Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/254

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202 C. 13, Anno quarto Annje Reginae. A.'D. 1705. the faid Soldiers for Sea Service, with their Officers, and the contingent Charges thereunto belonging; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. t Ja. I. c. 16. c. 21, c. 16. Claufe repealed. Rule forreftrain- ing Watermen from taking of Apprentices re- |)ealed, a Geo. I. c. i6. JO Geo, a. c, 31. Lord Mayor and Alderiricn of London to re- view and amend the By-Laws of the Watermens Company, &c. 1 Haio. P. C. cb. 6. §.3, A&. not to lelTen the Right of holding the Cu- ria Curfus Aquae at Cravefend. Nor the Privi- leges of the Ma- yor and Jurats, fecorGtavcfend, CAP. XIII. An A6t for the better' ordering and governing the Watermen and Lightermen upon the River of 'Thames, WHEREAS by an A<9: of Parliament made in the firfl: Year of the Reign of the late King James the Firfl:, intituled An Aci concerning TVherrymen and Watermen, it is (araongft other Things) en- acted, That no Wherryman or Waterman fhall take any Apprentice, unlefs he {hall be then of the Age of eighteen Years at the leaft, except the Son of a Waterman, who by the faid A£t may be taken Apprentice at the Age of fixteen Years : And whereas by one other Adt of Parliament made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled. Ah ASifor the Explatiation and better Execution of foryner Acts made touching Watermen and Wherrymen, rowing on the River c/Thames, and for the better ordering and governing the faid Watermen, Wherrymen and Ligh- termen, upon ike faid River between Gravefend and Windfor, the faid Watermen, Wherrymen and Ligh- termen are impowered to make reafonable and lawful Rules, Orders, and Conftitutions, for their Go- vernment, in fuch Manner as in the fame Aft is mentioned : And whereas feveral of the Rules, Orders, and Conflitutions which have been made under Colour of the faid laft-mentioned Aft, efpecially the Fourth, which direfts, that noWaterman fhall have any more than one Apprentice at one Time, nor fhall be capable of taking an Apprentice, until fuch Mafter hath been a Freeman feven Years, nor fliall take a fecond Apprentice until his firft be dead, or the Term expired ; and that not any Lighterman fliall take any Apprentice, until he is a real Owner of two Lighters, nor fliall have more than one Appren- tice at one Time, under the Penalties therein mentioned ; have by Experience been found to be preju- dicial and deftruftive to the breeding of Seafaring Men, and a great Burthen upon the Navigation and Trade of the faid River of Thames, and of this Kingdom in general, and the fame not being alterable otherwife than by the Authority of Parliament, or by this Confent of the faid Company of Watermen and Lightermen, who have a long Time refufed to give their Confent thereto ; For Remedy whereof, and for the better Increafe of Seamen for her Majefty's Service, and the Trade, the which is of fo great Importance to this Kingdom ;' Be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefl:y, b^ and with the Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Claufe or Claufes in the faid firft recited Aft of Parliament, that refl:rain the taking of Apprentices, till they fliall arrive to the feveral Ages of eighteen and fixteen Years, as aforefaid, and alfo the faid recited Rule, Order, and Conftitution, and all and every other Rule, Order, and Conftitution made for reftraining of any Waterman, Wherryman or Lighterman, that now are or hereafter fliall be free of the faid Company, from taking and breeding of Apprentices, fhall be, and is hereby repealed, and declared to be void and of none Effeft. IL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful for the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City oi London for the Time being, and they are hereby authorized and impowered, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, to review, or re-examine, alter, or amend all fuch Rules and By-Laws v/hich relate to the Apprentices of Watermen and Lightermen, and all other Orders and Conftitutions, which have been heretofore, or which fliall hereafter be made for the Government of the faid Company of Watermen and Lightermen ; which faid Alterations and Amend- ments fhall be fubjeft neverthelefs to the Approbation of the Chief Juftice of her Majefty's Court of Queen's Bench for the Time Being; and all fuch Rules, Orders, and Conftitutions as fliallTje hereafter reveiwed, re-examined, altered, or amended by the faid Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, fliall, from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, be approved of, as aforefaid, and vkW and duly ofaferved and put in Execution ; the faid recited Afts, or Rules, or any other Aft, Claufe, Rule, Order, or Conftitu- tion to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. IIL Provided always. That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fliall not extend or be conflrued to extend to the leffening, taking away, abridging, hindring, prejudicing, or otherwife howfoever im- peaching cf any Right belonging to or lawfully claimed by the late Charles Duke oi Richmond znA LemXf Lord of the Manor of Gravefend, his Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, or Afligns, for the holding a certain Court within the faid Manor, called Curia Curfus Aqua, or the Court of the Watercourfe, for the better Government of Barges, Boats, and Veffels, ufing the Ferry or Paflage from the Town of Gravef- end to London, and of the Perfons owning or working the fame, or of any other Rights, Liberties, Powers, and Privileges v/hatfoever, belonging to the faid late Duke, his Heirs, Executors Adminiftrators, and ■ Affigns, relating to the faid Ferry or Paflage, or to the Barges, Tilt-boats, or other Boats and VeflTels ufmg the faid Ferry or Paflage, or plying at the Bridge of the faid Town of Gravefend, or the Perfons owning or working the fame, or otherwife howfoever. IV. Provided always. That this Aft, or any thing therein contained, fliall not extend, or be conftrued to extend to the leffening, taking away, abridging, hindring, prejudicing, or impeaching of any Grants, Liberties, Franchifes, Cuftoms, Privileges, orUfages, now or heretofore lawfully ufed, held, or enjoyed by the Mayor, Jurats, and capital Inhabitants of the Villages and Parifties of Gravefend and Milton in the - County of Kmt, touching, concerning, or relating to the PalTage and Ferry upon the faid River of Thatnth