Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/455

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A. D. 1393. Anno decimo feptlmd R icha rd 1 II. C. r, 2. 409 Statutes made at Weftminfler, Anno 17 Rich. II. and Anno Dom. r 393- Ex Ret. in Turr. Lond. m. 5. CES font les chofes ordeignez & eftabliz par noftre Seignur le Roi a ion parlement a Weftm' al quinzeine de feint Hiller Ian de fon regne dys & feptifme par afl'ent du dit parle- ment les quelles il voet & comande qils foient fer- ftiement tenuz & gardez folonc la purport dicelles. THESE be the Things ordained and eftabli'fh- ed by our Lord the King at his Parliament holden at Weftminjler the fifteenth Day of St. Hillary, the feventeenth Year of his Reign, by the Aflent of the faid Parliament, which he doth will and command, that they fliall be firmly holden and kept after the Purport of the fame." CAP. I. There fliall be no melting of Money to make any Thing thereof. Foreign Money fhall not be current. PRimerement qe come ordeigne fuift par le noble Roi Edward Aiel noftre Seignur le Roi Ian de fon regne difme qe null efterlyng mail ne fer- lyng foit found u pur veflel nautre chofe ent affaire par orfevre nautres fur peine deforfaiture de mondie foundu &emprifonement del foundour tanqil avera renduz au Roi la moite de ceo qil avera iflint foun- du Nientcontrefteant chartre ou franchife grantez ou ufez a contraire accordez eft & afTentuz qe la dite ordinance foit fermement tenuz & gardez. Et enoutre eft ordenez & afTentuz qe nul grote ne di- my grote foit foundu par nully pur veflel nautre chofe ent affaire fur mefme la peine. Et qe nul monoie dore ne dargent dEfcoce ne des autres ter- res dela la meer courge en nul manere paiement deinz le Roialme dEngleterre mais foit portez a la bullion pur y eftre tournez en la coigne dEngleterre fur peine de forfaiture dicelle & demprifonement & fyn & raunceon de cely qi face le contraire et qe nul porte nenvoie afcune monoie dEngleterre en Efcoce pur le chaunger en monoie ou pur monoie dEfcoce fur la peine profcheine avauntdite. i C A " T7' I R S T, Where it was ordained by the noble 9 Ed. 3. (tat. ti " JF King Edward, Grandfather to our Lord the c - 3- " King, the * ninth Year of his Reign, That no Ster- ^"jK. " ling, Half-peny, nor Farthing, fhall be molten for melted for 6 " Veflel, nor other Thing thereof to be made by the Veffel; " Goldfmith, nor others, upon Pain of Forfeiture of * Tenth. " the Money fo molten, and Imprifonment of the " Founder, till he have yielded to the King the half of " that which he hath fo molten, notwithstanding any " Charter or Franchife granted or ufed to the contra- " ry;" ' it is accorded and affented, That the faid ' Ordinance fhall be firmly holden and kept. And nor Groat nor ' moreover it is ordained and affented, That no Groat half Groat. ' nor half Groat fhall be molten by any Man to make I7 Ed>4, Cl x * ' Veflel, or other Thing thereof, upon the fame Pain. ' And that no Gold nor Silver of Scotland, nor of other No foreign Coin ' Lands beyond the Sea, fhall run in any manner of flla " be current ' Payment within the Realm of England, but fliall be in En 8 lafld » ' brought to the Bullion, there to be molten in the ' Coin of England, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the ' fame, and of Imprifonment, Fine, and Ranfom of ' him which doth contrary; and that no Man fliall nor Exchange ' fend any Englijh Money into Scotland to change the M tVfor Scot* ' fame in Money, or for Scottijh Money, upon the Pain ti/h™Money. t0 * ' next aforefaid. Enforced by lqH. 7. c. 5. I3&14 p TT Car. 2. c. 31. Every Perfon may make Cloth of what Length and Breadth he will. ITEM qe chefcun homme de Roialme purra faire mettre a vent & vendre draps fibien de Karfeys come autres de tiel longure & laeure come luyplerra paiant launage fubfide & autres devoirs ceftaflavoir dechefcune pece dedrap folonc lafferant nientcontrefteant afcun eftatut ordinance procla- mation reftreint ou defenfe fait au contraire. Et qe nully vende ne mette a vendre afcuns draps avaunt qils foient aunez par launour du Roi & en- feallez du feal a ceo ordeigne fur les peines conte- nuz en leftatutz ent faitz. Et qe nully mette ne nielle cauce ne face autre fraude en les draps de Kerfeys fur peine deforfaiture dicelles. Word Cletb, fee 47 Ed. 3. c, I. ITEM, That every Man of the Realm may make, 4 H. 4. c. 24V and put to Sale and fell Cloths, as well Kerfeys *^P- 5 & 6 as others, of fuch Length and Breadth as him pleafe, • 0> c> • paying the Aulnage, Subfidy, and other Duties; that is to fay, of every Piece of Cloth after the Rate, notwithftanding any Statute, Ordinance, Proclama- tion, Reftraint, or Defence made to the contrary. No CI °th ftall And that none fliall fell or put to Sale any Cloths be- b e e ^ f ^ . re ,^ fore that they be meafured by the King's Aulneger, rette/by'tlie*' 1 and fealed with the Seal to that ordained, upon the Aulneger. Pains contained in the Statutes thereof made. And There thai] be that no Man fliall put, mingle, caufe *, nor make ™ Deceit '" other Deceit in the Cloths of Kerfeys, upon Pain of ^at to be un- Forfeiture of the fame.' deniood by the" Enforced by 11 H, 6. c. 9. See II fef Jiff. 3. c, 20. •which takes aivaf dulnage Duties, 0» mingle caqce. Vol. I. Ggfi CAR