Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/493

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A. D. 1402. Anno quarto Henrici IV. Cap. 8, 9. 447 CAP. VIII. In what Cafes a fpecial Affile is maintainable againft a DiHeifor with Force. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM por ce cje qe de jour en autre les grantz perfones de Roialme font forcibles entrees en autry terres & les poiTeffours ent ouftent enclay- mant aucun foitz en lour droit demefne la ou lour entree neft my congeable & afcun foitz en au ry droit la ou ils nont riens en reverfion en droit ncn demefne ne il nad null affinite ne cofmage entre eux & ceux en qi droit ils ount entrez & auxi lour biens & chateux preignont en manere de roberie iffint fovent foitz ils font en ticl manere ouftez et de lour biens & chateux defpoilliez qiis nount riens pur lour droit purfuir & iffint par tieux forcibles entrees & maintenance les terre tenantz & poflef- fours font toutoutrement defheriteez & deftruitz Noftre dit Seignur le Roy veuilant faire ovel droit as touz fes lieges fibien greindres come meindres & qe fes loies foient duement executz a la grevoufe compleinte des ditz communes & de ladvis & aflent des toutz les Seignurs fuifditz pur punir & chaftier tielx riotes & forcibles entrees enfi faitz & affairs en temps avenir encontre les loyes de la terre ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe fi afcun grant ou petit de quell eftat ou condition qil foit face afcun tiel forcible entree en fon droit demefne ou a fon oeps propre ou en autry droit au autry oeps par voie de maintenance ou aucuns biens apres tiel for- cible entree de les porleffours de franc tenement pieigne ou emporte qe fi la partie grevee ou autre loial homme voet affier en fon noun qe lentree feuft fait en tici forcible mar.ere qe le Chanceller dEngleterre pur le temps efteant ait poair par fa difcretion de grantier efpeciale affife en ce cas a la partie grevee de qeconqe value qc les tcnementz foient fanz fuir au Roy. Et fi tiel diffdfour foit atteint del dhTeifine fake en tiel forcible manere qil eit la prifone dun an & rende al partie grevee fes damages a double. Et fil foit convict par mefme laffife qil ait pris ou emporte aucuns biens ou chateux de tieux difieiiiz qe les Juftices de mefme laffife eient poair doier & terminer fibien pur noflre Seignur le Roy ccme pur la partie des biens & chateux iffint emportez & de agarder al partie grevee fes damages. Et qe en chefcune tiele affife efpeciale foit nomez un des Juftices de l'un bank ou de Iautre ou le chief Baron de iefcKequer fil foit homme de loye. Et qen temps advenir mil brief de fu.perfedeas foit affife efpeciale. cantez, a ccntraire de tie ITEM, Becaufe daily the great Perfons of the Realm do make forcible Entries into other Mens

Lands, and put out the Poffeffors of the fame, claim-
ing fcmetime in their own Right, where their £n-
try is not lawful, and fpmetime in another's Right,.

' where they have nothing in Reverfion, in Right,

nor in Demean, nor is there any Affinity or Cou-
finage betwixt them and thofe in whofe Right they
have entered, and alfo take their Goods and Chat-

' ties in Manner of Robbery, fo that oftentimes they

be in fuch Manner put out, and of their Goods and

Chatties fpoiled, that they have nothing to purfue for their Right, and fo by fuch. forcible Entries and Maintenance, the Land-Tenants and Poffeffors be- utterly disherited and undone;" (2) ' our Lord the King, willing to do equal Right to all his liege Peo- ple, as well the fmall as the great, and that his Laws, be duly executed, at the grievous Complaint of the. faid Commons, and by the Advice rnd Aflent of all the Lords aforefaid, for to. punifh and chaftife fuch. Riots and forcible Entries fo made, and hereafter to- be made, againft the Laws of the Land, hath or- dained and eftabiifhed, Fhat if any Man, great or fmall, of what Eftate or Condition that he be, make any fuch forcible Entry in his own Right, or to his own Ufe, or in another's Right to another's Ufe by Way of Maintenance, or take or carry away any Goods after fuch forcible I ntry from the PoUefibr of. the Freehold, that if the Party grieved,, or. other .lawful Man, wiil make Affiance in his. Name, that the Entry was made in fuch forcible Manner, that.. the Chancellor of nd for the time being fhall have Power, by his Difcretion, to grant a ipecisl. Affife in this Cafe to the Party grieved, of whatfo- ever Value the Tenements be, without fuing to the King. (3) And if. fuch DilTeifor be attainted of-'fuch.- Difieifin made in fuch forcible Manner, he fhall. have one Year'-. Lr prifonment,. and yield to the Party grieved his double Damages; (4) and if he beThe penalty fej convict by the fame A&k, that he hath taken or<f' r y' n J 3 ';' a 7 carried av/ay any Goods or Chatties, of fuch Diffeir- ™ e D^ifte s fees, the Juftices of Affife fhall have Power to hear and determine, as well for our Lord the King, as for the Party, of the Goods and Chatties fo carried 5 ^ away, and to award to the Party grieved his La- mages; (5) and that in every fuch fpecial Affife be. named one of the Juftices of the one B nch or of the-f^ 13 ™^ • H ' '-^r, or the chief Baron of the Exchequ r, if he be jfr^j, ^!, Chatties. flat. 3.


otne a Man of the Law. Writ of Super led cs b fuch fpecial Affiles.' CAP. IX. .. -xf>[aincd (6) And that hereafter noJ-.y 31 r.l. r. u. granted to the contrary q£& c farther 23 IL. ' 8. r. 14. & ii Jjc. 1. c. !<;. wkercfa J u fl :c " to give Rejlitulitui <:; certain Cafss>. A Remedy to difcharge Commifikmrrs diftrained to return Commiffions. IT E M por ce qe pfeufures commiffions font faitz en la Chancellerie direftes as diverfes perfones du Roialme aucun foitz pur enquer & certifier afcun foitz denquere oier & terminer & afcun fcitz de feifer terres tenementz biens & chateux les qucllcs commiffions unqes naviendront " TT TEM, Becaufe that marry Commiffions Be mad : " I in the Chancery, directed to divers Perfons of "■ the Realm, fometime to inquire and certify, forrie-- " time to inquire, hear, and determine, and fome- " time to feize Lands and Tenements, Goods and 44 Chatties, which. Commiffions never cams to the Hand.