Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/509

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A. D. 1404. Anno fexto Henrici IV. C. 4. 463 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. le tenure de lacompt de chefcun des ditz officers de mote en mote foit envoie as countees en les queux les ditz acomptantz eftoient officers en- femblement ove commiffions directz a les plus loialx & difcretes perfones pur enquerrer & cer- tifier de les profitz queux les acomptantz avaunt- ditz ount receuz deinz les countees fuifditz en noun & al oeps noftre dit Seignur le Roi par eux en manere avaundit fur lour ditz acomptz a lours propres oeps & profet defceivablement con- celez & retenuz. Et en cas qe les ditz accompt- antz foient atteintz de lour dit fraudes & defceites qils encourgent a noftre dit Seignur le Roi la peyne de la treble de ce dont ils ferront convictz & lour perfones a prifone tanqe ils aient fait fyne & raunceon a noftre Seignur le Roi avaundit fo- lonc la difcretion de fez J uges. ' from time to time {hall be fent into the Counties ' where the fame Accomptants be Officers, together ' with Commiffions directed to the moft lawful and ' difcreet Perfons, to inquire and certify the Profits ' which the faid Accomptants have received . within ' the faid Counties, in the Name and to the Ufe of ' our faid Lord the King, by them in the Manner ' aforefaid upon their faid Accompts deceitfully con- ' cealed and received to their own proper Ufe and ' Profit. (3) And in cafe that the faid Accomptants ' be attainted of their faid Frauds and Deceits, they ' fhall incur to our Lord the King the Penalty of the ' Treble of the fame whereof they fhall be fo convict, ' and their Bodies to Prifon, until they have made Fine ' and Ranfom to our faid Lord the King, according to ' the Difcretion of his Judges,' CAP. IV. Aliens fhall not carry forth of the Realm Merchandifes brought in by Aliens, ITEM come en le darrein parlement tenuz a I Weftm' entre autres chofes ordeignez efloit qe j les merchantz aliens & eftranges venderoient lour merchandifez deinz un quartre dun an profchein apres lour venue en ycelle R.oialme Noftre Seig- nur le Roi veiant la dite ordinance molt damage- oufe & mefchevous fibien pur luy mefmes & fon ' Roialme come pur les ditz merchantz aliens & ef- j ftranges de ladvys & affent fuifdites ad ordeinez i & eftabliz qe la dite ordinance foit de tout voide & adnullez pur toutz jours et qe mefmes les mer- j chantz aliens & eftranges foient a lour liberale dif- I pofition a vendre leur dites merchandifes en manere come ils feurent devaunt la faifance du dite ordi- nance Sauvez toutesfoitz les franchifes & libertees de la Citee de Londres. Et purveux auxi toutes- foitz qe les ditz marchantz aliens & eftranges namefhent ne facent amefner aucunement hors du Roblme aucunes merchandifes amefnez deinz mefme le Roialme par les merchantz aliens & ef- tranges avauntditz. ITEM, Whereas in the Parliament holden at A Repea! of Co _ Wefimiqftfr, amongft other Things it was 01-™^° f ^ Stl " dained, That the Merchants Aliens and Strangers c " Q.°as 5 dotii 4 ' fhould fell their Merchandifes within a Quarter of a aifign Merchants Year next after the coming thereof into the Realm;" Aliens to fell (2) our Lord the King feeing the faid Ordinance their Merchan ~ hurtful and prejudicial, as well for himfelf and his ^tTerof^' Realm, as for the faid Merchants Aliens and Stran- Ye ar> gers, by the Advice and Affent aforefaid, hath or- dained and ftablifhed, That the faid Ordinance be utterly void and adnulled for ever; (3) and that the fame Merchants Aliens and Strangers be at their free Difpofition, to fell their Merchandifes in the Manner as they did before the making of the faid Ordinance; (4) faving always the Franchifes and. Liberties of the City of London. (5) And further provided always, That the faid Merchants Aliens and Strangers fhall not carry or caufe to be carried out of the Realm, any Merchandifes brought within the Realm by the Merchants Aliens and Strangers aforefaid.' Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 7 He n. IV. and Anno Dom, 1405=. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 12. NO S T R E Seignur le Roi a fon parlement tenuz a Weftm' le primere jour de Marce Ian de fon regne vij me de ladvis & affent des Seigmrs efpirituelx & temporelx & a la requeft des communes en mefme le parlement ad ordeignez & eftabliz diverfes ordinances & eftatutz en la forme qenfeute., OUR Lord the King-, at his Parliament holden. at Weftminfter the Firft Day of March, the Seventh Year of his Reign, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Requeft of the Commons in the fame Parliament, hath ordained' and eftablifhed divers Ordinances and Statutes in the Form as followeth." €.A P. S, A Confirmation of the Liberties of the Church, and of all Cities and Perfons, &t, and of all ■ Statutes not repealed. Peace fhall be kept, &c. JRimerement qe feint efglife eit toutz fez li- bertees & fraunchifes et qe toutz les Seignurs ' T?1RST, That holy Church have all Her Liberties ' JP and Franchifes; (2) and that all the Lords JL Dertees M irauncnues et qe toutz les oeignurs jl" and franchues; (2; ana tnat an the .Lords efpirituelx & temporelx, & touts les citees burghs 1 ' Spiritual and Temporal,, and all the Cities, Bo- rousrh? >