Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/136

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84 C. 6. Anno decimo tertio Gulielmi III. A. D. 1701. ind fukfcribe the fame. Perfons notha- ■ving taken the Oaths at V/eft- minrter to take the fame at the Quarter SefTions ivT the County ■yihere Relideiir, &c. andfubfcribe theit Names. Perfons admitted into Offices Civil or Military fhall take the faid Oattij ini a: r^c.-'efiaf- ticaipeifjr.s,&c. Praflifers of thi Perfon beyond Sea to take ths Oath in three Months Return. Penalty en Per- fons refufing or neglefting to take the Oath ; 2-nd afterwarJs executing any Courts of Wefl- minrter to ad- miniiter the Oath, Ice. Manner of fub- fcribingthefame. 25 Car. z c. 2. Perfons forfeit- ing Office by Negleft, &c. m ly have a new Grant thereof, on taking the 0.uh. IT. Unto which Oath fo taken, every fuch Perfon fo taking the fame fhall fubfcribe or make his Name or Mark, and during the Time of taking the faid Oath, all Pleas and Proceedings in the faid refpedtive Courts fhall ceafe, and all and every the faid refpe£tive Perfons and Officers, not having taken the faid Oath, and fubfcribed the iame as aforefaid, fhall on or before the firft Day of Auguji in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and two, at the General or Quarter Seffions for that County,, Riding, Liberty, City, Borough, Town Corporate, or Place .vvfhere he or they fliall be, inhabit or refide, on the- twentieth Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and two, take the faid Oath in open Court, between the faid Hours of Nine and Twelve of Clock in the Forenoon, and fubfcribe his Name, or make his Mark undtr the fame as aforefaid. in. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons that fhall be admitted, entred, placed or taken into any OiEce or OfEces, Civil or Military, or fhall receive any Pay, Salary, Fee or Wages, by reafon of any Patent or Grant from his Majelty, or fhall have Command or Place of Trufl from or under his Majelly,. or by his Authority, or by Authority derived from him, within this Realm of England, Dominion of IV.-iLsy Town of Beriukk upon Tiueed,. or in his Majefly's Navy, or in the feveral Iflands of Jerfiy and Guernfey, or that fhall be admitted into any Service or ImpJoyment in his Majefty's Houfhold or Family, or of his Royal Highnefs Prince George, or of her Royal Highntfs the Princefs Anne of Demnark-, after the faid lirft Day of Eajler Term aforefaid, fhall take the faid Oath at the fame Time that he or they fhall make and fubfcribe the Declaration men- tioned in a Statate made in the five and tv/entieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, Aa ASi for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popijb Reafants, and all Ec- clefiaftical Perfons, all Members of Colleges and Halls in either Univerfity, that are or fhall be of the Foundation, being of, or as foon as they Ihall attain the Age of eighteen Years, and all Perfons teach- ing Pupils^in either UnJverfity, or elfewhere, and all Schoolmafters and Ufhers, and all Preachers and Teachers of feparate Congregations, and every Perfon who fhall a£t as Serjeant at Law, Counfellor at Law, Barrifter, Advocate, Attorney, Solicitor, Proftor, Clerk, or Notary, by pracStifmg in any Manner as fuch, in any Court or Courts whatfoever, who fliall, at any Time after the hrfl Day of Eajler Term aforefaid, be adm.itted into, or enter upon any of the before-mentioned Preferments, Benefices, Offices or Places, or fhall come into a'ny fuch Capacity, or fhall take upon him or them any fuch Pradtice, Im- ployment or Bufuiefs as aforefaid, fhall, within three Months after he or they fhall be admitted into, or enter upon any fuch Preferment, Benefice, Office, or Place, or come into fuch Capacity, or take upon him or them fuch Praftice, Imployment or Bufmefs as aforefaid, take and fubfcribe the faid Oath in one of the faid Courts at TP^eJlminJler, or at the General Qiiarter- Seffions of the County, City or Place, where he or they fhall rclide. IV. Provided, That nothing in this A£f: contained fliall extend to any Perfon now beyond the Seas, who by virtue of this Ait ought to take the faid Oath, fo as fuch Perfon do, within three Months after his Return into England, take the faid Oath, and fubfcribe thereunto, according to the Appointment of this A£t. V. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Perfon and Perfons aforefaid, that do or fhall negleft or refute to take the faid Oath, and fubfcribe thereto as aforefaid, in the faiJ Courts and Places, and at the refpedlive Times aforefiiid, fliall be ipfo facio adjudged incapable and dilabled in Law, to ail Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, to have, occupy or enjoy the faid Office or Offices, Imployment or Imployments, or any Part of them, or any Matter or Thing aforefaid,, or any Profit or Advantage appertaining to them or any of them ; and every fuch Office or Place, Imploymeni and Imployments ihall be void, and is hereby adjudged void. VI. And be it further enafted. That all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons who fhall negleft and refufe to take the faid. Oath v/ithin the Times, and at the Places aforefaid, and yet after fuch Negleft or Refufal fhall by himfelf or themfelves, his or their Deputy or Truftec,, execute any of the faid Offices or Imployments, after the faid Time is expired, wherein he or they ought to have tiiken the faid Oath, and being tiiereof lawfully convidled in or upon any Information, Prefentment, or Indidtment in any of the King's Courts ^Wejiminjier, or at the Aifizes, every fuch Perfon or Perfcns fhall be difabled from thence- forth to file or ufe any Adtion,, Bill, Plaint, or Information in Courfe of Law, or to profecute any Suit in any Court of Equity, or to_be Guardian of any Child, or Executor or Adminiflrator of any Perfon, or capable of any Legacy or Deed of Gift, or to be in any Oitice within this Realm of England, Dominion of JVales, or Town of Binviik upon Tweed, and fhall forfeit the Sum of five hundred Poundsj> to be recovered by him or them that fhall fue for the fame, to be profecuted by any Adtion of Debt, Suit, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of liis Majefty's Courts at iVeJiminJlery wherein no EfToin, Pro- tedlion, or Wager of Law fhall lie. VII. A.nd be it further enadted, That it fhall and may be lav/ful to and for the refpedtive Courts afore- faid to give and adminifler the Oath aforefaid to the Perfon and Perfons aforefaid ;, and upon due Tender of any Perfon or Perfons to take tiie faid Oath, the faid Courts are hereby required and enjoined to ad- minifler the fam.e ; of the taking and fubfcribing v/hereof tha like Regilter fhall be kept, as by the faii Adt made in the hve and twentieth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second was diredted to be kept, of the fubfcribing the Declaration therein mentioned. VilL Provided always. That any Perfon who by any Negledt or Refufal, according to this Adl, fhall" lofe or forfeit any Office, may be capable of a new Grant of the faid Office, or of any other, and have and hold the fame again, fuch Perfon taking the faid Oath in fuch Manner as aforefaid, fo as fuch Office be no't granted to, or adluaily enjoyed by, fome other Perfon at the Time of the regranting thereof. iX. Provided