Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/458

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3Q2 C. 15. Anno decimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1740. 4 and Merchandize, and upon Shipping, in the faid Act particularly mentioned, were charged and

  • granted, to commence and take Effect from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand

feven hundred and nine, and to continue for the Term of fourteen Years then next enfuing, and reby enacTed, That from and after the Expiration of the aforefaid Term of fourteen Years one third Part of the Rates and Duties thereby charged upon the Tonnage cf Ships and VelTds, and no more, fhould for ever continue and he paid for the perpetual repairing, cleanfing and maintaining •10 Anna;, hot ' the faid Harbour; and whereas by another AcT of Parliament made and palled in the tenth Year ot .printed. « the Reign of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne, all the Rates and Duties granted by the faid former

  • Act, for the faid Term of fourteen Years, from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven

' hundred and nine, were continued for the further Term of fourteen Years, from the Expiration of ' the faid former Term : And the Truftees in the faid former AcT: named were by the faid AcT of the

  • . tenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, authorized and impowered to borrow Mo-

4 ney to finifh and compleat the Works necellary for the Prefervation and Improvement of the faid Har- c bour ; and which Money, and the Intereft thereof, were thereby directed to be paid off and difcharged 4 in Order and Courfe, out of the temporary Duties granted and continued by the faid Acts : And it 4 was by the faid laft mentioned AcT enacTed and declared, That from and after fuch Time as the faid c principal Sums and Intereft fhould be paid off and difcharged, and that the Juftices of the Peace, at ' the general Quarter-Seflions for the faid County of Cumberland, (hall adjudge that the Works of the 4 faid Harbour were fufficiently repaired and fecured, the temporary Duties thereby granted fhould ceafe ' and determine, and fuch Duties only fhould be paid from thenceforward as were granted in Per- 4 petuity by the faid former AcT : And whereas, in purfuance and by virtue of the faid two former 4 AcTs, the faid Harbour of Whitehaven hath been confiderably deepened and improved, and feveral

  • ftrong and fubftantial Moles and Bulwarks have at great Expence been made and erected, whereby
  • Ships in the faid Harbour (which formerly lay expofed, and liable to be driven out and caft away upon

4 the Rocks and Shoals on that Coaft) can now lie in Safety, and are fecure from the Violence of the 8 Sea, whereby the Shipping, Trade and Navigation within the Port and Town of Whitehaven have

  • been confiderably increafed and improved : And whereas the Sum of two hundred and twenty Pounds,

4 borrowed and taken up in purfuance and upon the Credit of the faid former Acts, and alio the Sum 4 of feven hundred and eighteen Pounds feventeen Shillings and feven Pence three Farthings, for Work

  • done and performed in and about the faid Harbour, do remain due and unfatisfied, notwithftanding
  • the Duties raifed by the faid AcTs have been ftricTJy applied to the Ufes of the faid Harbour, and to

4 pay off the Debts incurred for the Service thereof : And whereas, in cafe the Moles, Bulwarks and

  • Works of the faid Harbour were enlarged and extended to Low-water Mark, fuch Depth of Water

4 may be obtained, that the largeft Ships of the faid Port of Whitehaven might fail in and out of the c Harbour at Neap Tides, and other Ships frequenting thofe Seas might fail in at Half Flood, which 4 might tend not only to the Prefervation of the Lives of many of his Majefty's Subjects, but alio to 4 the Improvement and Increafe of the Trade and Navigation of the faid Town and Port of Whitehaven: 4 But it hath been found by Experience, that the perpetual Duties granted and continued by the two

  • former AcTs, and which took Place at Lady-Day one thoufand feven hundred and thirty -feven (when
  • the temporary Duties granted by thofe AcTs determined) are not fufficient to keep the faid Harbour of
  • a proper Depth, and the Moles and Bulwarks belonging to the fame in neceffary Repair, and to dif-
  • charge the faid Debt due as aforefaid ; a Defign fo ufeful and beneficial to the faid Town and Port of

4 Whitehaven, and to the Trade and Navigation of the Kingdom, cannot be effecTed and carried into ' Execution, unlefs the temporary Duties granted and continued by the faid former AcTs, and which •* are now determined, be revived for a competent Term of Years, and other Provifions made for the 4 Purpofes afore-mentioned :' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty that it may be enacTed, &c. " The two former AcTs continued for 21 Years. Truftees enabled to mortgage the Duties. The tem- 4 ' porary Duties hereby granted to ceafe when the Harbour fhall be fufficiently repaired ; but then a " Moiety of the Duties on Tonnage to continue for ever." Certain Tolls for amending the Roads are granted from 10 June 1740, for 21 Years. C A P. XV. An AcT for continuing and making more effectual an Act palled in the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, For repairing the Roads from the Top of Stokenchurch-Hill to En- flow-Bridge, and the Road from Wheatley-bridge, through the City of Oxon, by Begbrook to New Woodftock in the County of Oxon, except the Mile-way on each Side of the faid City ; and for repairing the Road from the Crown Alehoufe to the Turnpike on Stokenchurch-Hill aforefaid. P R. The former AcT is further continued for 21 Years, and to the End of the next Sefllon of Parliament. CAP.