Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/519

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A. D. 1407. Anno nono Henrici IV. C. 6, 7. 473 Ex Rot. in Tun - . Lond. devant tielx Juftices fils foient diffeifours Ou te- nantz en tiel cas ou foient nomes par collufion & fraude come defuis eft dit. Et fi trove foit qils He font mye diffeifours ne tenantz des ditz terres tenementz ou rentz eins acquitez devant mefmes les Juftices & trovez qils font nomes par collufion & fraude en la forme fuifdite qen tiel cas les ditz Juftices facent abater & caffer les ditz briefs ou brief daififes & autres briefs purchafes en la forme fuifdit et qe les ditz pleintifs ou pleintif foient & foit en la greve mercy le Roy noun obftaunt qe autres diffeifours on tenantz foient nomez & trovez en tielx affifes ou briefs. Diffcifors or Tenants in that Cafe, or be named by Collufion and Fraud, as afore is laid. (3) And if it Enforcal hy&H, be found that they be notDiffeiffors, nor Tenants of*, c. 16. the faid Lands, Tenements, or Rents, but acquit before the fame Juftices, and found that they be name' by Collufion and Fraud in the Form afore - faid, That in fuch Cafe the Juftices fliall caufe the faid Writs of Affifes, or other Writs purchafed in the Form aforefaid, to be abated and adnulled ; (4) and that the faid Plaintiff or Plaintiff's fhall be in grievous Mercy of the King, notwithftanding that other Tenants or Diffeifors be named or found in fuch Affifes or Writs.' CAP. VI. A Repeal of the Statute of 7 Hen. 4. cap. 10. touching the Length and Breadth of Cloth of Ray. I TEM come en leftatut fait au parlement tenuz a-Weftm' Ian feptifme noftre dit Seignur le Roy ordeignez I eftoit & eftablizqe les draps ds ray conteneroient en longure xxviii. aulnes mefurez par le lift et en laieure f i. quarters et fi les feiiours des ditz draps feroient deflors dour draps de meindre longure ou laieure qe mef- mes les feifours forfacent les draps queux ferront trovez par launeoure de meindre longure ou laieure come en le dit eftatut pluis pleinement eft contenuz Noftre dit Seignur le Roy confideraunt le 4it eftatut en partietrop grevous & damageous de ladvis & aflent des Seignurs & a lefpecial requeft des ditz communes ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe les fefours des ditz draps de ray & les vendotlrs dicelles foient auxi frankes en les fefour & vent dicelles come ils feurent devant le dit parlement tenuz a Weftm' & qe le dit eftatut fait en le dit parlement touchant ceft matier foit de tout caffez & adnullez & de null force ne value a touz jours. Et outre ce noftre dit Seignur le Roy de fa grace efpeciale ad pardonez a les ditz fefours des draps de ray & les vendours dicelles la forfaiture & tout ce qe a luy appertient ou en aucune manere purra appertiner par cell enchefon. OB. 11 H. 4. c. 6. 1? H, 4. c. 4. 5 & 6 "Ed. 6, c. 6, 43 El. c. ip. - 4 Jac, 1. c, 2. CAP. VII. Goods fhall be chargeable for the Payment of the Quinzime, where they were at the Time when the fame was granted. ITEM ordeignez eft & eftabliz qe toutz maners des foreins eiantz terres tenementz beftes biens ou chateuz deins aucuns villes al jour del graunt '^afcune difme ou quinzifme ou dautre taxe que- conqe combien qils amefnent lour beftes ou em- portent lours biens & chateux hors dicell ville apres le jourde graunt fuifdit qe mefmes les foreins & chefcun de eux foient & foit contributours & contributor ovefqe ceux demurrantz en tielx villes a chefcun tiel difme xv me ou taxe queconqe. Et ■qe les coillours de -mefme la difme quinzifme ou taxe pur le temps efteantz deinz tielx villes eient poair par auclorite de lour office de taxer & affeffer tielx foreins folonc lour quantite de lour biens chateux & poffeffions efteantz es ditz villes a les jours des grauntz dicelles difme quinzifme ou taxe & pur les fommes as queux ils ferront affeffez ou taxez diftreindre en queconqe lieu deins le counte fibien devaunt qe noftre Seignur le Roy foit refpon- duz de les entiers fommes qateignent as tielx villes come apres. Purveux toutz foitz qe nul home ne femme foit chargez deux foitz pur null tielx beftes ne chateux aucunement par celle enchefon. TEM, It is ordained and eftablifhed, That all 1 Ed. 3. fist. Manner of Foreigners having Lands, Tenements, c - 6 -

  • Goods, and Chatties, within any Towns at the # ^a B:af.^

Day of Grant of any Difme or §htinhime, or of any other Tax whatfoever, although they lead away their Beafts, or carry away their Goods and Chatties out of the fame Town after the Day of the faid Grant, that the fame Foreigners, and every of them, fhall be contribi tory with the Inhabitants of fuch Towns to fuch Difme., Fifteen, or Tax whatsoever. (2) And that the Collectors of the fame Dififtz, ghtiii- zime or Tax for the Tims being, within fuch Towns, fhall have Power by Authority of their Office to tax and affefs fuch Foreigners according to the Quan- tity of their Goods, Chatties, and Poffeffions, being in the faid Towns at the Days of the Grant of ihe faid Difme, Qdnzime or Tax, (3) and for the Sums whereto theybe affeffed or taxed, to diftrain in every Place within the County, as well before that our (aid Lord the King be anfwered of the whole Sums that attain to fuch Towns, as after. (4.) Provided always, None (hail be That no Man nor Woman be two Times charged <wi« charge* for any fuch Beafts, Goods, nor Chatties, m ariy for b,s Goods ' wife by occaiion thereof. ou L Pp'P C A P.