Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/595

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A. D. 1429. Anno o&avo Henrici VI. C. 10, 11. 54-9 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. conteinant la fpace de trois mois de la date du dit darrein briefe ou les countes fe teigner.t de mois en mois & la ou les countees fount tenuz de fys fepmains en fys fepmains ait lefpace de quatre mois tanqal jour de retourne de mefme le briefe par quel briefe de feconde Capias foit con- tenuz & comaunde a mefme le vifcount de prendre celuy qi eft enfy endite ou appelre par fon corps hi poet eftre trove deins fa baillie. Ei fil he poet i mye eftre trove deins fa baillie qe le dit vifcount face proclamation en d:ux countees devaunt le retourne de mefme le briefe qe celuy qeft enfy endite ou appelle appierge devaunt les ditz juftices ou commifiioners en le countee libertee ou fran- chife ou il eft endites ou appellez al jour contenu en le dit darrein briefe de Capias a refpoundre a noftre dit Seignur le Roy & au pa'-tie de la felonie trefon ou trefpaffe dount il eft enfy enditez ou appellez apres quel fecond briefe de Capias enfy fe'rvy & retournee fi celuy qi eft enfy enditez bu appellez ne veigne al jour de mefme le briefe de Capias retourne foit exigend' agardez envers tielx endites ou appellez & chefcun de eux. Et fi afcun exigend' enapres foit a garde fur afcun tiel eriditernent ou appelle countre la forme avaunt- dite o± afcun utlagarie fur ceo pronunciez foit iibien cell exigend' enfy agarde come la utlagarie fur ceo pronuncie & chefcun de eux tenuz pur null & voide et qe la partie fur qi tiel exigend' encountre la forme avauntdite foit agarde ou ut- lagarie pronuncie ne foit endamage ne mys a perde de"fes biens ou chatieux terres ou tenementz ne de fa vie. Purveu toutz foitz qe leftatut fait en le dar- rein parlement des proceffes affairs en tielx cafes devaunt le Roy en fon Bank eftoife en fa force. Et enoutre mefme/noftre Seignur le Roy ad grantee ' par auctoritee fufdite qe chefcun enditez ou appelle en la forme avauntdite de cy enavaunt apres ceo qii foit par verdit duement acquitee qil eit briefe & action fur fon cas envers chefcun procurour de tie x enditementz ou appellez et foit autie'e pro- ceffee fur & en mefme le briefe come en briefe <. J 'e trefpas fait ove force & armes et fi tiel procurour foit atteint en celle partie qe le pleintif recovere fez damages au treble. Purveu toutz foitz qe cert ordinance ne fe ex- tende mye as enditementz ou appellez prifez ou apprendrez deinz le countee de Ceftre. Purveu auxi qe fi afcun des ditz lieges ou afcun de lour heirs foit ou ferra appelle ou enditez de felonie ou trefon & au temps de mefme le felonie ou trefon fuppofez eft ou feuft converfaunt deinz le countee dount lenditement ou appelle fait men- tion qe autielle proceffe foit fait vers tiel endite ou appelle come ad efte ufe devaunt ces heurs. the Space of Three Months from the Date of the faid laft Writ, where the Counties be holden from. Month to Month ; and where the Counties be holden from Six Weeks to Six Weeks, he fliall have the Space of Four Months, until the Day of the Return of the fame Writ ; (2) by which Writ of fecond Ca- pias, be it contained and commanded to the fame Sheriff", to take him which is fo indicted or appealed, by his Body, if he can be found within his Baili- wick ; (3) and if he cannot be found within his- - Bailiwick, that the faid Sheriff fliall make Proclama- tion in two Counties before the Return of the fame Writ, that he which is fo indicted or appealed fhall appear before the faid Juftices or Commiffioners in the County, Liberty, or Franchife where he is indicted or appealed, at the Day contained in the faid laft Writ of Capias, to anfwer to our Lord the King, or to the Party, of the Felony, Treafon, or Trefpafs, whereof he is fo indicted or appealed ; (4) after which fecond Writ of Capias fo ferved and returned, if he which is fo indicted or appealed

come not at the Day of the fame Writ of Capias re-
turned, the Exigent fhall be awarded againft fuch

' Perfons indicated or appealed, and every of them. ' III. And if any Exigent hereafter be awarded Hob. 766. upon any fuch Indictment or Appeal againft the 3 Co ' 59* Form aforefaid, or any Outlawry be upon that pro-

nounced, as well the Exigent fo awarded, as the Out-

lawry upon that pronounced, and every of them, ' fhall be holden for none and void ; (2) and that the

Party upon whom fuch Exigent againft the Form.

• aforefaid is awarded, or Outlawry pronounced, be

not endamaged, nor put to Lofs of his Goods or
Chatties, Lands or Tenements, nor of his Life.

' IV. Provided always, That the Statute made in6H. 6. c. 1.

the laft Parliament, of Proceffes to be made in fuch An Aaion u P -
Cafe before the King in his Bench, ftand in his Force. on ^m, h „.

... o , _ -riiT^- maintainable by- ■ (2; And moreover, the fame our .Lord the King Ine Party in- ■ hath granted by Authority aforefaid, That every a:aed or ap- 1 Perfon indicted or appealed in the Form aforefaid P" led againft ' from henceforth, after that he be duly acquit byJ^^™^" ' Verdict, that lie fhall have a Writ and Action upon Ke i. f' 2I l ' his Cafe, againft every Procurer of fuch Indictments Raft. 123* ' or Appeals ; and like Procefs fhall be upon and in ' the fame Writ, as in a Writ of Trefpafs done with ' Force and Anrs; (3) and if fuch Procurer be at- ' tainted in this Behalf, that the Plaintiff fliall recover ' his treble Damages. ' V. Provided always, That this Ordinance fhall

  • not extend to Indictments or Appeals taken or to be

' taken within the County of Chefler. ' VI. Provided alfo, That if any of the faid Lieges, A Man Maed ' or any of their Heirs, be or fhall be appealed or in- or appealed in> ' dieted of Felony or Treafon, and at the Time of the "£ "j"? 1 .^ ' fame Felony or Treafon fuppofed, he is and was conver r an t fhall ' converfant within the County whereof the Indictment be protVcuteA ' or Appeal ma> eth Mention, the like Procefs be made as formerly. ' ag.iinft fuch Perfon fo indicted or appealed, as hath ' been ufed always before this Time.' CAP. XI. The Citizens of London may take Apprentices according to their ancient Cufloms. See Jppendix* CAP.