Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/400

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ZS^ C. 25— -32. Anno feptimo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1720. " to him on s December 1719. or any Houlhold Goods, till his Particulars (hall be fettled, & c . Late " Directors, &c, difabled from holding any Place or to fit in Parliament, Not to invalidate any Affign- " ments of Stock, ($c. before 10 July 1721. by any of the late Directors, &c. for fecuring any Debt to " his Majefty, &c. 36000]. in Malt Tallies, payable to Richard Hampden, Efq; and affigned to Robert " Knight, and the feveral Promiffory Notes, may be paid to the Cafhier of the South-Sea Company : And " his Receipt {hall be a Difcharge. But fubject to Claims. Truftees may enter all their Proceedings in a " Book for that Purpofe, and to give a diftinct Account to the King and both Houfes of Parliament. A'l " the clear Monies arifing out of the Eftates, appropriated to the Ufe of the Company. This Claufe " explained by 13 Geo. 1. c. 22. fe<St. 9. Every Director, c5fV. to have out of his particular Eflate, fuch " Provifion as is fet down in the Schedule annexed. E X P." CAP. XXIX, An Act for the King's moft Gracious, General and Free Pardon. " General Pardon of all Crimes (not excepted) committed before 2^ July 1721. Excepted, All who on " 24 July 1721. were in the Service of the Pretender, &c." CAP. XXX. An Act for appointing Commiilioners to examine, ftate and determine the Debts due to the Army. EXP. CAP. XXI. An A<5t for explaining and making more effectual the l'everal Acts concerning Bankrupts. tor firmer Lams <■ "VTT HEREAS Merchants and other Traders in Goods, have been very often obliged, and more ef- H*i° ?V. 3S ' VV pecially of late Years, to fell and difpofe of their Goods and Merchandizes to fuch Perfons as 13 El. c. 7. ' have Occafion for the fame, upon Truft or Credit, and to take Bills, Bonds, Promifory Notes, or other ijac 1. c. 15. ' Perfons Securities for their Monies, payable at the End of three, four or fix Months, or other future al ?J c ' 1 f' I9 ' ' Days of Payment, and the Buyers of fuch Goods becoming Bankrupts, and Commimons of Bank- c 3 24 ' 4 ' ru P tc Y being taken out againft them before the Money upon fuch Bonds, Notes or other Securities be- io Anns, c. 15. ' came payable, it hath been a Queftion whether fuch Perfons, givingfuch Credit on fuch Securities, ' fhould be let in to prove their Debts, or be admitted to have any Dividend, or other Benefit by the Perfons taking ' Commiffion, before fuch Time as fuch Securities became payable, which hath been a great Difcourage- Bills, Bonds, &c ' ment to Trade, and great Prejudice to Credit within this Realm :' For Remedy whereof be it enacted payable at a fu- and declared by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords tureDay for Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the ^"futhts'^fte 6 / ^ ame ' That all and every Perfon and Perfons, who have given Credit, or at any Time or Times here- become Bank" a *~ ter ^ a " S' ve Credit on fuch Securities as aforefaid, to any Perfon or Perfons who is, are or mall be- jupt, (hall be ad- come Bankrupts, upon a good and valuable Confideration bona fide, for any Sum or Sums of Money or mitted to prove other Matter or Thing whatfoever, which is or {hall not be due or payable at or before the Time of fuch their Bills, &c. Perfon's becoming Bankrupt, {hall be admitted to prove his, her and their feveral and refpedtive Bills, to a proportions- ^ on ^ s ' Notes or other Securities, Promife or Agreements for the fame, in like Manner as if they were ble Part of the lr ' a( ^ e payable prefently, and not at a future Day ; and {hall be intituled unto, and fliall have and receive Bankrupt's E- a proportionable Part, Share and Dividend of fuch Bankrupt's Eftate in Proportion to the other Creditors

  • •>«» . of fuch Bankrupts, deducting only thereout a Rebate of Intereft, and difcounting fuch Securities payable

difcounticg fach at future Times, after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum for what he fhall fo receive, to be theRateo/ch per com P uted from the z <tual Payment thereof to the Time fuch Debt, Duty or Sum of Money fliould or Cent, for what would have become due and payable in and by fuch Securities as aforefaid. they receive. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons, who Eankrupts (hall now are or fhall become Bankrupts, {hall be difcharged of and from all and every fuch Bond, Note or be difcharged of other Security as aforefaid, and fhall have the Benefit of the feveral Statutes now in Force againft Bank- fuch Securities. rup t s in like Manner, to alllntents and Purpofes, as if fuch Sum of Money had been due and payable before the Time of his becoming a Bankrupt. No fuch Creditor HE Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That no fuch Creditor fliall be deemed or taken to be fflall join info- a fufficient Creditor, for or in refpect of fuch Debt, to petition or join in any Petition for the obtaining ing forth aCtm- r fuing forth any Commiffion of Bankruptcy, until fuch Time as fuch Debt {hall become actually due DeSb'ecomedue and P a y able - E This laft Se & io " « repealed by 5 Geo. 2. c. 30. feet. 22.] Su farther comerning Bankrupts, 5 Gee 2, c. 30. (-which is continued by 31 Ceo. 2. c. 35 to 29 Sept. 1764.; 19 Geo. 2. c. 32. 24 Geo. 2. c. 57. CAP. XXXII. An Act to explain and amend the Act of the twelfth Year of her late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An AB for repairing the Highway or Road from the Stones-end in the Parijh of St. Leonard Shoreditch in the County ^/"Middlefex, to the furthermojl Part of the Northern Road in the Parijh of Enfield in the fame County, next to the Parijh c/"Chelhunt in the Comity o/" Hertford. P R. " Waggons, &c. laden with Bricks, Hay, csV. paffing through any Turnpike erected by Virtue of the " private Aft, 12 Ann. Stat. 1. c„ 1. fliall pay the Tolls." Anna