofoignes et y font longement hors du prifon noetz et jourz fanz laffent de ceux a qi fuyte ils y font ajuggez et fanz lour gree ent faire par ont homme ne poet jamais venir a fon droit recoverer devers tieux enprifonez a grant mefchief et anien- tiffement de plufours gentz ordeigne eft et aflentuz qe deformes nul gardein de la dit prifone de Flete foeff're afcun prifoner illoeqs efteantz par jugement al fuyte de partie aler hors du prifone par maynpris baill ne par bafton fanz gree faire as ditz parties de ceo pur quoi ils y eftoient ajugez ft ne foit par brief ou autre mandement du Roi fur peyne de perdre fon office et la garde de dite prifone. Et enoutre ft nul tiel gardein foit defore atteint par due proces qil avera foeffert ou leffetz tiel prifon aler a large encontre ceft ordeinance adonqes y eient les pleintifs lour recoverer vers mefmes les gardeins par briefde dette. Et auxint eft ordeine qe fi nully a fuyte du partie ajugez a autre prifon pur dette trefpas ou autre querelle fe voille conuftre voluntrement & par feynt caufe dettour a Roi & par tant eftre ajugez a la dite prifone de Flete pur greynour fuete y avoir de prifone qe aillours & iffint delaier la partie de fon recoverer foit cell reconiffance refceu illoeqs & fil ne foit autre part dettour a Roi de recorde foit fon corps tantoft remandez a la prifone ou il eftoit devant a y demurer tanqil avera fait gree a la dite Vol.1. ' ITEM, Whereas divers People, at the Suit of the 3 BuIfl r- 97- ' J. Party commanded to the Prifon of the Fleet, by plow - |5- ' Judgement given in Courts of our Lord the King, y " ,g '^ J ' ' be oftentimes fuffered to go at large by the Warden 306* 312'. ' of the Prifon, fometime by Mainprise or by Bail, Kef! 2. ' and fometimes without any Mainprife with a Bafton 3 Co - s-> I 1 ' ' of the Fleet, and to go from thence into the Country „ s $,"• §9, ' about their Merchandifes and other their Buftnefs, Fhz°.' Dette «  and be there long out of Prifon Nights and Days, 6;, iio, 130, without their Affent at whole Suit they be judged, 162. ' and without their Gree thereof made, whereby a F!tz: - Executor, Man cannot come to his Right, and Recovery againft 7 *r '.^ ' fuch Prifoners, to the great Mifchief and Undoing of L° 20 5>*4'»

many People
" ' (2) It is ordained and afiented,

That from henceforth no Warden of the Fleet fhall fuffer any Prifoner there being by Judgement at the Suit of the Party, to go out of Prifon by Mainprife, Bail, nor by Bafton, without making Gree to the faid Parties of that whereof they were judged, unlefs it be by Writ or other Commandment of the King, upon Pain to lofe his Office, and the Keeping of the faid Prifon. (3) And moreover, if any fuch Warden The Penalty of from henceforth be attainted by due Procefs, that he the Warden of hath fuffered or let fuch Prifoner to go at large ^ aPrifL^ againft this Ordinance, then the Plaintiffs fhall have bring thereby r ' their Recovery againft 'the fame Warden by Writ of judgment, to go Debt. (4) And alfo it is ordained, That if any at =t ] "ge. the Suit of the Party judged to another Prifon for I 3 Ed - *• ftat - *• Debt, Trefpafs, or other Quarrel, will confefs him- j'i^J A , s felf voluntarily, and by a feigned Caufe, Debtor to The Penalty of the King, and by that Means to be judged to the him who con- faid Prifon of the Fleet, there to have greater Sweet feffeth a Debt of Prifon than elfewhere, and fo to delay the Party of ^ ue d ^° the K:n & his Recovery; the fame Recognifance ill all be there the^sExecuion. received, and if he be not Debtor to the Kfng of Re- cord, his Body fhall incontinently be remanded to the Prifon where he was before, there to remain till he haih made Gree to the faid Party, and the fame X x ' Gree