Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/293

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A. D. 1736. Anno nono Georgii II. C. 33. 231

  • into this Kincdam, end for the Prefervation of the Fry of Fijh, and for the giving have lo import Lobjlers

' and TunktS in foreign Bottoms, and for the better Prefervation of Salmon within fewral Rivers in that «• Part of this Kingdom called England, it is (amongft other Things) enacled, That from and after the

  • twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, no Herring, Cod, Pilchards,

4 Salmon or Ling, frefh or falted, dried or bloated, nor any Grill, Mackrel, Whiting, Haddock, « Sprats 'Coal Fitfi, Gull Filh, Congers, or any Sort of flat Filh, nor any other Sort of frefh Filh ' whatfo'ever, (hall be imported into, iold, or expofed to Sale, in that Part of this Kingdom called Eng- » U»A which (ball be taken by, bought of, or received from, any Foreigner or Foreigners, or out of /<•/«», 1} ...... /„„,.„.,. D» n l»ft,nt Ctr, n »„„. Intaitm. ...M.^ ikln (^ i „ „,1 , , .„ 1 « the time being of any Smack, Hoy, Yager, Boat or other Veffel in which any Filh Iball be imported « or brought to Shore contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Ait, and being thereof law- ' fully convicted in the Manner thereby directed, ihall forfeit for every fuch Offence the Sum therein « mentioned, to be levied and dilpofed of in fuch Manner as by the faid Ail is directed, or in Default ' of Payment of the laid Sum or fufficient Diftrefs, ihall be committed to the Common Gaol as in the

  • laid Act is directed : And whereas it is by the faid Act provided, That no Perfon Ihall fuffer any

< Punilhment for any Offence committed againft. the laid Ail, unie'fs the Profecution for the fame be « commenced within one Month after fuch Offence committed : And whereas the Penalties inflicted by

  • the recited Claufe of the faid Act herein before recited are not fufficient to deter Perfons from offend-
  • ine againft the fame : And whereas by reafon of the lhort Time limited for Prefecution of Offences

' committed againft the faid Ait many Offenders againft the fame efcape Punilhment ;' Be it therefore {■nailed by the King's molt Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority "of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June, which (hall be in the Year of our After 2 ^ r une Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, every Perfon offending againft the Claufe of the faid i 73 6, every Ail herein before recited Ihall forfeit and pay the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to be recovered by any Perfon import- Informer in any of the Courts in IVeJhuinjier-Hall, and to be diftributed and difpofed of in the Manner J'^.y'to™,"" following ; that is to fay, one Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety thereof to the Poor Aft i Geo. i. of the Pariih where fuch Offence (hall be committed ; and the Mafter or Commander of every Smack, to forfeit iool. Hoy Ya?,er, Boat, Ship or other VefTel in which any Filh (hall be imported or brought to Shore, and the Mafter contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid Ail hereinbefore recited, and of this prefent Ail, bfthsVefiel 50 1. fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds, to be recovered by any Informer, and to be dilpofed of in like Manner as before recited. II. Provided always, That no Perfon (hall incur any Penalty or Forfeiture for any Offence committed Profecntion to againft this Ail, unlets the Profecution- for the fame be commenced within twelve Months after fuch be commenced Offence committed. ,.,',. , J r , ^ , , _ . Sterthf?^ ' III. And whereas by an Ail or Parliament made 111 the thirteenth and fourteenth 1 ear of the Reign

  • of Kin°- Charles the Second, intituled, An Aft fir preventing Frauds and regulating Abufes in' his
  • ■ Maiejiy's Cufioms, it is for the better Increafe of good and ferviceable Shipping, and fecuring the pub-
  • l'ck Trade and Commerce enacted, That all and every Merchant or other Perfon, that lhould after
  • the twenty- ninth Day of September one thou and fix hundred and (ixty-two, export any Goods or
  • Merchandizes from any Port of this Kingdom capable of a Ship or Veffel of two hundred Tons
  • upon an ordinary full Sea to any Port or Place of the Mediterranean Sea beyond the Port of Malaga,

' or import any Goods or Merchandize from the Ports or Places aforefaid to any Port of this King- ' dom in any Ship or Veffel that fhould not have two D^cks and lhould carry lefs than fixteen Pieces

  • of Ordnance mounted, together with two Men for each Gun and other Ammunition prcportionably,
  • lhould pay a Duty of one per Centum for all and every the Wares fo exported or imported, over and
  • above the Rates and Duties of Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage othervvife due and payable for,
  • the fame ; and in the fame Ail it is provided, That it lhould and might be lawful to export from

' any of his laid Majefty's Dominions Fi(h into any of the Ports of the Mediterranean Sea aforefaid in'

  • any Englift Ship or Veffel whatfoever, provided one Moiety of her full Loading lhould be Filh only,
  • and in fuch Cafe to import any Wares or Merchandizes in the fam; Ship for that Voyage, without

4 paying any other Rates or Duties for the fame than were then before accuftomed : And whereas Ibme ' Doubts and Difputes have arifen, whether the Exemption granted by the faid Ail in Favour of any

  • Englijh Ship or Veffel, whereof one Moiety of her full Loading fhould be Filh only, fhould be con-

' ftrued to extend to the Benefit and Advantage of the Owner or Owners of fuch Ship or Veffel, in

  • cafe one Moiety of her full Loading fhould confift of foreign Filh :' To prevent therefore the faid

Doubts and Difputes for the future, and for the greater Encouragement of the Britijh Filheries, Be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That no Briiifl) Ship or Veffel trading to any Port or Place of the Mediterranean Sea beyond the Port of Malaga in Manner aforefaid, (hall be intitled to the Benefit ^ Minnie in the and Advantage of the Exemption granted to fuch Ship or Veffel in the faid Ail, for or by reafon that o'he Car> .^ J, 1 ,* Moiety of the full Loading of fuch Ship or Veffel fhall or may confiu of Filh, unlefs fuch Moiety of the for preventing full Loading of fuch Ship or Veffel do conlift of Filh taken and cured by his Majefty's Subjects only. p^t^nT '^ ' IV. And whereas the deftroying the Fry or Spawn of any Filh is highly prejudicial, efpecially fuch Filh p",^ ^^ ' as do not wander, but keep about the Coafts : And whereas the principal Time for the (pawning of

  • Lobfters is from the Beginning of June to the firft of September, in which three Months the Lobfters
  • crawl clofe to the Shore to leave their Spawn in the Chinks of the Rocks, and as much under the

■* Influence of the Sun as poffiblej' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and ' after