Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/567

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A>D. ijtt* Anno decimo Amn.^ Reginae. C. 8, 9. 515 obliged to puhli(h the faid Bans; and in cafe of Negleft or Refufal, it {hall be fufficient to publifli the been pubun.ed, laid Bans in any Epifcopal Congregation alone ; any Law, Statute, or Cuftom to the contrary notwith- ?5; . . ftanding. ^ _ _ _ _ Chu.cliesob- VII. Provided always, and it is the true- Intent and Meaning of this Act, that all the Laws made againft ligedtopub- Prophanenefs and Immorality, and for the frequenting of Divine Services on the Lord's Day, commonly lifh the Bar.s. called, Ihall be ftill in Force, and executed againft all Perfons that ofFcnd againft the faid Laws, or All Laws a- fhall not relbrt either to (ome Church, or to fomc Congregation or Afl'embly of Religious Worfhip allowed E^'"** immo- and permitted by this Aft. _ _ _ _ "c'inVTrce'^ VIII. Provided likewife, That neither this Ail, nor any Claufe, Article, or Thing herein contained, 'fhisAatoil fliall extend, or he conftrued to extend to give any Eafe, Benefit, or Advantage to any Papift or Popifli not give any Recufant whatfoever, or to any Perfon that ihall deny in his Preaching or Writing, the Do6trme of the Blef- Eafc, &c. to fed Trinity. _ _ V^^m, &c. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, at any time punifhtnent of after the twenty-fifth Day of ^i7?r/j next to come, fliall willingly, and of Purpofe, malicioudy or con- fuch as Aali timptuoufly, come into any Congregation or Affembly of Religious Worfhip, permitted by this Act, and dinuib any difquiet or difturb the famt', or give any Difturbance to the faid Congregation at the Doors or Windows, or Congregation mifufe any Minifter or Paftor of fuch Congregation, fuch Perfon or Perfons, upon Proof thereof before '"voi.ftj'p?"^ two Jufl:ices of the Peace, by two or more fufficient Witneffes, fliall find two Sureties to be bound by Re- ' cognizance in the penal Sum of fifty Pounds Sterling, for his or their Appearance at the next General or Quarter Seflions, or before the Court of Ju{llciary, or other Judge or Judges competent, and in Default of fuch Sureties fliall be committed to Prifon, and upon Conviftion of the faid Oflfence, at the faid General or Quarter Seffions, or before the faid Court of Jufficiary, or other Judge or Judges competent, fliall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds Sterling; one Moiety thereof to the Informer, the other to be difpofed of and of Magi- for the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifli where fuch Offence fliall be committed ; and if the Magiflrates of any Urates hindering Town or Place, or others pretending to have Authority or Jurifdiftion any where in. Scotland, fliall, in thoftoftheE- Contempt of this Law, forbid or hinder thofe of the Epifcopal Perfvvafion from meeting or affembling to- ^^?^ ^^^l^' gether for Divine V/orfliip, in the Places fubjedt to their Jurifdiftion, or fliall fliut up, oi" caufe to be fhut |.(._ ■ ' * up, the Doors of the Houfes, or other Places where fuch Epifcopal Affemblies are held, or intended to be held, fuch Magiftrates and others fo offending, upon Proof thereof before the Court of Jufticiary, by two or more fufficient Witneffes, fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds Sterling, to be diilributed, as aforefaid. X. And be it further declared and enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That no Civil Pain or Forfeiture, No Forfeiture, compel any Perfon or Perfons to appear when fummoned, or to give Obedience to any fuch Sentence when the church jn- pronounced ; any Law or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. dicatories, &c. XI. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Minifter and Pi-eacher as well of All Minifterj, ,the eftablifhed Church in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, as thofe of the Efpifcopal Communion ^'^- '° P"y '""" protefted and allowed by this A&, fliall, at fome Time during the Exercife of the Divine Service in fuch '^° Qi^^") ^'^' refpective Church, Congregation, or A-ffembly, pray, in exprefs Words, for her molt Sacred Majefi-y Queen Anne, and the moft Excellent Princefs Sophia, Eleftrefs and Dutchefs Dowager of Hanover, while living, and all the Royal Family: And every fuch Minifter or Preacher neglefting fo to do, fhall for the firft Of- Forfeiture for fence forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds Sterling, to be recovered and diftributed in fuch Manner as touch- ^tft offence zol. ing the other Penalties in this A£t is herein before diredted ; and for the fecond Offence every Minifter o( }^l^-^^^^^^f^^"J the eftablifhed Church in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, being thereof convicted by the Oaths eftablifhed of two fufScicnt 'Witneiies before the Lords of Jufticiary, fliall be ipfo faElo deprived, and declared incapa- Church to be ble of any Church or Ecclefiaftical Living, during the Space of three Years ; and every Epifcopal Mini- deprived, &c. . iter allowed and protefted by this Aft, being thereof in like Manner convicted, fhall from thenceforth for- '^".^J^.'^-f ■"'" feit and lofe the Benefit of this Aft, and be declared incapable of officiating as Paftor of any Epifcopal toTffe the'Be- ConoreMtion, during the Space of three Years, nefitofthis XII. Provided always, That no Minifter or Preacher offending herein, fliall fufFer fuch Penalties, or ei- Aa, &c. ther of them, unlefs he be profecuted forthe fame within the Space of two Months after the Offence is Proftcution to committed. m"',k '",>"" Months attcr CAP. VIIL the Offence. An Aft to continue the Aft of the lait SefTion of Parliament for taking, examining, and ftating the publick EXP. Accounts of the Kingdom for one Year longer. C A P. IX. An A^ for Recruiting her Majefty's Land Forces and Marines, for the Serviee of the Year one thoufatid EXP. feven hundred and twelve. ti u u i t: A Pb