Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/618

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572 Anno undecimo Henri ci VI. A. D. 1433, which Pleas and Proceffes have been often difcontinu- ed, by making of new Commiflions of the Peace in thofe Counties, to the great Lofs of our faid Lord the King and of his Subjedts, in Delay of the fame Pleas and Suits, and of the Deliverance, of his faid Sub- jects ;" ' (2) And upon that our Lord the King willing to provide Remedy, of the Affent and Au- thority aforefaid, hath ordained and.eftablifhed, That in all fuch Pleas, Suits, and Proceffes, in them to be taken and to be made before Juftices of the Peace in any County of England, the faid Pleas and Pro- ceffes in fuch Suits to be done fhall not be difcon- tinued by fuch new Commiflions of the Peace to be made, but thofe Pleas and' Proceffes fhall . ftand in their Force. (3) And the Juftices in the fame new Commiflions lo afligned, after that they fliall have the Records of the fame Pleas and Proceffes before them, fhall have Power and Authority to continue the faid Pleas and Proceffes ; and the fame.Pleas and Procefles, and, all that depend upon them,, to hear and finally to determine, as the other Juftices might and ought to have done of and in the fame, jf no new Commiflion hadbeen made.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. lez queux plees & proceffes fovent ount efte dif- contenuz par faifaunces de novell commiflions du pees en icelles countes a graunde perde noftre dit Seignur le Roi & dez fez lieges & en retarda- • tion dez mefmes lez plees & futees & de la deli- veraunce dez fez ditz lieges. Et fur ceo noftra:- dit Seignur le Roi voillant purvoier de remedie de laffent & auc"torite fuifditz ad ordene & eftable qen tous tielx futes & plees & proees en icelles apprendres Si affaires devaunt juftices de pees en afcune counte dEngleterre lez ditz plees & proees en, tiels futes affaires ne foient my difcontenuz - par tiels novell commiflions de pees affaires mes eftoient mefmes lez plees Si proceffes en- lour force. Et eient lez juftices de mefmes lez no- vel commiflions enfi aflignez apres ceo qils ave- rount lez- recordes dez ditz plees & proceffes de- vaunt eux poair &au£f.orite dez lez ditz plees:& proceffes continuer Sz mefmes lez plees & proceffe & tous lez dependantz dieelles oier & finalment determiner ficome lez autres juftices purrount & duiflent avoir fait de Sc en icelles ft null novell commiflion euft efte fait— GAP.. VII.. The Statute 0F9.H/6. c. 7. which reftraineth the Sheriff of the County of Hereford to take Money by. Extortion, djiV. revived for. Three Years. See Appendix-.. e A P. VIII. A Confirmation of all'Statutes made touching Weights and Meafures. 1 H. 5. c. io( " T TEM, Whereas in the Parliament holden at Wejl- " J. minfter the Firft Year of King Henry,, Father of " our Lord the King that now is, it was ordained, " That all the Statutes and Ordinances made of Mea- " furesofCorn fhould be firmly holden and kept after " the Effect of the fame; (2) and that no Purveyors " of the King, nor of other, fhould not after that Time "forth buy nor take any Corn or other Meafure, but " by eight Bufhels ftriken for the Quarter^ and that " none fhould be bound otherwife to deliver for the " Quarter but eight Bufhels ftriken for the Quarter, "• as before is faid, (3) and alfo that Payment fhall be " made prefently for the Carriage of the fame. (4) And

  • ' that if any Purveyor of our Lord the Kingy- or of

" other P-erfon, from that Time forward do buy or " purvey any Corn otherwife, or by, other Meafure, " than by eight Bufhels ftriken for the Quarter, as be-

  • « fore is faid, and of that be attainted, he fhall have

" one Year's Imprifonment, and fhall pay to the King " an hundred Shillings, and to the Party that feeleth " him grieved another hundred Shillings ; and that as " often as any of them fhall be thereof attainted ; (5) " and that the Party that will fue fhall have thereof -an

  • ' Action grounded upon the Cafe. (6) And that the

" Juftices of Peace fhall have Power to inquire and. to " hold Plea of all the Things aforefaid, and there -

  • ' upon to aflign Punifhment, as well at the Suit of

" the King as of the Party ;{_-]) and that from the fame " Time forward nothing fhould be taken for the mea- " furing of fuch Corn in any Manner. (8) And not- " withstanding the faid Ordinances and Statutes, as " well the Bakers, and all other Merchants and Buy- " ers within the Franchifc and City of London, as the TEM come en le parlement tenuz a Weftm' Ian premer de Roi Henr' pier noftre Seignur le Roi quoreft ordene fuift qe toua lez eftatuit2L.5c ordenances dez mefures dez.bleez deuffent eftre fermement tenuz & garduz folonqe lenfeil dicells. Et.qe null dez purvoiours de Roi nautre ne durf- fent en apres ne de celle temps enavaunt achater ne prendre afcuns blees par autre mefure fmon-par viij-. bufi'elx rafez pur le quarter et qe null ferrolt tenuz autrement a. deliverer pur- le quarter finon viij,. buffelx rafez pur le quarter come devaunt eft dit et auxint qe paiement ferroit fait preftement pur le cariage dieelles. Et qe ft afcun. purveiour ou autre perfone dicelle temps enavaunt accha^ teroit ou purveroit afcuns blees autrement ou par. autre mefure finon viij. buffelx pur le quarter * come avaunt eft dit Si de ceo ferroit atteint averoit lenprifonement . dun an & qil paieroit au Roi C. s. & a parte que fe fente greve autre C. s. k ceo atant dez foitz qe afcune de ceux de ceo ferroit atteint. Et qe la parte qe voudroit fuer averoit ent aftion founduz fur la cas. Et qe lez juftieesde la pees , duiffent avoir poair. denquerer & plee tenere dez touz lez chofes avauntditz. & fur ceo de faire punifhement fibicn al fuit de Roi come de parte. Et qe de celle temps enavant riens ferroit priz pur le mefurage dez tiels blees en afcune manere. Et nient obftant afcuns ordenances & eftatutz fibicn lez piftour & tous autres marchantz Si achaitours deins le- franchifes & Cite de come