Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/550

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504 §tat; 2. Ans,i<J tertjio HENRicr V. A- D. 1415. Upon a falfe "Verdi£t given City of Lincoln, an Attaint may be brought triable by Fo- reigners, Ex Rot. iwTurr. Lond. en le countee du dite citee puiffe par force del eftatuit, fuifdit avoir brief de atteinte adreiter a vifcont del countee de Nichole deftre arraie oaf gentz de mefme le countee ou nemy & auxuu; dautres articles & points de mefme leftatut le Roy voillant oufter toutz maners ambiguitees & awereftees cefte partie Sj. ad ordeigne grante &j eftablie qen affifes jurees & autres enqueftes qe- conqes qi font & ferront prifez parentre partie et partie devaunt les mair & baillives ou vifij cont del countee de la dite citee de Nichole qi pur le temps furent & ferront ou afcuns de eux> fi afcun des parties foi pleint de faux ferement fait par tieux affifes jurees ou enqueftes brief datteint luy foit grantee adreffer al vifcont del dit countee de Nichole pur le temps efteant &c County of Lincoln for the time being, and the fame j le record foit mandee par brief en Banc le Roy Record fhall be lent by a Writ into the King's Bench, ou en commune Banc et qe le viicont del coun- pr into the common Bench ;' (5) and that the Sheriff j tee de Nichole qi pur le temps ferra arraie le of the County of Lincoln, which for the Time fhall be, panell del juree de tiel atteinte des gentz del countee du- Nichole Et qe les juftices du Roy & de fes heirs preignent mefme la juree del countee de Nichole folonc lentent & leffecl del dit eftamit les ditz lettres patentz ou riens leins contenuz ou afcune poffeffion ou autre chofe par force de mefmes les lettres euz ou faitz ou .afcune franchife grantee ou a grantier .as cite^- zeins du elite, citee qui a lour fucceflburs ou au- tre ufage a contraire ou ceo qe la dite pitee dp Nichole eft enfy fait incorporate countee par luy mefmes & fe.eree del countee de Nicole non obftantz. " complain of a falfe Oath made in the County of the " faid City after, by Force of the faid Statute, fhould have a Writ of Attaint directed to the Sheriff' of the " County of -Lincoln, to be arrayed by the People of " the fame County, or not, an,d alfo of other Articles " and Points of the faid Statute;" ' (4) the King wil- ' ling to remove all Manner of Ambiguities and Doubts <ar°&c of the' - m tn ' s Behalf, hath ordained,- granted, and eftablifh- Co'unty of the ' ed, That in Affiles, Juries, and all other Inquefts which be and lhall be taken betwixt Party and Party, before the Mayor and Bailiffs, and before the Sheriff of the County of the City of Lincoln, which for the Time is, and fhall be, or any of them, if any of the faid Parties do complain of a falfe Oath made by fuch Affifes, Juries, and Inquefts, a Writ of Attaint fhall be granted to him, directed to the Sheriff of the faid and the fame

  • fhall array the Panel qf the' Jury of fuch Attaint of

-* People of the County of Lincoln ; and that the Juftices ' of the King and of his Heirs fhall take the fame Jury c of People of the County of Lincoln, according to the 4 Intent and EffecT: of the laid Statute, notwithstanding ' the faid Letters Patents, or any thing therein con-

  • tained, or any Poffeffion or other Thing by the Force
  • of the fame Letters had or made, or any Franchife

' granted, or to be granted to the Citizens of the faid

  • City, or to their Succeffors, or other Ufage to the

' contrary, or'that the 'faid City of Lincoln is fo made • AMQmtyfy* incorporate*.' itjelf and je-vered from the County of Lincoln 37 H. 8. c. 5. See farther concerning Attaints II //. 6. c'4. 15 H, 6. c. 5. 18 H. 6. c, 2, 11 H. 7, c. 21. 23 H. S. c. 3, ar.i'

  • Add Great

Grandfather to our Sovereign Lord. Repealed by * I Mar. feff. r. < c. 1. and revived ^ by 5 El. c. II. farther enforced }y 1 8 El. i : C A P. It fhall be Treajon to clip, T E M, Becaufe that before this Time great Doubt and Ambiguity hath been, whether that " Clipping, Waffling, and Filing of the Money of " the Land, ought to be judged Treafon, or not, for- " afmuch as no Mention thereof is made in the De- " claration of the Articles of Treafon made in the " Parliament holden the Twenty-fifth Year of King " Edward the Third*;" ' (2) the fame our Lord ' the King, willing to d.cide fuch Doubt, and to put ' the fame in a Certainty, hath declared in this prefent ' Parliament, that fuch Clipping, Warning, and ' Filing, fhall be adjudged for Treafon, and they

  • wfeich fo do clip, wafh, and file the Money of the

Land, fhall be judged Traitors to the King and to the Realm, an' fhall incur the Pain of Treafon.' and 6& 7 Tf. 3. c. 17. Jcc. 9. VI. wafh, or file Money. 1 T E M pur ceo qe devaunt ces heures grande doute & awereufte ad efte le quelf la tonfure loture & fylyng de la moneie de la terre duiilent eftre adjuggez trefon ou nient a caufe qe null men- tion ent eft fait en la declaration 'des articles de traifon faitz' en le parlement tenu Ian vingt & quint del noble Roi Edward befaiel a noftre dit treffo:- verain Seign-ur le Roi mefme noftre Seignur le Roi voillarit oufter tiel'e doute & le mettre en cer- tcin ad declarree en ceft prefent parlement qe tieux tonfure loture Sc filer foient adjuggez pur traifon & qe ceux qi tondent lavent & hlent la rnoneie de la terre foient adjuggez traitours a Roi & a le Roialme & encourgent la peine du traifon. .CAP. VII. What Juftices fhall have Authority to hear and determine the Offences of falfifying of Money. TEM, Becaufe counterfeiting, clipping, waffl- ing, and other Falfity of Money of the Land, is much more ufed, and daily doth more abound, than it was wont, for that the Punifhment of the fame pertaineth not to any Judges of the Realm, but tx> the King's Juftices before himfelf, or by fpecial Commiffions thereto affigned, and it is very likely there will be Deftrucliion of the Money, unlefs hafty ITEM pur ceo qe contrefaiture tonfure & loture & autre fauxine de la moneie de la terre. eft le pluis ufee & pluis fe habunde de jour en autrS* qe ne foleit a caufe qe le puniffement dicelles nap- pertient a afcun jugedu Roialme finoun as Juftices du Roi devaunt luy mefmes ou devaunt Juftices par efpecialx commiffions a ceo affignez a ver- raifemblable deftruitiou de la dite moneie finon qe