Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/491

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A.D. 1722. Anno nono Georgii Regis. C. 14. 445 XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Magistrates and Council fliall or applied to have the Adminiftration of the Money arifing by the Duty or Impofition hereby granted and continued, ! h " uf " lhara to the Ufes, Intents and Purpofes in this Aft mentioned ; but they are hereby ftriftly prohibited and re- A fl ill,i b> lh " (trained from applying the fame or any Part thereof to any other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, but fuch as are hereby directed and appointed. ' XVIII. And in order to their making the moft proper Application of the faid Money ;' Be it alfo MagiftratM to further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the (aid Magiftrates and Council fliall proceed with all t ;"" lult M «] of convenient Diligence, to the Execution of the Purpofes in this Aft mentioned, and particularly for build- Jhc £ ra?*" 8 I ing proper Repofitories for keeping the publick Records ; and that they fliall, and they are hereby di- this Aft. 1 " " ° rected and required to advife with, and employ Men of the beft Skill and Knowledge in fuch Matters as they are or intend to carry on agreeable to this Act ; and the Opinion and Advice fo given by fuch skilful People, fliall and is hereby directed, from time to time, to be entred in a Book or Books to be kept by the faid Magiftrates and Council for that Purpofe. XIX. And it is hereby further declared, That it fliall not be lawful to and for the faid Magiftrates and Council to enter into any Contract or Agreement, or fet about the Execution of any of the Ufcs and Purpofes by this Act directed, or any Part of them, before and until the faid Dcfign or Part of the Me- thod of carrying it on, and the Expence it may probably coft, be laid before the Overfeers, by the faid Expences, fee. Aft of the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, and this prefent Aft named, at one of their pub- ,0 be laid bcfur «  lick Meetings ; and that the fame be exprefly agreed unto by the faid Overfeers, or Majority of them ™* 0v « fee "> prefent ; and that fuch their Approbation fliall be (together with all other the Proceedings of the faid ,0^' i'."" c. Overfeers at their feveral Meetings) entred in a Book or Books to be kept for that Purpofe. ' XX. And that no Time may be loft in carrying on the feveral ufeful Purpofes and Defigns by this Aft And anEftimate

  • direfted,' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Magiftrates and Council fliall of h lM before

once every Year, during the Winter Seafon, lay before the faid Overfeers, a general Lift or Eftimate of m )' ea^i ) f • the Defigns intended and propofed to be carried on and executed for the enfuing Year, in order to have the Approbation of the faid Overfeers ; and in cafe the fame is by them approved of, they fhall then be at Liberty to proceed and go on with the fame, but in cafe the fame fliall be difapproved of by the faid Overfeers, then they fliall lay fome other Defign before them, in order to their Approbation, it being al- ways intended that no Work fliall be carried on without having had firft the Approbation of the faid Over- feers ; and the faid Magiftrates and Council fliall lay likewife before the faid Overfeers, on the firft law- ful Day of the Month of March every Year, an Account of what has been done for the preceding Year, and what Money has been laid out, to be confidered and approved of, or difapproved of by the faid Overfeers; and no Articles in fuch Account fliall be allowed of, but fuch as fliall by the faid Over- feers, or the Majority of them, be approved. ' XXI. And that no Delay may be occasioned by the Overfeers not meeting to give the proper Direc- ' tions about carrying on the Purpofes aforefaid ;' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Overfeers fliall and may, and they are hereby required and direfted to meet at leaf! four Times in Overfeers to every Year, viz. On the firft lawful Day of the Months of Auguft and March, and the firft Tuejday of ">«t four Times the Months of June and December every Year, with Power to adjourn themfelves from time to time, and a Yeari meet oftner, if they fliall fee Caufe, or fliall be fo defired by the Magiftrates and Council of the faid Sity of Edinburgh ; and {hall at each of the faid Meetings call for and perufe the feveral Books and Accounts direfted to be kept by the Magiftrates and Town Council of the faid City concerning the Premiffes ; and the faid Magiftrates and Council are hereby direfted to lay fuch Books, and likewife an Account of all the Contrafts or other Proceedings concerning the PremiiTes, from time t» time, before the faid Overfeers, in order to be perufed and approved of by them. ' XXII. And for the more regular keeping the Accounts of the Money arifing by this Duty, and afcer- ' taining the Ufes to which the fame fliall be applied ;' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Account of the faid Duty, and the whole Management thereof, fliall be exaftly and diftinftly, regularly and fairly entred in Books to be kept for that Purpofe, feparate and diftinft from the other Affairs of the An Account of faid City, with the Approbation of the Overfeers ; and the faid Magiftrates and Council of the faid Duties, & c . to City are to appoint a proper Perfon or Perfons for keeping the faid Books ; that in fuch Books fliall be g e " 1 ' td . ln " entred diftinftly and clearly, Copies of the feveral Charges delivered in by the Officers of his Majefty's 00 * e Excife, upon the feveral and refpeftive Perfons fubjefted to the Payment of the faid Duty or Impofition, and how much the Produce of the fame, from time to time, amounts to, and how the fame, and every Part thereof, has been and fliall be difpofed of and laid out, to and for the Ufes, Intents and Purpofes in this Act mentioned, and what has been done, and how much laid out for every particular Purpofe ; and the Accounts of the Amount of the faid Duty, and what fliall be expended thereout, with the feveral Charges affecting the fame, fhall be annually and every Year balanced on the third Tuejday of February, until all the feveral Ufes and Purpofes by this Act directed, are fully and compleatly fatisfied and exe- cuted ; all which faid Books, as well as the Sederunt Book of the Overfeers, fliall be kept at the ordinary Office to be appointed for that Purpofe, and fhall be open and patent for the Inflection and Perufal of any of the Burgeffes of the faid City, or any of the Heritors or Proprietors in the Shires of Edinburgh, Haddington and Linlithgow ; and the (aid Perfons fhall have free Accefs, at leaft one Day in every Fort- night, at the ufual Office Hours, to infpect the faid Books, and to take any Notes or Memorandums therefrom, and that without any Fee or Reward, which Day fliall. be named and fixed by the faid Ma- giftrates and Council, by the Approbation of the faid Overfeers, and publick Notice thereof given in fuch Manner as they fliall direct. 1 XXIII. And