Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/654

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6o2 "^ ttcLt. i. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginse. A,. D. 1713. veyjnce whereon ral, and Comtnons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That frorri Jn'.eoiTment is and after the Determination of this preient Parliament, no Conveyance or Right whatfoever, whereupon SeYn'!"'ft"ed Inf^fo^'"^""^ is not taken, and Seifm regiftrated one Year before the Teje of the Writs for calling a new a'y'c'a/bdo.'e Parliament, (hall, upon Obje£lion made in that Behalf, entitle the Perfon or Perfons fo infeoft, to%ote or the fefte of the to be elected at that Eleftion in any Shire or Stewartry in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland; and Writ, fhall in- in cafe any Elcftion happen, during the Continuance of a Parliament, no Conveyance or Right whatfo- title to vote or ever, whereupon Infeoffment is not taken one Year before the Date of the Warrant for making out a tv ScoUand'^ 'nor if ^^'"^ ^°^ ^"'^'^ Eledion, fliall, upon Objedion made in that Behalf, entitle the Perfon or Perfons fo infeoft sny^Ekdtion"'^' ^° vote orbe elefted at that Ele(Slion ; andthat from and after the faid Day, it fliall or may be lawful to hapiiM during or for any of the Eledors prefent, fufpe£ting any Perfon or Perfons to have his or their Eflates in Truft the Continuance and for the Behoof of another, to require the Prefes of the Meeting to tender the following Oath to any Qf a Parliament. Elector; and the faid Prefes is hereby impowered and required to adminifter the fame in the Words ibl- AnyEleftor | ; ^.-^^ may require the *=•' Prefes, 10, ttnie.1 an, O^th to one whom he fulpefts to have an Eflate in Truft. The Oath, ' "T J. B. do, in the Prefence of God, declare and fwear. That the Lands and Eflate of for ' JL which I claim to give my Vote in this Eledion, are not conveyed to me in Truft, or for the Behoof ' of any other Perfon whatfoever; and I do fwear before God, that neither I, nor any Perfon to my Know- ' ledge, in my Name, or by my Allowance, hath given, or intends to give, any Promife, Obligation, ' Bond, Back-bond, or other Security, for re-difponing or re-conveying the faid Lands and Eftate, any Man- ' ner of Way whatfoever : And this js the Truth, as 1 fhall anfwer to God.' • ' ' Refufing, fhall .■", And:m cafe fuch Elector refufe to^ fwear, and alfo to fubfcribe the faid Oath, fuch Perfon or Perfons fljall not vote. ' j^Qj. be' capable of voting, or being elefted at fuch ElecStion. Other Obiec- ji_ Provided always. That notwithftanding fuch Oath taken, it fhall be lawful to make fuch other Ob- "bTb' lliw Je'Sions as are allowed by the Laws of Scotland againfl fuch Eledors. No^jnLfTment HI. And be it further enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That no infeoffment taken upon on any redeem- aliiy redeemable Right whatfoever (except proper Wadfetts, Adjudications, or Apprifmgs, allowed by .the ableRight (ex- A£l of Parliament relating to Eledtions in one thoufand fix hundred eighty-onej fhall entitle the Perfon fo ceptpr^opeiWad- infeoft to vote or be elected at any Eledion in any Shire or Stewart.'y ; and that no Perfbn or Perfons, whc? in'ide^to vot'eor '^^^^ not been inrolled and voted at former Eleftions, fhall, upon any Pretence whatfoever, be inrolled of beeleaed. admitted to vote at any Eleftion, except he or they firft produce a fufTicient Right or Title to qualify him And Perfons not or them to vote at that Eleftion, to the Satisfaftion of the Freeholders formerly inrolled, or the Majority enrolled atfor- of them prefent ; and the returning Officers are hereby ordained to make their Returns of the Perfons mer Eleaions, elefted by the Majority of the Freeholders inrolled, and thofe admitted by them, referving alv/ays the Li- ftaii not vote berfv'of objeiSing againfl thcPcrfons admitted to, or cxeliided from the Roll, as formerly. vunout prodn- j j o o ■' ^ j cinij a Rii;ht. ThhClaiifsAs repealed by lb Gea. l, c, i, . ' •' , Sheriffs, &c. ,. •■iV.TAnd be it further enaSed by the Authority aforefaid, That all Sheriffs of Shires, and Stev/arts of ftall, on Pe- Stewartriss, fli'all be obliged, under the Pain of fifty Pounds Sterling, one Moiety whereof fhall be to the ^ake^uhUck Quecn's mofl Excellent Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to the Perfon or Perfons InUmatlon's who fhall fue for the fame, to be recovered beforethe Court of SefTion, by any Aftion fummarily, without th.eeDaysbe- abiding the Courfe of the Roll, to make the publicklntimations required by the Laws of Scotland, at the fore the Day.of -feveral Pari-fh Churches within their refpedlive Jurii'diiSions, at leaH three Days before the Dyet of Elec- Ileaiori.-,.- -jions. .]■.'.; ' , , Savingthe - y. Provided always. That .the Right of apparent Heirs in voting at Elections by Virtue of their Predc- Kishts of Heirs cefTors Infeoffments, and the. Right of iHufbands by Virtue of their V/ives InfeofFments, be and is hereby referved to them, as formerly ; any Thing in this A(£l contained to the contrary notwithftanding. VL Provided alfo. That any Conveyance of Right, which by the Laws of 6'«//a«^ is fufticient to qua- and Hufbands. An whereon^ln- lify any Perfon to vote in the Elcdlions of Members to fervem Parliament for Shires or Scewartries, and fenfimcnt is whereupon Infeoffment is taken, on or before the firft Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and, thirteen, fhall entitle the Perfon or Perfons, fo infeoft, to vote at the Ele. taken bifore feven hundred and thirteen, fhall entitle the Perfon or i erfons, fo mfeoft, to vote at the Eledtions of 1 June 171^. Members to- ferve in the next enruing Parliament ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwitii- (hali entitle n i- tj , ., u ., to vote for ' "Itandrng. Members of Parliament. . i .... j. . Kuftandsnot VIL Provided'yv^'ays,' and it is hereby declared to be the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, That tovotebyVir- no Hufbands fhall vote at any enfuing Election by Virtue of their Wives Infeoflments, who are not Hei- Wives Ir.klff. refles, or have not Right to the property of the Lands on Account whereof fuch Vote fhall be claimed. jnentSj tmlefs they are Hei- CAP. VIL rcffcSj &c, ae H 8. c. 3. An Aft for the more effeflual preventing and punifliing Robberies that fliall be eommicted jn 5&6Ed.6. - HoufcS. C. 9 S" TO. joSf II ^^'. 3^.' ' IT OR AS MUCH as divers wicked and ill-difpofed Servants, and other Perfon'^, are incouraged to dj. ' ' ' l" commit Robberies in Houfes by the Privilege, as the Law now is, of demanding the Benefit of their 5^ii». c. 31. ' Clergy;' Be it therefore enadleJ by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and After I July Confenc of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by ftr'/t"'^°he the Authority of the fame. That all and every Perfon or Perfons that fliall, at any Time, from and after