Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/364

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302 C. 21, 22. Anno undecimo Georgii II. A. D. 1738. the twenty-ninth Day of September one tbonftnd feven hundred and thirty-eight, or within thirty Days after his Election or Appointment reflectively into fuch Office of Treafurer, tranfmit his Name and Place of Abode to the Clerk of the Crown in his Majefty's faid Court of King's Bench, to be by him entred or regiftred in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe ; for which Entry no Fee or Re- ward (hall be taken: And in cafe any fuch • Treafurer lhall neglect or refufe to tranfmit his Name and Place of Abode as aforefaid ; that then, upon the Report of the faid Clerk of the Crown made to the faid Court of fuch Neglect or Refulal, every fuch Treafurer (hall be liable to be proceeded againft in the fame Manner as in the Cafe of neglecting or refufing to pay fuch Money as aforefaid. andtortandto . IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from time to time, and as often juteof S tlie f as there lna11 be Occalion for the faid Court of King's Bench to make any Rule as aforefaid on any Aid Court. of the faid Trea hirers in purfuance of this Act, the whole Coft and Charge of making fuch Rule, Concmnng f,;. alld aI1 fubfequent Charges arifing therefrom, (hall he paid by the Treafurer whofe Default or Neglect fonm, fie farther (hall caufe the making of fuch Rule. j6 Geti. 2. c, 31, 77 Geo. z, c. 3 & 17. 32. Gee, 2. c, 28. CAP. XXI. An Act to impower the prefent Truftees under the laft Will and Teftament of John Marjhall Gentle- man, deceafed, to lay out a certain Sum of Money, now in their Hands, for pulling down and rebuilding the Parilh Church of Chriji Church in the County of Surrey, and for inclofing a Piece pf Ground lately purchafed for an additional Church Yard to the faid Church. PR." CAP. XXII. An Aft for punilTiing fuch Perfons as fhall cjo Injuries and Violences to the Perfons or Properties of his Majefty's Subjects with Intent to hinder the Exportation of Corn. Preamble. c tT7HEREAS many di forded y and evil-minded Perfons have of late frequently afiembled them- cZciZTng Coin* ' VV felves in great Numbers, committed great Violences, and done many Injuries to the Per- refir to 1 Sf a ' ' fons and Properties of his Majefty's Subjects, with Intent to hinder the Exportation of Com, where- V.^M.c.%. ' by many of his Majefty's Subjects have been deterred from buying of Corn and Grain, and fol- i'ja'c.'z'. c'.iq! ' lowing their lawful Bufmefs therein, to their great Lofs and Damage, as well as the great Damage 1 W. '& M./l. i. .' and Prejudice of the Farmers and Landholders of this Kingdom, and of the Nation in general;' c - " ® 34^ For the better preventing fuch wicked and disorderly Practices, and more eafdy and effectually bring- V.t.o.' 2 ' 3 * m g Ulcn Offenders to condign Puniihment, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by is fif 13 W. 3. and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this- c 'a' - prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon or Perlcns (hall I Geo.'/.' c. 9 i%. from and after the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-eight, 5 Geo. 2, c. 12. wilfully and malicioufly beat, wound or ufe any other Violence to or upon any Perfon or Perfons, violence"^" 5 w ' tn ^ ntent t0 deter or hinder him or them from buying of Corn or Grain in any Market or other hinder die p U r- Place within this Kingdom ; or (hall unlawfully ftop or feize upon any Waggon, Cart or other Cai - chafeorCar- riage, or Horfe, loaded with Wheat, Flour, Meal, Malt or other Grain, in or on the Way to or fisge of Com, f rom an y City, Market Town, or Sea Port of this Kingdom, and wilfully and maliciouily break,' cut, feparate or deftroy the fame, or any Part thereof, or the Harnefs of the Horfes drawing the fame ; or fhall unlawfully take off, drive away, kill or wound any of fuch Horfes, or unlawfully beat or wound the Driver or Drivers of fuch Waggon, Cart or other Carriage, or Horfe, fo loaded, in order to ftop the fame; or (hall, by cutting of the Sacks, or otherwife, fcatter or throw abroad fuch Wheat, Flour, Meal, Malt or other Grain, or (hall take or carry away, fpoil or damage the fame, or any Part thereof; every and all fuch Perfon and Perfons being thereof lawfully convicted before any two or more Juftices of the Peace of the Courity, Shire, Stewartry, Riding, Divifion, Town or Place Corporate, wherein fuch Offence or Offences fhall be committed, or before the Ju- ftices of the Peace in open Seffions (who are hereby authorized and impowered fummarily and finally tflbeimprifon- to hear and determine the fame) (hall be Cent to the Common Gaol, or to the Houfe of Correction, there to continue and be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding the Space of three ?.nd pubiickly Months, nor lefs than one Month ; and (hall by the fame Juftices be alfo ordered to be once pub- whipped, lickly and openly whipped by the Mafter or Keeper of fuch Gaol or Houfe of Correction, in fuch City, Market Town or Sea Port, in or near to which fuch Offence fhall be committed, on the firft convenient Market Day, at the Market Crofs or Market Place there, between the Hours of eleven and two of the Clock. Comminins the If. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Perfon or Perfons fo - fcconerr'ihil a co^victjd (hall commit any of the Offences aforefaid a fecond Time; or if from and after the laid four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-eight, any Perfon or Perfons fhall wilfully and maliciouily pull, throw down, or otherwife deftroy any Storehoufe or Granary, or deftroying Gra- other Place wh;re Corn (hall be then kept in order to be exported; or fhali unlawfully enter any CorT therein f uc h Storehoufe, Granary or other Place, and take and carry away any Corn, Flour, Meal or Grain therefrom, or (hall throw abroad or fpoil the fame, or any Part thereof; or (hall unlawfully or in Vditis, enter on Board any Ship, Barge, Boat or Veilel, and lhall wilfully and maliciouily take and cany &c- away, caft or throw out therefrom, or otherwiie fpoil or damage, any Meal, Flour, Wheat or Grain felony. therein intended for Exportation ; every Perfon fo offending, and being thereof lawfully convicted, (hall be. adjudged guilty of. Felony, and lhall be traufported for the Space of feven Years, in like .. 8 Manner