Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/534

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4 88 Stat. i. Anno fecundo Henrici V. A. D. 1414. C A P. IV. What Juftices of Peace muft be Refident in the fame Shire; and at what Times they muff hoid their Quarter-SelTions. a Cambridge, 12 R. 2. c. 3. Juftices of the Peace may fend their Writs for fugitive Servants or Labourers to every Sheriff of England. Rep. 5 El. c. 4. What juftices of Peace and Quorum murt be refiant in the fame Shire, what not. At what Times Tutrices of the Peace mail hold their Quarter Si-ffiorn. 36 Ed. 3. c. 12, 12 R. 2. c. 10. Twice in the Y^ir r ufficient in MMliJtx by 14 H. 6. c. 4. T E M, Forafmuch as the Servants and Labour- ers of the Shires of the Realm do flee from County to County, becaufe they would not be jufti- fied by the Ordinances and Statutes by the Law for them made, to the great Damage of Gentlemen and others, to whom they fhould ferve, becaufe that the faid Ordinances and Statutes for them ordained be not executed in every Shire;" ' (2) our Lord the King, willing in this Cafe to provide a Reme.'y, by the Advice and Affent aforefaid, and at the Requeft of the faid Commons, hath ordained and ftablilhed, That the Statute of Labourers made at Canterbury,"- and all other good Statutes of Labourers made, and not repealed, be firmly holden and kept, and put in due Execution. (3) And moreover, That the Ju- ftices of Peace have Power to fend their Writs for fuch fugitive Labourers, to every Sheriff of the Realm of England, and to make fuch Procefs as the Statute requireth, to bring them before them to anfvver to our Sovereign Lord the King, and to the Parties, of the Contempts and Trefpaffes made or done againft the Ordinances and Statutes aforefaid, in like Man- ner as the juftices have Power to fend to every She- riff for the Felons before them indicted. (4) And alfo that all the Statutes and Ordinances of Labour- ers, Servants, and Artificers, before this Time made, and not repealed, be exemplified under the Great Seal, and fent to every Sheriff of the Realm of Eng- land, thereof to make Proclamation in full County, and after this Proclamation fo made, that every She- riff lhall caufe the faid Exemplification to him di- rected, to be delivered to the Juftices of the Peace in his County named of the Quorum, or to one of them, to remain with fuch j uffices which be, or ftiall be, for the better putting of the forefaid Statutes and Or- dinances in due Execution. (5) And in Shires where divers CommiiTions of the Peace be made, there fliail bi fo many Exemplifications of the Statutes and Or- dinances aforefaid made, as be CommiiTions of the Peace in the fame Shires, and fent to the Sheriff to make Proclamation, and to deliver the fame, as is afore faid. ' II. And that the Juftices of the Peace iu every Shire name] of the QuStium, be Reliant within the fame Shire, except Lords named in the Comreiffion of the Peace ; and alfo except Juftices of the one Bench, and of the other, the Chief Baron of the Exchequer, Serjeants at the Law, and the King's Attorney, for the Time that the fame Juftices, Chief Baron, Serjeants at the Lav/, and the King's Attor- ney, be intending and occupied in the King's Courts, or otherwife in forne other Place occupied in the King's Service; (2) and make their Seffions four Times by the Year, that is to lay, In the firft Week olter the r eaft of Saint Michael, and in the firft Week after the Epiphany, and in the firft Week after the Claufe of Eajler, and in the firft Week after the Tranflation of Saint Thomas the Martyr, and more often, if Need be. (3) And that the fame Juftices hold their Selfions throughout the Realm of England Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM pur tant qe les fervantz & laborers de3 countees du Roialme fenfuent des countees es countees a caufe qils ne voudrent eftre juftifiez par les ordeignanccs par ley fur eux faitz a graunt damage des gentils & des autres as queux ils ferve- rent a caufe qe ies ditz ordeignances & eftatutz fur eux faitz ne font mye executz en toutz coun- tees noftre Seignur le Roy voillant purvoir de re- medie ceft partie del affent & advys avantditz h a la requeft des ditz communes ad ordeigne & efta- blie qe leftatut de laborers fait a Cantebrigg & toutes autres bones eftatutz des laborers faitz & nierit repellez foient fermement tenuz & gardez & mys en due execution. Et outre ceo qe les Ju- ftices du pees eient poair de mander lour briefs pur tielx laborers fugitifs a chefcun vifcount dEng- leterre & de faire autieix proceffes come leftatut des laborers requiert pur eux amefner devaunt eux a refpondre a noftre Siegnur le Roy & a les par- ties des contemptz & trefpaffez faitz encountre les ordeignances & eftatutz Lifditz en maner come les ditz juftices ont poair de mander a chefcun vifcount pur larons devaunt eux enditez. Et auxi qe toutz les eftatutz & ordeignances des laborers fervantz & artificers devaunt ces heures faitz & nient repellez foient exemplifiez defoutz le grauntz feal & mandez a chefcun vifcont dEngleterre dent faire proclama- tion en pleine countee & puis celle proclamation faite qe chefcun vifcont face deliverer la dite ex- emplification a luy direct as juftices <le la pees en fon countee nomez en la Quorum ou a un de eux a demurrer envers tielx juftices qi font ou ferront pur le mielx mettre les ditz eftatutz & ordeignances en due execution. Et es countees ou diverfes com- miffions de la pees font faitz foient atantz des ex- emplifications des eftatutz & ordeignances avaunt- ■ ditz faitz come font commiffions de la pees en mefme le countee & mandez a vifcont a faire pro- clamation & les liverer come deffuis eft dit. Et qe les juftices de la pees en chefcun countee nomez en la Quorum refeantz deinz mefme le counte exceptz Seignurs nomez en la commiffion de pees h auxi exceptz les Juftices de lun Banc & . dc lautre chief Baron de lefcheqer fergeantz de la leie & attournes du Roy pur le temps qe mefmes les Juftices chief Baron fergeantz & attournez font entendantz & occupiez en les courtz du Roy ou aiilours occupiez en fervice le Roy facent lour fef- fions quatre foitz par an ceftaffavoir en la primer femaigne apres le feft de Seint Michel iz la pri- mer femaigne apres le feft de Tiphaine h en la primer femaigne apres le claufe de Paflc & en la primer femaigne apres la tranflation de Seint Tho- mas le martir k pluis fovent fi meftier foit. Et qe mefmes les Juftices tiegnent lour feffions parmy tout EngHerre en mefmes les- femaignes chefcun an