Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/489

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A. D. 1400. Anno fecundo Henrici IV. /a P- 23) 24. 44: c A r. xxiii. The Fees of the Marflul of the Marfhalfea of the King's Houfe. Ex Rot. in Tuit. Lond. TEM pur ce qe le Marefchall de la Marefchal- cio del Courte de lc'uftell noltre Seignur le Roy- en temps de Roy Edward Aiel noil, e Seignur le ' Roy qoreft & devant foloi : prendre les fc ss q nfuent ceftaliavoir de chefcun qi vient par Capias .1 dite Courte iiij d. & fil foit lelib a mayn prife ta'nqa fon jour iid.- outre & de chufcuri qe'lt aittplede de tref- pas & trove deux mainp>a?nb&FS pu; gtfrder fes j : irsj tanqe a fyn de plee dc prendre pur celie caufe de defendant iid. deckefeuncommys a prions par jug- jrement de Senefchall en queconqe manefe qe ceo • ioit iiij d. de chefcun deliveree de felon'e iiij d. de chefcun felon lefle a maynprife pa,r la Courte iiiid. ■ queux fees- foloient eft* - e prifes & paiez en pleine ' Courte come le Roy ad bSen e-Htanduz par la com- pleinte des dites Communes en fait en ceft parlement nefme noftreSeignur leRoy pu ■ oufter toutes dureffes & oppreffions affairs a fon poeple encontre les bons ufages & cuftumes faitz & ufez en temps de fes progenitours de ladvis & affent des Seignurs ' efpi- rituelx & temporelx & a Ja Amplication des dites communes ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe fi le dit Marefchall ou fes rriiniftres defoutz luy prcignfTfu preignant autres fees qe defuis font deciajez le mefme le Marefcbal & chefcun de fes. ditzi-mj- niftres perde & perdent lour offices &.paie ou paient trebles damages a partie grev e et qe la par- tie grevee ait fa feute devant le Senefchall du dite ■. Courte pur le temps efteant. Et auxint ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe null fer- vitour des billes qi portebafton ds mefme la Courte . ne* preigne pur chefcune leuk del Courte tanqal lieu ou il fra fon office pluis qun denier & enfi pur xij. leukes xij. deniers. & pur fervire venire facias xij. homines &c. ou diftr' hors de inefme la Courte la double & ft afcun des ditz fervitours des billes face a contraire qil foit puniz par imprifonement & face fyri au Roy felonc la dilcretion de Senef- chall de mefme la Courte & foit forjugge la Courte. Et eit mefme le Senefchall poair de faire procla- mation al venue de dite Courte en chefcun paiis de temps en, temps de toutz les articles avaunditz & dent faire punilTement come defuis eft dit. TEM, Whereas the Marfhal of the Marfliallea 4 Inft. 131 of the Courfof-our Lord the King's Houfe, in the Tim ■ of King Edward, Grandfather of our Lord the Kins that now is, and before, was want to ta:x the Fees which do hereafter follow ; that is • to fay, Of every Perfon that cometh by Capias to the faid Court, Four Pence; (2) and if he be let to Mainprife'till his Day, Two -Pence more ; (3) and " of every Perf< erk.n Will ~h is impleaded of Trelpafs, and findeth two Mainpernors to keep his' Day till the End " of the Plea, to take for that Caufe Two Pence of " the Defendant ; (4) and .of every Perfon committed " to Prifon by judgement of the Steward, in what- •' foever Manner the fame be, .t our Pence; (5) of " every Perfon delivered of Felony, and of every Felon " let to Mainprife by the Court, Tour Pence ; (6) " which Fees were wont to be taken and paid in full " Court, as the King hath well perceived by the Com- " •■plaint of the faid Commons thereof made in the faid "' Parliament:" (7I ' The fame our Lord the King ' to ; avoid all fuch Wrongs and Oppreffions to be ' done to his People, againft the good Cuftoms and

.'; -Ufages. made and ufed in' the Time of his Progeni-

.i«||ors, : by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spi- Vritual and Temporal, and at the Supplication of the ' faid Commons, hath ordained and ltablifhed, That Ti * Penalty on ', if the faid Marfhal, or his Officers under him, take ^f '^^ ' other Fees than above are declared, that the faid his lawful Fees, ' Marfhal, and every of his faid Officers, fhall lofe their ' Offices, (8) and pay treble Damages to the Party ' grieved, (9) and that the Parry grieved have his Suit ' before the Steward of the faid Court for the time being. ' ' II. Alfo it is ordained and eftabiifhed, That no The Fees of a ' Servitor of Bills that beareth a Staff -of the fame Servitor of Bills, ' Court, fhali take for every Mile from the fame Court r^ thl ; PeMlt y , , V T). , ■■ ! ,1 11 1 i- o • ir he take more. to the lame riace where lie inall do his Service, any ' more than id. and fo for 12 Miles xiii. (1) And ' for to ferve a Venire facias xii homines*, (5c. or a Dif- ' tringas out of the fame Court, the double : (3) And ' if any of the faid Servitors of Bills do the contrary, ' he fhall be punifhed by Imprifonment, and make' a ' Fine to the King after the Difcrction of the Steward ' of the fame Court, and alfo be forejudged the Court. ' (4) And the 'fame Steward fhall have Power to make ' Proclamation at his coming to the faid Court " in a _ At ^ c coming ' every Country, from time to time, of all the Arti- otrfleriiJ Couit. ' cies aforefkid, and thereof to execute Punifhment as laid.' 9R. 2.C. 5. Procefs againft C A P. XXIV. thofe that were with the Duke of Tor k, 23 Rich. received fhall be difcharged. 2. for their Vv iges then F E M come les ditz Communes en compleignantz aient monftrez a noftre dit Seignur le Roy en park- exp, ment coment en temps du dit nadgairs Roy Richard Ian de fon regne vint & tierce comandez feuft pai - mye le Roialme & as certeins gentz du Roialme chargez fur lour ligeance de venir al Due dEverwyk adonqes lieutenant dEngleterre pur aler& demurer ovefqe luy as gages de Roy et ore certeins proces font faitz hors 'de lefcheqer encontre les ditz gentz pur les fommes dargent adonqes prifes par eux a caufe de lour ditz travaille & demoer ove le lieutenant fuifdit a graunt damage de lour eftates ordeignez eft & eftabliz' par le Roy & les Seignurs fuifditz & a la requeft des dites Communes qe mefmes les communes & chefcun de eux & chef- L 1 I 2 tun