Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/205

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A. D. 1733. Anno fexto Georgii IT. C. 32, 33. 143 IV. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall not be lawful TheWomannot for an/ Juftice or Juftices of the Peace to fend for any Woman whatfoever before (he (hall be delivered, J°]ari n ex *™hT r d and one Month after, in order to her being examined concerning her Pregnancy, or fuppofed Pregnancy, prlgl^cy, till or to compel anv Woman before (he (hall be delivered to anfwer to any Queftions relating to her one Month af- Piegnancy; any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithstanding. ter her Delivery. CAP. XXXII. An Aft to enable certain Perfons to propound the Papers importing to be the laft Will, Co- dicils and teftamentary Schedules of Richard Norton, late of Southwick in the County of Southampton, Efquire, deceafed, in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and to fue for Ad- miniftration with the fame annexed. P R. « T J H E R E A S Richard Norton, late of Soutbivick in the County of Southampton, Efquire, depart- see ioGeo. z. ' VV ed this Life on or about the feventh Day of December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand c. 37. ' feven hundred thirty and two, and fince the Death of the faid Richard Norton there have been produced ' and depofited in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury a certain Paper or Writing, bearing Date the ' twenty-fourth Day of 'June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, im-

  • porting to be the laft Will and Teftament of the faid Richard Norton, and certain other Papers or

' Writings, feverally importing, to be Codicils or teftamentary Schedules of the laid Richard Norton : ' And whereas in the laid Paper or Writing importing to be the laft Will and Teftsment of the faid

  • Richard Norton there are certain Claufes contained in the Words or to the Effect following, that is to fay,

" And after my Funeral Expences, my Legacies and Debts (hall be fully, punctually difcharged and " paid, I do devife, will and give all my Real and Perfonal Eftates whatfoever (except as abovelaid) in " the County of Southampton, with every Thing that I hold, poflefs or enjoy, or in any Manner, what- " foever it be, belonging to the fame Real and Perfonal Eftates, to the Poor, that is to fay, to the " Poor, Hungry and Thirfty, Naked and Strangers, Sick and Wounded and Prifoners, and to and for " no other Ule or Ufes whatfoever ; and I do hereby make, conftitute and appoint the Poor abovefaid to " be my general and abfolute Heir and Heirs to the End of the World. I do prefume to make, con- " ftitute and appoint all and every Perfon and Perfons that do, fhall or may make or compofe, or are " to be the fupream Legiflature of Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, to be my Executor or Exe- " cutors of this my laft Will and Teftament ; and if I have prefumed too high, and it be refufed, then " and in that Cafe only I will and befeech the moft Reverend the Archbifhops, together with the Right " Reverend the Bifhops of Great Britain or of England for the Time being, and all and every of " their Succeflbrs, Archbifhops and Biihops as aforefaid ; and I do hereby conftitute and appoint all and " every of them, all and every of their SuccefTors as aforefaid, to be my Executor and Executors of this " my (aid laft Will and Teftament; and I do will, that any five of them, whereof the Archbifhop of " Canterbury to be one, (hall and may, by any Order in Writing under their Hands and Seals, act, " order, do and fully perform and execute my true Meaning and Intent, herein declared and mentioned " to be performed, to the End of the World ; and I do moft humbly beg of them all to be zealous Ad- " vocates for the Poor as aforefaid, to the Legiflature of Great Britain ; and if it (hall happen, that at " the Time of my Deceafe the fupream Legiflature aforefaid (hall not be held or fitting, then I will that " the faid moft Reverend and Right Reverend Fathers in God, they and every of them, their and every " of their Succeflbrs as aforefaid, or any five of them, whereof the Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury to " be one, may immediately be pleafed to take Care provifionally of all Matters and Things herein con- " tained, and may and fhall act, order, do and fully perform, by Order in Writing as aforefaid, all and " every fuch Act or Acts as (hall by them as aforefaid be adjudged neceflary to be done, acted or per- " formed, according to this my laft Will and Teftament, until fuch Time as the fupream Legiflature " aforefaid (hall next meet, fit or be held : " Now to the End that the Validity of the faid Papers or Writings, fo far as the fame relate to the Perfonal Eftate of the faid Richard Norton, may be examined and determined in the proper Eccleliaftical Court or Courts, and that fit Perfons may be appointed to inftitute, profecute and defend all Suits concerning the fame, fo far as the fame relate to the Perfonal Eftate of the faid Richard Norton, Be it enacted, &c. •' M. Frecker, N. Paxton and J. Law ton impowered to fue for Adminiftration. On the Death of all the " faid Nominees before full Adminiftration, Ecclefiaftical Court to appoint others. This Act not to give " greater Force to the faid Will, than it had before. CAP. XXXIII. An Aft for the further Encouragement of the Whale Filhery carried on by his Majefty's Britijh Subjects. WHEREAS by an Act pafied in the twelfth Year of his late Majefty King George the Firft, uGeo. 1. c.26. and by another Ad pafied in the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An All for Ge0i £i Ci 2 g the Encouragement of the Greenland Fijhery, it is declared, That the Whale Fins, Oil and Blubber taken in the Greenland Seas or Davis's Streights, and the adjacent Seas, in BritiJ/j Ships, and imported by Britijh Subjects, lhall be free of Cuftoms on the Conditions therein mentioned : And whereas the faid Encouragements have been by many Years Experience found infufRcient for the regaining of this ' beneficial