Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/486

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44° C- x 4« Anno nono Georgii Regis. A. D. 1722.

  • annually, in Aid of the Deficiency of the prefent ordinary Revenue of the Town, and for Payment of

' the whole Debts of the faid City, that fhould be due and owing on the firft of July one thoufand feven

hundred and eighteen, other than the Debts provided for and to be difcharged by the Duty arifing by the

' AcT of Parliament of Scotland, with a Power to the faid and Council of the faid City, to ' borrow Money for the better enabling them to carrry on the feveral Purpofes in the faid Aft menti- ' oned, and for fecuring the Repayment thereof, to affign over the faid Duty or any Part thereof, for

  • the Whole or Part of the Term by the faid Aft granted : And whereas the Magiftrates and Council of

' the faid City, agreeable to the faid laft recited AcT: of Parliament, have at very great Expence collected ' the Springs, renewed the Pipes which convey Water to the Town, rebuilt the Fountains in the High- ' Street, in the moil approved and advantageous Manner, have begun to enlarge the Harbour of Leith,

and deepen its Channel, have built fix hundred Foot of a Key there, of very fufficient Workmanfhip, 

. ' have built one of the two new Churches, have made a large Provifion of Caufey-Stones, and other Ma- ' terials for paving their whole High-Streets and Ways leading to their City, have made a good Highway ' from their City to their Port of Leith, have built and repaired a large Houfe, for accommodating the ' Poor to be employed in Manufacture; for performing whereof, and for Payment of the Intereft of their

  • Capital Debts due on the faid firft of July one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, and for fatisfying

' the other annual Payments directed by the faid laft recited AcT: of Parliament as aforefaid, they have ' borrowed Money : And whereas though all the Money borrowed upon the Security of the laid Grant, ' has been duly and regularly applied to the feveral Ufes, Intents and Purpofes in the faid laft recited Aft 3 Geo. 1. c. 5. c ment i onec i an J directed, yet the fame, with what further the faid Grant for the Term aforefaid may pro- ' duce, will not be fufficient to anfwer the faid Purpofes, and enable the faid Magiftrates and Council to ' carry on and finifh the faid Defigns to Perfection ; fa that unlefs the faid Duty is further continued in ' order to raife more Money, great Part of what has already been laid out will be entirely loft, and the ' Intention of the faid laft recited AcT in a great Meafure fruftrated, which would be a very great Preju- ' dice to the whole united Kingdom : And whereas it will be greatly for the Intereft of the faid City and ' adjacent Country, that not only the feveral Dejigns already begun, be carried on and finiftied, but that ' the feveral other Purpofes herein before mentioned, be carried on and finifhed, which would not only 4 be of great Service for beautifying and for the Ornament of the faid City, but will contribute much to ' the Prefervation of the Health of the Inhabitants, and otherways be of great Advantage: And whereas ' it is impracticable either to finifh what is already begun, or carry on thefe other advantageous Views ' and Purpofes now intended, but by continuing the Payment of the faid Duty for a longer Term: And

  • whereas a great many Brewers have' of late retired out of the City's Liberties, and erefted Breweries in

' the Confines thereof, in order to elude the Payment of this Duty, and to the great Prejudice of the City ' otherways: And whereas for the Encouragement of Breweries within the faid City of Edinburgh, and ' preferving an Equality of Trade betwixt the Brewers in the faid City and the Brewers in fome of the c adjacent Parifhes, and to prevent Frauds by importing Ale brewed in the faid adjacent Parifhes without ' paying the faid Duty, it will be neceflary to extend the faid Duties, and fubjeft the feveral Brewers ' within the Parifhes of Saint Cuthberts the Canon-Gate, and South and North Leith, to the Payment of ' the like Duties, as the Brewers within the faid City and Suburbs thereof: Wherefore your Majefty's ' moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Provoft, Magiftrates and Council of the faid City of Edinburgh, ' in Behalf of themfelves and the Community of the faid City, and the Heritors and Freeholders of the ' Shire of Edinburgh, do moft humbly befeech your Majefty, that it may be enafted,' And be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the . Authority of the fame, That fuch and the like Rates, Duties and Impofitions, as are by the faid laft in Part recited AcT of Par- liament of the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, laid, granted and impofed upon all Ale and Beer brewed, brought in, vended, tapped or fold, within the faid City of Edinburgh, Suburbs and Liberties thereof, fhall, from and after the Commencement of the faid Term by the faid AcT granted, be raifed, levied, ccllefted, paid and made payable to the faid Provoft, Magiftrates, and Council of the faid City of . Edinburgh for the Time being, and their Succefibrs, for theUfe and Behoof of the faid Town, upon all oil ILIT,! A' e a "d Beer brewed, brought in for Sale, tapped or fold within all or any of the faid Parifhes of Saint ail Aie and Leer r> j , ,-, /-t o i , -. 7 .-.'., rr ... , o i r-i^ r • tr i in St. Cuthberts Luthberts, Lftnin-Gatt ; South and North Leith, for and during the Space and I erm or nineteen 1 ears by anJCiiioa-Gaie. the faid laft mentioned AcT granted ; and that the fame be levied, collecTed and paid, by the fame Means and Methods, and by and under fuch Rules and Directions, and under the like Penalties and Forfei- tures, as are prefcribed, mentioned and expreffed in the faid recited AcTs of Parliament, for levying, failing and paying the fame within the faid City of Edinburgh and Suburbs thereof, in as full and ample Manner, as if the faid Parifhes had been by the faid AcT particularly fubjecTed to the Payment thereof. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch and the like Rates, Duties and Impofitions, as are by the faid AcT of the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, laid, granted and impofed upon all Ale and Beer brewed, brought in for Sale, vended, tapped or fold, within the faid City of Edinburgh, Suburbs and Liberties thereof, fhall, from and after the Expiration of the Term by the SucliDuties pay- faid 'AcT granted, be further continued, raifed, levied and collecTed, and payable to the Provoft, Magi- able 10 the Pro- ftratts and Council of the faid City of Edinburgh for the Time being, and their Succefibrs, for the.Ufe voit ot Edin- an d Behoof of the faid City, upon all Ale brewed, brought in, tapped or fold, within the faid City of laYelirs " Edinburgh, the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, and likewife for all Ale and Beer brewed brought in, tap- < Continued by P e d or fold, within all or any of the faid Parifhes of Saint Cuthberts, Canon-Gate, South and North Leith, aj Geo. 2. c 9.' for and during the Space and Term of nineteen Years more ; and that the fame fhall be levied and paid by 1 the 3 Geo. 1. c. 5.