Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/103

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A. D. 1714. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. C. '22. 63 fioners for for one Year, from the twenty-fourth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and four- teen to the twenty-fifth Day of December owe thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, (over and above the fe- veral Poundages and Days Pay applicable thereunto ;) and for defraying fuch Pay or Half-pay as his Ma-Half-pay Offi. jefty hath allowed, or fhall think fit to allow to the Officers of the Land-forces and Marines difbanded, be- ca3 - ing his Majefty's natural-born Subjects, or naturalized, including fuch Officers of Lieutenant General Hamilton's Regiment of Foot, and excepting fuch Officers as are or fhall be otherwife provided for, from the Time of making fuch other Provifion for them reflectively ; and for anfwering other extraordinary Services or Augmentations relating to his Majefty's Land-forces ; and any'Sum not exceeding two hun- dred and fifty thoufand Pounds, towards fatisfying the Monies due for Subfidies and Arrears or other Dcbt^Subnaiss ana upon Account of the Land-forces ; and any Sum not exceeding fifty-three thoufand three hundred and^ rrcars - twenty- two Pounds, for fupplying the Deficiency of the Fund for the Claffis Lottery of the Year one tyou-^ChflK °^ {and feven hundred and eleven, for the Year ended at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred_ and four- ^ ly> ' ' teen ; and any Sum not exceeding fifty-two thoufand nine hundred thirty-eight Pounds nine Shillings and eight'l'ence, for fupplying the Deficiency of the Fund for the Clalfis Lottery in the Year one thoufand^^j^y^ feven hundred and twelve, for the Year ended at Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; t * " ° And that the Aids or Supplies provided, as aforefaid, (except before excepted) fhall not be illued or ap- plied to any Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever, other than the Ufes and Purpofes before mentioned. Provided always, That fuch Sums as by any other Act of this Seffion of Parliament mall be payable to any Commiflioners of Accounts, for their Salaries, or for their Clerks, or other incident Charges, fhall CommiffioneB.- and may be paid out of the Aids or Supplies aforefaid, or any of them ; any Thing herein contained to the°. c _ ccounts > contrary notwithstanding. [Vide 3 Geo. 1. c. 9. & 6 Geo. 1. c. 17. j Concerning South Sea Company, fee farther 3 Geo. 1. c. 9. 5 Geo. 1. c. ig. 6 Geo. I. c. 4 & 11. 7 Geo. 1. e.' c. '5. 7 Geo. 1. ft. 2. 3 Geo. 1. c. 20. U & 22. 9 Geo. 1. c. 6, I Geo. 2. ft. 2. c. S. 3 Getr. 2. c. 16 £? 20. 4 Geo. 2. c. 5. 5 Geo, 2, c. 17. 6 Geo. 2, c, 25 & 28. 7 Geo. 2. c, Jj. 9 Gem 2. c. 34. 10 Geo. 2. c. 17. 20 Geo. 2. c. 3./. 60. 24 Gee. 2. c. 2 & 11. CAP. XXII. An Aft for enabling his Majefty to fettle a Revenue for fupporting the Dignity of her Royal Highnefs the Princefs, in cafe fhe fhall furvive his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales.

  • T/T OST 1 Gracious Sovereign ; We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of .

4 xVJL Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, being truly acceptable it will be to your Ma- ' jerry, that a good, certain and competent Revenue be fettled for fupporting the Honour and Dignity of •

  • her Royal Highnefs the Princefs, in cafe fhe fhall furvive her Royal Confort the moft .Excellent Prince

' George Prince of Wales, your Majefty's moft dearly beloved Son; and confidering the Happinefs which ' this Kingdom, by the Bleffing of Almighty God, cannot fail to enjoy, by a long Succeffion of Princes ' .derived from her moft Illtiftrious Royal Highnefs the Princefs, who has, with a Conftancy and Greatnefs •>

  • of Mind peculiar to herfelf, given early and never to be forgotten Inftances of her Zeal for the Proteflant -
  • Religion; and well knowing, that by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of her late Majefty
  • Queen Anne, (of bleffed Memory) for preferving the Inheritance of. feveral Revenues of the Crown, in- 1 Ann. Stat, r,
  • tituled, An Ail for the better Support of her Maj fly's Houjhold, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown, c. 7.
  • all Grants thereof (other than fuch as are therein exprefied) are declared to be void ; and that by the

' Act made in the ninth Year of her faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An At! for ejiablijhing a General^ Ann. c.soi ' Poji-office for all her Majcfly's Dominions ; and for fettling a zvee.Uy Sum out of the Revenues thereof for the

  • Service of the War, and other her Majejlf s Occafions, it was enacted, That fuchPart of the. Duties and

' Revenues arifing in or by the General Letter-office or Poft-office, v/hich was thereby veiled in her Ma- J

  • ' jefty, her Heirs and Siicceffors, and therein mentioned to be undeterminable, fhould not be alienable,
  • chargeable or grantable for any Eftate, Term or Time whatfoever, to endure longer than the Life of the ■
  • King or Queen that fhould make fuch Alienation, Charge or Grant refpectively ; and that all Gifts-,
  • Grants, Alienations and Affurances whatfoever, to be had or made of, and Charges upon the fame Duties

' or Revenues, or any Part thereof contrary to the Provifion of that Aclr, fhould be null and void ; Do ne- *

  • verthelefs moft humbly, chearfully and unariimoufly befeech your Majefty that it may be enacted, &c.'

" His Majefty, by Letters Patent, may grant to the Princefs of Wales an Annuity of 50,000/. per An~ - '* num, in cafe fhe furvive the Prince,' to be paid quarterly, viz. 40,000/. per Annum out of the Poft-of- > " fice. 9 Anna, c. jo. The, remaining 10,000/. out of the Hereditary Excife. 12 Car. 2. c. 3. His " Majefty, by Letters Patent, may aiTure to the Princefs Somerfet-Houfe, &c. His Majefty's Grant of' ' 100,000/, per Annum to' "ne. Prince of Wales, to be paid without Fees, and free from Taxes. This-. " Annuity may be fpecially charged on fuch Branches of Cuftoms and Excife as are applicable to the Civil

  • < Lift, {ft.' EXP." ■'.'.■; ' '

C A P. .