Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/268

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228 C. 20. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1718. Proprietors of Proprietors of the Debts and Sums of Money ftated to amount to the faid principal Sums of two hundred the Debts fated anc j thirjCy thoufand three hundred and eight Pounds nine Shillings and ten Pence and five Sixths of a Penny cotian : an j e jg nteen thotifand two hundred forty-one Pounds ten Shillings and ten Pence two Thirds of a Penny- both Sums making two hundred forty-eight thoufand five hundred and fifty Pounds and nine Pence- Half- penny; and all and every Perfon and Perfons, .Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate which as Executors, AdminiPcrators, Succeffors or Affigns, or by any other lawful Title derived or to be derived from, by or under the faid Proprietors, at any Time or Times hereafter, fhall have or be entitled Which Corpora- tion /hall have ( fubject neverthelefs to fuch Redemption as is herein after appointed in that Behalf;■) and that they l... perpetual Sue. t h e ir Succeffors, by the Name aforefaid, fhall be able and capable in Law to fue and implead, be fued and and'ma f impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered in Courts of Record or any other Place whatfoever, in all Actions and befued/ l '[ Caufes whatfoever, for, touching or concerning the Receiving and Recovering of the faid Annuity or Fund of ten thoufand Pounds per Annum, and the Diftribution thereof to thofe who fhall from Time to Time be interefted in the fame, with fuch Powers to do and perform fuch other Matters and Things appertaining to them to do or perform touching or concerning the faid Capital Sums and the faid yearly Fund payable in refpect thereof, as the King's Majefty by the fame Letters Patents fhall think fit to grant. The Capital VI. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Capital Sums amounting to two Sums to be a hundred forty-eight thoufand five hundred and fifty Pounds and nine Pence Half-penny fhall be and be J° lnt f Stoc ^ " nd deemed to be the Capital or Joint Stock of the faid Corporation; and that the Shares and Interefts of trans erra e, -c. ^ particular Members of and in the fame from Time to Time {hall be affignable, transferrable and de- vifeable in fuch Manner as the King's Majefty by the faid Letters Patents fhall prefcribe and appoint, until the Redemption thereof. Members of the Coiporation en- fai titled to Ann-Ji- ^ n the f a j c ] (japital Sum and Stock of two hundred forty-eight thoufand five hundred and fifry _ MthtirShaS"^ 116 P ence Half-penny; which Annuities or yearly Sums fhall be paid and payable at the four moft ufual and payable ' Fealts in the Year before-mentioned,^ by even and equal Portions, until the Redemption thereof by Par- quaiui'ly. liament according to the Provifo herein after contained in that Behalf. ' VIII. And whereas by virtue of former Acts of Parliament, Debentures were authorized and di- ' reefed to be made forth for the faid feveral Debts amounting to two hundred forty-eight thoufand five ' hundred and fifty Pounds and nine Pence Half-penny, which are affignable and transferrable by Indorfe- ' ment, and bear Intereft at the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, and fome of the Perfons inte- ' reded in Part of the faid Debts have not yet taken forth the Debentures to which they reflectively are The Judges of ' entitled purfuant to the faid Acts :' Now it. is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, the Exchequer in That in all fuch Cafes the Judges of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, or any three or more of them Scotland fri-.ll (being fatisfied in the Titles of fuch Perfons) fhall make forth and fign Debentures for fuch particular B °p f bentur . es Sums for which fuch Debentures are not already made forth, and deliver the fame to the Perfons entitled tied to-Suoiyfor thereto reflectively, or fuch as they reflectively fhall appoint to receive the fame; which fhall bear Intereft which none are and be transferrable and affignable, and be made and iftued in the fame Manner and Form and under fuch already made Conditions, as if they had been made forth by the CommifTioners for difpofing the Equivalents in Scotland, fo!t h , ' , according to the faid former Act. which. Deben- ° tures (hall bear Intereft, and be transferrable, &c. IX. And to the end it may be known who are the Proprietors of the faid Capital Sums amounting to two hundred forty-eight thoufand five hundred and fifty Pounds and nine Pence Half-penny; It is hereby The faid. Judges enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Judges of his Majefty's Court of Exchequer in Scotland to gi-/c ivonce to fhall, by publick Publication at the Market-crofs of Edinburgh, or by any other Form of publick Pub- >'ocn- licationas the faid Judges fhall think fit, intimate to all Parties within or without the Kingdom, hav- ftre'un- the"*" m 'o Interefts in the faid Ttated Debts of Scotland, to produce or caufe to be produced before the faid Judges King's' Remem- in Edinburgh, in the ordinary Place where the faid Court of Exchequer meets, at or before any Day or branecr, sre. Days to be by them therein prefixed, not fhorter than fix Months from the Date of the publick Publication at the Market-crofs of Edinburgh, and there to exhibit their Debentures to be regiftred in the faid Court Fees for R'egL- of Exchequer; which fhall be accordingly regiftred there by the King's Remembrancer for the Time being "ling. without Fee or Charge, other than the Sum of fix Pence for regiftring every fuch Debenture wherein the Principal fhall exceed fifty Pounds; to which Regifter all Perfons concerned fhall and may have free. Accefs at all feafonable Times without Fee or Charge. X. And it being juft and reafonable that Intereft due on the faid Debts,, after the Rate of five- Pounds ■ one thoufand feven hundred and feven- even hundred and nineteen, fhould be provided for:' Be. OutoftheMo- it further enacted by the" Authority aforefaid, That the Commifiioners of the Treafury, or Lord High a fifing by Treasurer of Great Britain for the Time being, fha!l and may and they are hereby im powered and directed,, thera,dCuftorris, o - f t;-,j. i/r_ 01]; es arifen and to ariie of or for the faid Cuftoms, Duties, .Excifes and other Revenues tire, til" J rfi.uUi'y - ■" 1 » charged