Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/429

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A. D. I yog; Anno odavo Ann^ Reginae. C. 2— 4. 377 " The Exchequer Bills for 400,000/. and the quarterly Bills to be iffued, fhall bear id. per Cent, per " D'lein Intereft, and 3 /. per Centum per Annum, &c. Powers of the former Aft to be in Force. Defi- •' ciency to be made good by Parliament, Monies called in, to be added to the Capital Stock. All Pri- . " vileges, ^c. to extend to the Capital Stock, fo enlarged. EXP. See 8 Ann. c. 13./, 28. and 9 Ann. c. 7. CAP. II. An Act to prohibit the Exportation of Corn, Malt, Meal, Flour, Bread, Bilcuit, and Starch, and Low Wines, Spirits, Worts, and Walh drawn from malted Corn. ' '¥TTHEREAS the Price of Corn at this Time within the Kingdom oi Great Britain is become ' W very great, and (in fome Parts thereof) exceffive, which tends to the Impoverifliment of many of ' her Majefty's good Subjedls, efpecially of poor Manufa£turers, and others of a meaner Condition, and ' by Reafon that Corn in feveral other Parts o( Europe is fcarcer and dearer than in Great Britain, it is ' likely that feveral Perfons, for their private Advantage or Lucre, will not only export or carry great ' Quantities of Corn from this Kingdom, but likewife diftil excellive Quantities of Low Wines and Spi- ' rits frorn Malt, Corn, or Grain, in order to export the fame to Foreign Parts, whereby the Price of Corn ' will be further inhanfed, to the Detriment of herMajefty's good Subjefts, and the Deftrudiion of many ' of them, if a timely Remedy in this Behalf be not provided ;' Be it therefore enafted, fsV. " No Corn, Low Wines, bfc. to be exported before 29 Sept. 1710, Mafter and Mariners offending to be " imprifoned for three Months. Officers of the Cuftoms may feize all fuch Corn, is'f. Provifo, for Corn, " i^c. to be exported for Ship's Ufe : Or for the Faftories in Africa, or Colonies in America : Or for the " Britijh Filhery in thofe Parts. Exporter to declare the Colony, fife, for which the Corn, &c. is bound, " and give Security. Malt or Barley may be tranfported from Southampton for ferfcy or Guernfey, not " exceeding 5000 Quarters. Corn, i^c. may be carried Coaltwife, i^c. Her Majelty by Proclamation " may permit the Exportation of Corn, i^c. before 29 Sept. 1710. Commiflioners of Cuftoms to give Ac- " count to next Seffion of Parliament of all Corn, bV. exported. EXP. CAP. III. An Aft for charging and continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of E X Pi the Year one thoufand feven hundred and ten. See 8 Ann. c. 13./. 28. C A P. IV. An Aft for continuing Part of the Duties upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders, and granting new Duties upon Houfes having twenty Windows or more, to raife the Sum of fifteen hundred thoufand Pounds, by Way of a Lottery, for the Service of the Year one thou- fand feven hundred and ten. MA Y'it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty ; We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, being defirous, by the moft eafy and effe£tuai Ways and Means, to raife fuch Supplies as are neceffary for the Profecution of the prefent War, and for enabling your Majefty, at the End thereof, to eftablifh a good and lafting Peace, have for that End and Purpofe given and granted, and do by this prefent KGi give and grant unto your Majefty, the feveral and refpeilive Rates, Duties, Impofitions and Sums of Money, as well for and upon fuch Coals, Culm, and Cynders, as for and upon fuch Houfes as are herein after mentioned ; and do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that it may be enafted : And be it enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent A'lajefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aftembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That for and during For 32 Years, the Term of thirty-two Years, commencing from the twenty-ninth Day of September in the Year of our from 29 Sept. . Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten, and no longer, there ftiall be raifed, levied, collected, and paid '7.'°- ^^^ '^^' unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for and upon all Coals, Culm, and Cyn- ^^||°J^^j^ ^^'^^ ders, hereinafter exprelTed, (except Charcoals made of Wood) the feveral and refpeftive additional or p^yfoj aucofis, new Impofitions, Rates, Duties, and Sums of Money herein after mentioned, (over and above all fuch &g. viz. (made Duties as are already granted or payable for or in refpeft of the fame, or any of them, by any Law or perpetual by 5 Statute now in Force) that is to fay. For all Coals which at any Time or Times, within or during the ^=°-'-^'9 •'•) faid Term, (hall be imported or brought into the Kingdom of Great Britain from any Part beyond Sea, ported into Grm (in cafe they are fuch Coals as are moft ufually fold by Weight) the Sum of three Shillings of lawful Britain. Money oi Great Britain for every Tun, reckoning the Tun to confift of twenty hundred Weight and ,5, per Ton. every hundred- to confift of one hundred and twelve Pounds Weight of Avcr-dupoi%c, and after that Rate for any greater or lefTer Quantity; and for all Coals fo imported from any Part beyond Sea, being moft ufually fold by the Chalder, or by any other Meafure whatfoever reducible to the Chalder, the Sum of four Shillings and fix Pence of like Money for every Chalder, reckoning the Chal- ^^^ , s_ gj_ ■ der to confift of fix and thirty Bulhels IFincheJier^viTt, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Clialder. Quantity of fuch Coals fo imported or brought in from any Foreign Parts ; the faid Duties for Foreign Goals imported or brought in, as aforefaid, to be paid by the refpeftive Importer or Importers thereof ; and for all Sorts of Coals, from time to time, fhipped or waterborn in order to be fhipped or laid on board For Coals water- any Ship or Veffel to be carried by Sea, and which fhall be carried by Sea in any Ship or Veflel from born, 3 s. per any Port or Place within the faid Kingdom of Great Britain, and which at any Time or Times, within Chalder. Vol. IV. Ccc or