Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/73

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AD. 1714.. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. C. 13. 33 III. And be it further ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon or Perfons, as p cl f ons ; n s<ot- well Peers as Commoners, who by virtue of any A£t or A£ts made fince the Union ot the two King- land to tike doms, were bound to take and fubferibe the Oath of Allegiance, fubferibe the Afiurance, and to take and ™»'J™* fien the Oath of Abjuration, for or on account of any Office, Civil or Military, or any other Caufc or r d ^ Occafion, within Scotland, (hall on or before the firft Day of December One thoufand .'even hundred and r ib J ll]L . fit'to-n, takoand fubferibe the Oath of Abjuration above-mentioned, and (hall take and fubferibe the faid Aformc* Oath of Allegiance, and fubferibe the Afiurance in the Words following, videho t. w!°Zrt of the Church of Scotland favoured in relation to this Oath, by 5 Ceo. I, c. ia. §. 6. « TiH. do fincexety profnife and fwear. That I will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to his Ma-

  • JL jefty King George.

So help me God.' I A. B. do, in the Sincerity of my Heart, aflert, acknowledge and declare, That his Majefty King The Aflame* George is the only lawful and undoubted Sovereign of this Realm, as well d: Jure, that is, of Right, King, as defa£lo, that is, in the Poffeffion and Exercife of the Government ; and therefore I do fin- cerely and faithfully promife and engage, That I will with Heart and Hand, Life and Goods, maintain and defend his Majefty's Title and Government, againft the Perfon pretended to be the Prince of f4

  • during the Life of the late King James, and fince his Deceafe, pretending to be, and taking upon him-
  • felf the Stile and Title of King of England, by the Name of James the Third, or of Scotland, by the

1 Name of James the Eighth, or the Stile and Title: of King of Great Britain, and his Adherents, and all

  • other Enemies, who either by open or fecret Attempts, (hall difturb or difquiet his Majefty in the Pof-
  • feflion and Excife thereof.'

And that in fuch Courts* and within fuch Times limited, before fuch Judges, in fuch Manner, and to be certified as in and by the feveral Aits generally above-mentioned is directed. ' IV. And whereas certain Doubts and Scruples have arifen concerning the Senfe and Meaning of the ' Claufe following, contained in an Aft made in the fixth Year of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, s Ann> c * z i>

  • An Acl to make further Provifon for elecling and fummoning fixteen Peers of Scotland, to fit in the Houfe H

' Peers hi the Parliament of Great Britain ; and for trying Peers for Offences committed in ScodznA ; and/of

  • the further regulating of footers in Elections of Members to ferve in Parlidrnent ', whereby it is enacted, That
  • every Perfon who (hall refufe to take the Oath laft therein before recited, or being a Quaker, (hall re-
  • fufe to declare the Effect thereof upon his folemn Affirmation, as directed by an Act of Parliament

' made in the feventh Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King iVilliam, intituled, An All that the folemn 7 & 8 Wj j*-

  • Affirmation and Declaration of the People called Quakers, /hall be accepted hi/lead of an Oath in the ufual c -l*'
  • Form, ( which Oath or Declaration, the Sheriff, Trefident of the Meeting, or Chief Officer taking the
  • Poll at any Election of Members to ferve in the Houfe of Commons for any Place in Great Britain, of
  • Commiffioners for choofing BurgefTes for any Place in Scotland, at the Requeft of any Candidate, or other

' Perfon prefent at fuch Election, are hereby impowered and required to adminifter) (hall not be ca-

  • pable of giving any Vote for the Election of any fuch Member to ferve in the Houfe of Commons for
  • any Place in Great Britain, or Commiffioners to choofe a Burgefs for any Place in Scotland ; on account
  • of which Words, fome have pretended to vote in the Meetings of free Elections in Scotland:, at the choo-.
  • Ang of the Prefident and Clerk of the Meeting, without taking the Oath mentioned in the laft recited

' Act, whereby it has happened that Rolls of Lledtors have been unduly made up, and wrong Returns

  • made: And alfo whereas divers of his Majefty's good Subjects, who have given convincing Marks of
  • their Loyalty to his Royal Perfon and Government, have fcrupled to take the faid Oath, apprehending
  • that the Reference in the faid Oath may be conftrued in fome Refpects to be inconfiftent with the Efta-
  • bliihment of the Church in Scotland according to Law, and to a Claufe concerning Oaths to be impofed

' in Scotland after the Union, contained in the Act made in the Parliament of Scotland in the Year one

  • thoufand fev«n hundred and feven, intituled, An Ail for fecuring the Protejlant Religion, and Prefeyteriah
  • Church Government ; which Act is declared to be a fundamental and effential Condition of the Treaty of

4 Union ;' To the End therefore that the faid Scruples, and all Miftakes and Djvifions on account of the Pfr( ' ons ' n Scot- fame may ceafe, Be it further enactexi and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who (hall |^ d r ,' fuC r| t0 . refufe to take the aforefaid Oath of Abjuration, or being a Quaker, (hall refufe to declare the Effect there- rationllncapa!-" of upon his folemn Affirmation, in manner aforefaid (which Oath and Declaration the Member laft elec-citated to vote ted for any County, or Stewartry in Scotland, or in his Abfence the Sheriff or Stewart's Clerk, -until 3 Per- at Elections. fon be chofen to proceed (a) in the faid Meeting, according to the Directions contained in the twenty-firft ' {*) f'Vj™' 5 "*. Aft of the third Parliament of King Charles the Second, held in Scotland, intituled, M concerning *&*T*T**" ? ? Elcfiion of Commiffioners for Shires, and after fuch Choice the Perfon fo chofen to proceed, or any Perfon chofen to proceed in any Meeting of any County or Stuartry there, in which Rolls for Elections fhall happen to be made up, is hereby authorized and required to adminifter, at the Requeft of any Candidate or other Perfon prefent at fuch Meeting for Election, before or after the choofing of the President of the Meeting, or making up of the Rolls) (hall not be capable of giving any Vote for the Ejection of a Prefi- Vol. V. F . dent