Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/563

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A. D. 1421. Anno nono Henrici V. Stat. 1. 5*7 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. paiment neft mye de droiturell pois ne de bdne allai y faute ceo remettre a le cune au fyne qil poet eftre novelment cunez de jouft pois & bone alleie & ceo ferra eftre a graunde pcrde & coftages des fubditz du Roy fil ne fuy pleilxux relever en ceo cas ft ad le Roy de fa grace ef- peciale rernis & pardonee a toutz fez liges qi pa- rentre cy k le cli.t feft de Novell ferront cuner de novel a le cunage du Roy dedeinz le Toure de Loundres lour monoie dor qe ne foit de jouft pois ne de bone allaie ceftaffavoir tout ceo qi a fuy appertient pur cell novel! cunage de tiel ore come defuis Salvez ' a le meftre del mynte & as autres officers dicelle ceo qi a eux appar- tient refonablement. " went is not of rightful Weight nor of good Allay" ' the fame fhajl be fent to the Coine, to the Intent ' that it fhall be newly coined of juft Weight and of ' good Allay;' " and becaufe that Jliall be to the great The fe Lines in " Lofs and Co/Is of the King's Subjecls, wilefs it tl" I">'M Letter " pleafe him to relieve them in this Cafe;" '(4) OM^^";, ' Sovereign Lord the King, of his fpecuvl Grace, hath t l n l : the Su- ' remifed and pardoned to all his liege People, which tutes published ' betwixt this and the faid Feaft of Chriftmas fhall caulJe by Pulton, Kible, ' to be coined of new at the King's Coinage within the f c - ^ Jt aic in ' Tower of London, their Money of Gold that is not of J ' juft Weight nor of good Allay, that is to fay, all ' that to him pertaineth for this new Coinage of fuch ' Gold as afore; (5) faving always to the Mafter of ' the Mint, and to other Officers of the fame, that ' which to them reafonably pertaineth.' c a p. xir. Writs purchafed by the Wardens of Rcchefter Bridge, or againft them, fhall be good, though fome of them die or be removed. ITEM ordeinez eft & eftabliz qe toutz les briefs par les gardeins de le novell pont de Roucheftre & lours fucceflburs apurchacerz ou par autres encountre eux apurchacers foient maintenus & fuftenuz par la ley et combien qe les ditz gar- deins ou afcun de eux foit ou foient amo.vez ou expulfez de lour dit office ou devie ou deviorrt pen- danfz les ditz briefs nientmains mefmes les briefs eftoient & foient bons & eftectuelx en ley pur toutz jours. c -ITEM it is ordained, That all the Writs to be ' 1 purchafed by the Wardens of the new Bridge ' of Roehefler, and their Succeffors, or by other againft ' them to be purchafed, fhall be maintained and con- ' tihued by the Law of England; (2) and although ' that the faid Wardens, or any of them, be xe- ' moved or expulfed from their faid Office, or do ' die, hanging the faid Writs, neverthelefs the fame ' Writs fhall ftand to be good and effedualin the c <, _, « Law for ever.' f*'|f i'^! 7 ' •which an altered ly I Ann. flat. I. c. it. Other Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 9 Hen. V. Stat. 2. and' Anno Dom. 1421. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. »z. i. AParlement tenuz a Weftm' le primer jour de Decembr' Ian du regne del Roi Henry quint puis le conquefte noevifme mefme noftre Seighur le Roi "del affent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & a la requefte des Communes dEngleterre aflemblez en ceo mefme parlement ad fait certeins orde- nances pur le commune bien & profit du Roialme en fourme qenfuitf C A P. I. A Confirmation of all Statutes made touchingMoney. PRimerement qe toutz les eftatuts & ordenances qont eftee faitz en temps des nobles progenitours du RoiE 5 P* touchantz le bone & loial governance defes moneies dor & dargent nient repellez foient bkn.& firme- ment gardez & tenuz en toutz pointz. CAP. II. All Men may refort to the King's Exchanges, or to the Tower, to have Money new coined. ITEM le Roi ferra ordeiner en quantqe kn poet bonement fes efchanges de moneie dor & dargentEXP. en la Citee de Loundres & aillours deinz le Roialme pur laife de fon poeple qi ferront tenuz en lieux overtes en hautes rues. Et qe toutz ceux qi vorront venir a le Tour de Loundres pur y avoir moneie de novel cunee ils y averont moneie cunee & ent ferront deliverez dedeinz oept jours folonc la verraie value de ceo qils apporteront illoeqes paintz pur les feignurage & cunage dor lafterant de v. s. pur la livre de Tour ct pur les feignurage & cunage dargent xv. d. a la livre de Tour fanz pluis et qe ceux qi ne vorront ap- procher a le Tour a ceo faire mes vorront ent eftre deliverez a les efchanges paient pur lefchange de laf- ferant dun noble un denier & pur le dimy noble ob' et pur la. quarte pariie ferling ovefqe les feignurage & cunage come devaunt eft dit. CAP.