Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/411

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A.D. 1383. Ex Rot. in Tun: Lond. chifes auxi entierement come ele les ad euz & en- joiez en temps des nobles Rors dEngleterre proge- nitors noftre Seignur le Roi qore eft. Anno feptimo Richardi II. C. 2 — 5. ' as wholly as fhe hath had and enjoyed thenj in the ' Time of the King's noble Progenitors.' CAP. II. A Confirmation of all former Statutes in force. ITEM qe la Grant Chartre & la Chartre de la Forefte & toutz les autres bones eftatutz & or- dinances' avant ces heures faitz & nient repellez foient tenuz & gardez & duement executz felonc leffect dicelles. ITEM, That the Great Charter and the Charter of the Foreft, and all other good Statutes and Or- dinances made before this Time, and not repealed, fhall be holden and kept, and put in due Execution according to the Effect of the fame.' CAP. III. A Jury for a Trefpafs within the Foreft fhall give their Verdict where they received their Charge. ITEM a la grevoufe pleinte qeft ore faite des miniftres de la forefte eft affentuz & accordez qe nulle manere de jurree foit defore artez par afcun miniftre de la forefte nautre perfone quelconqe de travailler de lieu en lieu hors des lieux ou leur charge lour eft donez contre leur gree ne par ma- lice ou par manace ou autre duretee conftreinte de dire lour veredit de trefpas fait en forefte autrement qe leur confeience ne leur ent vorra clerement en- fourmer einz dient ils lours vereditz fur leur charge es lieux ou celle charge lour eft donez come defus eft dit. 3°5 " TTEM, At the grievous Complaint which is now " X made of the Officers of the Foreft," ' it is affent- ' ed and accorded, That no Manner of Jury fhall be ' from henceforth compelled by any Officer of the Fo- ' reft, or other Perfon whatfoever, to travel from Place ' to Place out of the Places where their Charge is given ' to them, againft their Gree, (2) nor by Malice, nor ' by Menace, or other Durefs, conftrained to give their ' Verdict of a Trefpafs done in the Foreft, otherwife ' than their Confeience will clearly inform them ; (3) ' but they ftiall give their Verdicts upon their Charge, ' in the Places where their Charge is given them, as 9H.3. ' above is faid.' '• l6. CAP. IV. None fhall be taken or imprifoned by the Officers of the Foreft without Indictment. ET eft affentuz qe null homme foit pris nenpri- fonez par miniftre de forefte fanz due endite- ment ou mainoevre ou trefpaffant en la forefte ne conftreint de faire obligation ou redemption a afcun miniftre du forefte par queconqe manere encontre lour gree & laffife de forefte. Et ft afcun face en- contre cefte ordinance en aucun point & de ce foit atteint paie as parties endamagez lours doubles da- mages & fyn & raunceon au Roy pur fon malefait. ITEM it is affented, That no Man be taken nor imprifoned by any Officer of the Foreft without due Indictment, or being taken with the Manner, or trefpaffing in the Foreft ; (2) nor fhall be conftrained to make any Obligation or Ranfom to any Officer of the Foreft in any Sort againft their Agreement and the Affife of the Foreft. (3) And if any do againft this Ordinance in any Point, and thereof be attaint- ed, he fhall pay to the Party damnified their double Regift. 80; Damages, and Fine and Ranfom to the King for his ' E „ d- 3- ftat - r Offence.' c 8. 9 a ,. CAP. V. Juftices, fcrV. fhall examine Vagabonds, and bind them to their good abearing, or commit. them to Prifon. ITEM ordcignez eft & affentuz qe leftatutz faitz en temps le noble Roy Edward aiel noftre Seignur le Ror qore eft de Roberdefmen & Drawelatches foient fermement tenuz & gardez. Et outre ce eft or- deignez & affentuz par reftreindre la malice des diverfes gentz faitours & vagerantz de lieu en lieu cur- rantz de prefent par paiis pluis habundantement qe tie foloient avant ces heures qe defore les Juftices des affifes en leur feffions les Juftices de la paix & les vifcontz en chefcun contee aient poair denquere de toutz tielx vagerantz & faitours & de lours malfaitz & fur eux faire ce qe la ley demande. E l 1 e fibien les ditz juftices & vifcontz come les mairs baillifs coneftables & autres governours de villes & lieux ou tielx faitours & vagerantz vendront aient defore poair de leur examiner diligealment & compeller de trover feurtee de lour bon port par fufficiantz mainparnours des tielx qe foient deftreinables fi afcune defaute feuffe deflors trovez en mefmes les faitours & vagerantz & fils ne poient tiele feurtee trover foient mandez al profcheine gaole pur y dernorer tanqe a la venue des Juftices affignez pur deliverance des gaoles les queux en tiel cas aient poair dc faire fur les ditz vagerantz & faitours iffint emprifonez ceo qe kur ent femblera mieutz affaire par la ley. 9 «. 3. 'Jlat.i. c. 10, 11, & 16. Rep. 39 Eliz. 04. iiaijac. I. c.*8. CAP.