Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/197

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A. D. 1703. Anno fecundo 5c tertlo Ann^e Reginse. C. 7, 8. 145

  • • cancies hapen therein ;' Be it therefore enacted, for the Encouragement of all Perfons who do or fliall

ferve at Sea, That at any Time he/eafter, when any fuch Vacancy or- Vacancies flirili happen in the faid Lord Admiral to Hofpital, that the Lord High Admiral of England., or CommifTioners executing the Office of Lord High appoint any dif- Admiral of England for the Time being, fhall have full Power and Authority, and is and are hereby im- ^J'!^""' powered and authorized, from Time to Time, to nominate and appoint any difabled Seamen, their Wives ^Iji'ij^.J"^^^" and Children, and the Widows and Children of Seamen flain, killed, or drowned in Sea Service, to be to be ma'mtained maintained and piovided for in the faid Hol'pital, as the faid Lord Fligh Admiral, or Commiffioners exe-mCieenwldi cuting the Office of Lord High Admiral, fliall think fit or fee Occafion ; any Thing in the faid two feve- Hofpicai, raL Aits of Parliament laft mentioned, or in the Letters Patents in the faid A<3:s mentioned, contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. ' XX. And for the encouraging all fuch Ships or VelTels as fhall be imployed in bringing Coals for ' fupplying the City of London., and other Ports of this Kingdom, at more reafonable Plates than during ' this War they have hitherto been;' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the Allowances «if five and twen ieth Tizy oi Adnrch one thoufand feven hundred and four, there fhall be allowed yeaHy, du- !^^"'L"*'.°'" ring the prefent War, free from impreffing, to every Mafirer of any Ship or Veilel imployed in the Coal "J'^^'^^j 'l"^^^' Trade, befide the faid Mafter and Mailer's Mate, and Carpenter, one able Seaman for every hundred Coai Trade. Tun in Burthen, not exceeding three hundred Tuns, that fuch Ship or VefTel contains, which fhall be roade appear by a Certificate from the Cuftomhoufe of what Number of Tuns fuch Ship or Vefiel is really of, according to the Gages or Meafures mentionec! in an Acl pafTed in the fifth and fixth Year of their late r & 6 W, & Mi Majefties King William and Queen Mary, For byi>:g a Duty on Tunnage of Shipping ; and if any Cap- c. 20. tain, Lieutenant, or other Officer, fliall prefume to imprefs or take any of the Men allowed by this Act as aforefaid, fuch Captain, Lieutenant, or other Officer, Iball forfeit to the Mafter or Owner of fuch Ship or Veflel, ten Pounds for every Man he flial! fo imprefs or take, to be recovered, with Cofts of Suit, ^^'^"^^'^^"Jj^ by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record, wherein no jvien fo allowed. Effoin, Protection, Privilege, Lijunftion, or Order of Reftraint, fliall be in any wife granted or allowed. Farther Proviji- ons relating to Seamen, ^Am. c. ig. lo Ann. 17. 1 Geo. i. c. 35. 2 Ger. i.e. y & 36. 6 Geo, a. c, 25. 8 Geo. 2. e, 29, Ji Geo. 1. 1. 30. 13 Ga, Zr c. 3 ©' '^^^ l^Geo.l. (.•>,%• x%Gco.z. c. 31. 2oCei>. z. <'. 3S. 22 Geo. 2. c. 52. 24 G'ra. 2. c. 47. 31 G«, 2. c. 10. CAP. VIL An Aft for enlarging the Term of Years granted by an Aft paffed in the Se.ffion of Parliament, held in PR. the eleventh and twelfth Years of King William the Third, for the Repair oi Dover Harbour. 11 & 12 W. 3. c. J. for the Repair oi Dover Harbour, continued from 1709 to 1718. [Continued by 9 Geo. i. c. 30. feft. I. to May 1744.] Penaltj' on Ship failing in or through the Gates of the Works withoirt firft taking down her Sails. No Sullage to be thrown into the Bafon of the Harbour. [Continued by II Geo. 2. c. 7. for 21 Years.] CAP. VIIL ' An Aft for the erefting a Wbrk-houfe in the City of Worcelier, and for fetting the Poor on work there. ' 'Explained asi A Corporation to be for ever in the City oi TVorcefler, to confift of the Perfons hereafter exprefled. How majeftioreeffec- the Eleftions fliall be made. Minifters to give Notice in the Church of the Day and Time of Eleftion. ^"^^ ^ ' *' Benefaftor may be elefted a Member for one Year. In cafe of Death of any Perfon elefted, a new E- ieftion to be made. In cafe of Deficiency in any Parifti of fit Perfons to be chofe Guardians, the fame may be elefted out of any other Parifti. The Guardians of the Poor of the City oi Worcejier made for ever a Body Politick, and may purchafe Lands. Officers to be elefted yearly. No Officer compelled to ferve longer than two Years. Treafurer to continue but for one Year. Guardians may be difpla- ced on juft Caufe. A Court to be held yearly the firft Thurfday in every Month. Eleven of the Guardians to conftitute a Court. The Governor may at any Time hold a Court ; and at the Defire of ten of the Guardians, an extraordinary Afl'embly may be held. The Court may fummon the Inhabi- tants to appear before them. Guardians may appoint a Common Seal, make By-laws, conftitute Com- mittees, and fettle one or more Hofpital, Work-houfe, i^c. Guardians to provide Materials for fetting ■"ttie Poor to work, and compel Beggars, i^c. to work in fuch Workhoufe ; and all Perfons fent into ■ Houfcs of Correftion ; and Poor Children, i^c. until fifteen Years old ; and then bind them Appren- tices for feven Years. Guardians may punifti Perfons in the Workhoufe not conforming to the Rules thereof. A Committee of five Guardians to be appointed for punifliing Offenders. Court to afcertain.' the Sums needful for fettling fuch Hofpital or Workhoufe, isc. to be raifed in two Years ; and to af- certain the weekly Sums for the Maintenance and Imployment of the Poor of the Hofpital, i3c. affefs the faid Sums in equal Proportion, and certify the fame to the Mayor and Aldermen, i^c. Perfons un- equally afleired may appeal. In cafe Mayor, bic. negleft to iflue out Warrants for levying the Affeff- ments, i^c. Corporation may do the fame. Corporation to provide for Maintenance of the Poor of the City, Isc. except the Poor be otherwife provided for. Corporation may examine Churchwardens, ^c, on Oath, grant Warrants to apprehend Rogues, Vagabonds, i^c. and caufe them to be fet to Work for 6 Months. The Corporation not to have any Power over any Alms-houfe, i^c. in the faid City, Isc, Court may choofe a Clerk, and other Officers, and Servants needful ; and on Death or Removal, choofe otheis, and allow them out of the Stock. Treafurer to account yearly, and deliver over what {hall be in his Hands to the fucceeding Treafurer. No Perfon to be elefted a Guardian, unlefs he pay 6d. % Week to the Poor. Corporation may contraft with any Parifh in the County for employing their Vol. IV. U '--Poor,-