Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/451

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A. D. 1740. Anno decimo tertio Georgii If. C. 7. 385 jz£ts of this Realm do enjoy ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre- fent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the rirft Day of F ■ June'm the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty, all Perfons born out of the Ligc- iifg^veSraiT" ring the laid feven Years, and (hall take and fubferibe the Oaths, and make, repeat, and fubferibe the the Oaths, uc Declaration appointed by air Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Pirft, intituled, An A3 for the further Security of his Majejiy's Perfon and Government, and the Succcf- i'ch of the Crown in the Heirs of the lite Princcjs Sophia, being Protejiants; and for extinguijhing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, his open and fecret Abettors; or, being or the People called Qua- kers, lliall make and fubferibe the Declaration of Fidelity, and take and aftirm the Effect of the Abjura- tion Oath, appointed and prefcribed by an A6t made in the eighth Year of the Reign of his laid late Majefty, intituled, An Ac! for granting the People called Quakers, fuch Forms of Affirmation or Declare- squalen to fub- tlon, as may remove the Difficulties which many of them lie under ; and alfo make and fubferibe the Profef- S! ibethe J?p- fion of his Chriftian Belief, appointed and prefcribed by an Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of delity^&c. '" their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An Act for exempting their Majejlies Proteftant Subjeils from the Penalties of certain Laws; before the Chief Judge, or other Judge of the Co- lony wherein fuch Perfons* reflectively have fo inhabited and refided, or (hall fo inhabit and refide, ihall be deemed, adjudged, and taken to be, his Majefty's natural bom Subjects of this Kingdom, to all Intents, Conftructions, and Purpofes, as if they, and every of them, had been or were born within this Kingdom ; which faid Oath or Affirmation and Subfcription of the faid Declarations refpedtively the Chief Judge or other Judge of every of the faid refpective Colonies is hereby enabled and impowered to adminifter and take ; and the taking and fubferibing of every fuch Oaths or Affirmation, and the ma- king, repeating, and fubferibing of every fuch Declaration, (hall be before fuch Chief Judge or other Judge, in open Court, between the Hours of nine and twelve in the Forenoon ; and (hall be entered in Entries to be the fame Court, and alfo in the Secretary's Office of the Colony wherein fuch Perfon (hall fo inhabit made in Bo .<> and refide: And every Chief Judge or other Judges of every refpective Colony, before whom fuch to ]>* k £P l j° r Oaths or Affirmation (hall be taken and every fuch Delaration ihall be made, repeated, and fubferibed [ on ] z n ?' c ' as aforefaid, is hereby required to make a due and proper Entry thereof in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe in the faid Court ; for the doing whereof two Shilings and no more (hall be paid at each refpec- and no more ' tive Place, under the Penalty and Forfeiture of ten Pounds ot lawful Money of Great Britain for every for each Entry, Neglect or Omiflion : And in like Manner every Secretary of the Colony wherein any Perfon (hall fo on lo1, Penal - take the faid Oaths or Affirmation, and make, repeat, and fubferibe the faid Declarations refpedtively, ty * as aforefaid, is hereby required to make a due and proper Entry thereof in a Book to be kept for T1 j e fame Pe - that Purpofe in his Office, upon Notification thereof to him by the Chief Judge or other Judge of tary^negie«in"g the fame Colony, under the like Penalty and Forfeiture for every fuch Neglect or Omiffion. to regifter. II. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon, of what Quality, Each qualified Condition, or Place foever, other than and except fuch of the People called Shakers as (hall qualify Perfon to re- themfelves and be naturalized by the Ways and Means herein before-mentioned^ or fuch who profels ceivei the Sa 3 the JewiJIi Religion, (hall be naturalized by virtue of this Act, unlets fuch Perfon (hall have received the ™ t a„^ erj * Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in fome Proteftant and Reformed Congregation within this Kingdom and Jewu of Great Britain, or within fome of the faid Colonies in America, within three Months next before his *° Ge °' s - c - 44"- taking and fubferibing the faid Oaths, and making, repeating, and fubferibing the faid Declaration ; and (hall, at the Time of his taking and fubferibing the faid Oaths, and making, repeating, and fubferib- ing the faid Declaration, produce a Certificate ligned by the Perfon adminiftring the faid Sacrament, and attefted by two credible Witneffes, whereof an Entry (hall be made in the Secretary's Office of the Colony, wherein fuch Perfon (hall fo inhabit and refide, as alfo in the Court where the faid Oaths Ihall be fo taken as aforefaid, without any Fee or Reward. ' III. And whereas the following Words are contained in the latter Part of the Oath of Abjuration,

  • Videlicet, (upon the true Faith of a Chriftian) And whereas the People profeffing the Jeiuijh Religion

' may thereby be prevented from receiving the Benefit of this Act;' Be it further enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That whenever any Perfon profeiling the Jewijh Religion (hall prefent himfelf to take the faid Oath of Abjuration in purfuance of this Act, the faid Words (upon the true Faith of a Chriftian) (hall be omitted out of the faid Oath in adminiftring the fame to fuch Perfon, and the taking and fub- feribing the faid Oath by fuch Perfon profeffing the Jewijh Religion, without the Words aforefaid, and ~ wsU ^ n!; t he the other Oaths appointed by the faid Act: in like Manner as Jews were permitted to take the Oath oaths, may of Abjuration, by an Act made in the tenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the omit fome Firft, intituled, An Acl for explaining and amending an Ail of the laft Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An SSjfoJS . E *~ Act to oblige all Perfons, being Papifts, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, and all Perfons in p Great Britain, refufing or neglecting to take the Oaths appointed for the Security of his Majefty's Per- fon and Government, by feveral Aits herein mentioned, to regifter their Names and real Eftates ; and fir enlarging the Time for taking the faid Oaths, and making fuch Regifter s, and for allowing farther Time for the Inrolment of Deeds or Wills made by Papifts, which have been omitted to be inrollcd purfiant to an Acl of the third Year of his Majejiy's Reign ; and alfo for giving Relief to Proteftant Leffees, (hall be deemed a fufficient taking of the faid Oaths, in order to intitle fuch Perfon to the Benefit of being naturalized by virtue of this Act, Vol. VI. D d d IV. And