Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/530

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4§ 4 C. i o . Anno decimo Ge o rg i i Regis. A. D. 1723, After 24. June HI. And to the Intent that no Failure or Deficiency may accrue or happen Jn the refpe&iye Funds, to 1724, new in- w hich the Duties upon Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts, Choc land Duties on were appropriated and applicable, by the Determination 1724, new in- w hich the Duties upon Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts, Chocolate and Cocoa Parle, by this Act determined, land Duties on were ap p ro p r i ate d aru ] applicable, by the Determination of the aforefaid Duties, and by the Prohibition fold 'and" upoT of the Importation of Chocolate ready made and Cocoa Pafte; Be it further enacted by the Authority Chocolate made aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- and fold in Great f 0lir> j n ]j e u thereof, the refpective Inland Duties herein after mentioned, be by this Act charged and irn- Britajn. pofed upon all Coffee and 1 ea from thenceforth to be fold in Great Britain, and upon all Chocolate from thenceforth to be made or fold in Great Britain, to be paid in Manner herein after mentioned; that is to fay, On Coffee, 2 s. IV. Upon all Coffee fo to be fold in Great Britain, a Duty after the Rate of two Shillings per Pound per Hound. Weight Averdupois, and in that Proportion for a greater or leffer Quantity, over and above all Cuftoms, 5 Geo. 2. c. 24. Subfidies and Duties, which fhall then remain payable to his Majefty for the fame upon the Importa- tion Tea as tion thereof: jer Pound. ' V. Upon all Tea fo to be fold in Great Britain, a Duty after the Rate of four Shillings per Pound 'Anew Duty it Weight Averdupois, and in that Proportion for a greater or leffer Quantity, over and above all Cuftoms, laid, inftead of Subfidies and Duties, which fhall then remain payable to his Majefty for the fame upon the Importa- this, by ,8 Geo. t; on thereof.

  • ' c-z - * VI. And upon all Chocolate fo to be made or fold in Great Britain, a Duty after the Rate of one Shil-

s p0n 6 < d h0C (: O r late ' ling and fix Pence per Pound Weight Averdupois, and in that Proportion for a greater or leffer Quantity, Pound. '" to be pa'd ^y the refpective Makers or Sellers thereof. The King or VII. And for the better afcertaining, charging, collecting, levying, raifing and fecuring the feveral Treafury 10 np- Rates and Duties by this Acl: impofed upon all Coffee and Tea, which fhall be fold to be confumed in point Commifii- Great Britain, and upon all Chocolate which fhall be made or fold in Great Britain from and after the faid oners for theie twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, and for preventing Frauds con- inland Duties. cernin g t he fame; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Commiflioners or Perfons as his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, or any three or more of the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Trea- fury, or the High Treafurer of Great Britain for the Time being, fhall from Time to Time, by one or more Commiflion or Commiffions for that Purpofe appoint, fhall be his Majefty's Commiflioners for the Receipt and Management of the faid Inland Duties by this A3: fet and impofed upon Coffee, Tea and Such Commifli- Chocolate as aforefaid within Great Britain; which faid laft mentioned Commiflioners, or the major Part eners to appoint f t hem reflectively, fhall and have hereby Power, by Commiflion or Commiflions under their respec- tive Hands and Seals, to fubftitute and appoint under them fuch Receivers General, Collectors, Comp- trollers, Surveyors and other Officers, as fhall be requifite and neceffary for the Purpofes aforefaid; and that the faid Commiffioners and Officers fo to be appointed for the faid Inland Duties upon Coffee, Tea and Chocolate hereby granted, fhall have out of the fame fuch Salaries and Rewards for their refpeftive Ser- vices in relation to the fame Duties, as the faid Commiflioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall from Time to Time think reafonable to eftablifh The Money ari- or allow in that Behalf; and that the refpective Commiffioners for the faid Inland Duties hereby impofed i'T ^dV u P on Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, fhall from Time to Time caufe all the Monies to arife by or for the ("eduaing the fame Duties (the neceffary Charges of raifing, levying and accounting for the fame excepted) to be paid Charges) to be into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer diftinctly and apart from all other Branches of the publick paid into the Ex- Revenues, for the Purpofes in this Act expreffed, under the like Penalties, Forfeitures and Difabilities, chequer. as are herein after inflicted for diverting or mifaplying any Money by this Act appropriated. ThePowers, &c. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Powers, Authorr- intheExcife ties, Directions, Rules, Methods, Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things, which in and Afts to be exer- b v a n Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ail for ia- cifed, &c. for the ^-^ awa y the Court of Wards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite and by Knights-Service, and Purveyance, A(fti andforjettling a Revenue upon his Majejiy in lieu thereof, or by any other Law now in Force relating to his Majefty's Revenue of Excife upon Beer, Ale or other Liquors, are provided, fettled or eftabliftied for ma- naging, raifing, levying, collecting, mitigating or recovering, adjudging or afcertaining the Duties thereby granted, or any of them, (other than in fuch Cafes, for which other Penalties or Provifions are prefcribed by this Act) fhall be exercifed, practifed, applied, ufed and put in Execution, in and for the managing, raifing, levying, collecting, mitigating, adjudging, afcertaining, recovering and paying the Inland Du- ties upon Coffee, Tea and Chocolate hereby granted, during the Continuance of this Act, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if all and every the faid Powers, Authorities, Rules, Directions, Methods, Penalties, Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things were particularly repeated and again en- acted in the Body of this prefent Act. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That on or before, the faid twenty-fourth On or before 24 Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, all and very Druggift, Grocer, Chandler, June 1724, every Coffeehoufe-keeper, Chocolatehoufe-keeper, and all and every other Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick Druggift, &c. to anc l Corporate, who fhall then be a Seller of or a Dealer in Coffee, Tea or Cocoa Nuts, or any or either oft' f fthefe' ° rthem ' or fhall be a Maker or Seller of Chocolate, either by Wholefale or Retail, fhall make a, true Duties, every 1 e an ^ particular Entry in Writing of all Warehoufes, Storehoufes, P.ooms, Shops, Cellars, Vaults and Warehoufe, &c other Places by him, her or them reflectively made ufe of for the keeping of Coffee, Tea, Cocoa jSTuts vifed for keeping or Chocolate, or making of Chocolate, at the Office to be appointed for the faid Inland Duties hereDy %tt Coffee, _&c. and and impofed, within the Compafs or Limits whereof fuch refpective Warehoufes, Storehoufes, Rooms, thlmn e on & Pain Sho P s > Cellars, Vaults and other Places fhall be fituated; and alfo of all Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Nuts and •f forfeiting 200 1. for every Place not fo entred, and all the Coffee therein, Cho-