Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/245

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A. D. 171 8* Anno guinto Georgii Regis. C. 18. 205 his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, and the Remainder thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons that fhall in- form or fue for the fame : Which faid Sums or Penalti- s fhall be levied in fuch manner as other Penalties herein after mentioned are to be levied ; or in default of Payment of fuch Sums within fourteen Days af- In De r an!t <f ter Conviction of fuch Crime, and where no fuffick nt Effefis can be found to anfwer the fame, the Pi i fori ' : : -' ° ">- cr Perfons fo offending fhall be fent to the Houfe of Correction, there to be whipp'd and kept to hard La- d:r ',", be . fr " t :o hour for any Time not exceeding three Months. SSwffieL HI. And for preventing the imbezilluig of Salt lodged under the Lock and Key of the Officer and Pro- prietors during the Intervals of the refpectivc filhing Scafons ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for every Bufhel of fuch Salt fo lodged, which fhall either be carried away or (hall be found wanting Salt wantinc at at the re-delivering thereof into the fole Cuftody of the Proprietors, reafonable Allowances for the Walle Redelivering or fuch Salt being firft made, the fail Proprietor or Proprietors fhall forfeit twenty Shillings. forfeits jh. the IV. And for preventing any Frauds, Imbczilments or Mifapplication of any foreign Salt after it is iin- Bu<1 i cl - parted or landed, and before it is cellared and ftored up under the joint Cuftody of the Proprietor and the Officer for the Salt-duties for curing of P'ifh for Exportation as aforefaid, and of any Britijh Salt after its being weighed and taken away from the Salt-works or Salt-pits of Great Britain, and before it is itorcd and locked up by the Proprietor and the Officer for the Salt-duties for curing of Fifh for Exportation, as before-mentioned ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That any Perfon or Perfons who from and £ °™S " s ^ l ' ,m ' after the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen fhall take away, imbe- J" „!;,,• •zil or mifapply any foreign Salt after the Importation or Landing thereof, and before it is cellared and ftored before CcUaVilig- up tor the curing of Fifh as above-mentioned, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings for every forfeits 20s. the Bufhel ot foreign Salt fo taken away, imbczilled or mifapplied, reckoning fuch foreign Salt at eighty and Buflie], at 84.1b.. four Pounds Weight to the Bufhel, and fo in proportion for a greater or lefs Quantity ; and any Perfon t0 the Bufl,e,! or Perfons who, from and after the faid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and Britiffi Salt im- nineteen, fhall take away, imbezil or mifapply any Britijh Salt after it is weighed at and carried from any bczlUe v d . , ? ! rfe i t , s , Salt-work or Salt-pit in Great Britain, and before it is brought unto and locked up in any Cellar or Store- at°e6 ^b" to the houfe by the Proprietor and the Officer for the Salt duties, for the curing of Fifh, as directed by this Act, Buikel.' every fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Shillings for every Bufhel of Britijl) Salt fo taken away, imbezilled or mifapplied, reckoning fuch Britijh Salt at fifty and fix Pounds Weight to the Bufhel, and lb in proportion for a greater or lefs Quantity. ' V. And whereas confiderable Quantities of foreign and Britijlj Salt, as alfo fome Quantities of Salt ' which has already been laid on Fifh, and returned unconfumed, defigned for the curing of Fifh, the Du-

  • ties whereof are paid or fecured to be paid, are in the Hands of feveral Perfons, Dealers in Fifh, which

' Quantities of Salt ought to be returned under the Lock and Key of the Officers of the Duties on Salt

  • in England and the Officers of the Cuftoms in Scotland, and the Duties thereof repaid, or the Security

' given vacated and difcharged •' R ~ : ' c n - J x — ' u - A -- — '•'— -< r -~- <" : -> r»l~* -11 /"---i- c — : Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all fuch foreign Saltl ^thas ntities of Salt which have already been laid on Fifh and returned uncon- P?' - Du j V t0 and Britijh Salt, as alfo fuch Quantities of Salt which have already _ fumed, remaining in the proper Cuftody of any Perfon or Perfons, the Duties whereof have been paid or Lock'snaKcy fecured in England on or before the firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, and in of the proper Scotland on or before the firft Day of October one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, fhall be again put officcrs bef °re 1 under the Lock and Key of the Salt-officers in England and of the Cuftom-houfe Officers in Scotland re- J une 1 'i l 9- fpectively, on or before the firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, by delivering to them Keys of all the Cellars wherein fuch Salt is lodged and cellared, and thereupon weighing the fame in the Prefence of the faid Officers with all convenient Diligence and without Delay ; and upon a Debenture And on a Daben to be prepared by the Collector of his Majefty 's Cuftoms at the Port within the Precinct whereof fuch ture the Security Salt is lodged or cellared as aforefaid, and verified by the proper Officer as to the Quantity of Salt actual- '° b i ) vr ; cateJ °- ly cellared, the Security given for the Duties of the faid Salt fhall be vacated and difcharged, or the Duties pa f dj %'" re " repaid bythe^ faid Collector, if in Scotland,, or by the Officers of the Duties on Salt, if in England,, out of the Monies in their Hands arifing from the faid Duties, fo as it appears by the Salt or Cuftom-houfe Books, that the Salt was imported or delivered on or before the firft Day of Oclober one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen in Scotland, or on or before the firft Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and {a) (*) Nineteen in eighteen in England ; and that the Duties thereof were paid or fecured to be paid; and that the Proprietor thc R * cwdi of the Salt, or his Agent, make Oath, that this is the fame Salt that was fo imported or delivered ; and in cafe there is not Money in their Hands fufficient to difcharge the faid Debentures, then and in that Cafe, upon a Certificate thereof to be given gratis, the faid Debentures for Salt cellared in England fhall be paid by the Commiffioners for the Duties on Salt ; and the faid Debentures for Salt cellared in Scotland fhall be paid by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms or Excife in Scotland, at the Option of the Merchant,.. in the fame manner as Debentures for Fifh exported are now by Law made payable. VI. And for the better Encouragement of the Fifhing-trade of Great Britain, Be it enacted by the Alldwances-on. Authority aforefaid, That for all fuch Fifh hereafter mentioned as fhall be exported from any Port 01 - Fl| h "ported. Place In Great Britain into Parts beyond the Seas, by any Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, the Rates or '■ Concerning Fi/b Sums of Money hereafter exprefled, that is to fay, for every Calk or Vefiel of Pilchards or Scads, c x-ar.dFijbtry, re- taining fifty Gallons, feven Shillings ; for every hundred of Codfifh, Ling cr Hake, (except dried Codfifh,/ LT '° J 3 ^ ** Ling or Hake, commonly called which fhall contain in Length fourteen Inches, or upwards, c ' ^ 3 f ' t j from the Bone in the Fin to the third Joint in the Tail of every fuch Fifh, five Shillings; for every£r 3 .' 31 £w! 3! Barrel of wet Codfifh, Ling or Hake, containing thirty-two Gallons, two Shillings; for every hundred/?. 3. c. 1 £f 2. Weight of dried Codfifh, Ling or Hake, commonly called Haberdines, three Shillings ; for every Barrel 35 E,i - 3- of Salmon, containing forty-two Gallons, four Shillings and fix Pence j for every Barrel of white Herrings, '3 *■ *■ £ *9' containing