Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/471

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A. D. 1740. Anno decinio tertio Georgii II. C. 26. 405 1 after Deduction of Taxes and Aflfeflments, do not amount to above fortv-five Pounds per Annum one « Year with another at an Average, which Sum is greatly infufficient to keep up, fupport and maintain • the faid Bridge and Caufeway ; by reafon whereof the faid Bridge, or great Part thereof, hath been for • fome Time part and now is in a ruinous and dangerous Condition, and the faid Caufeway is fallen to ' fuch Decay, that unlefs fpeedily repaired, it will be hi great Danger of being broken through by • high Floods in the River Thames, whereby not only a great Tract of many thoufand Acres of Land |« will be liable to be overflowed, and feveral Towns and Villages greatly damnified, but alfo the « Courfe and Navigation of the River Thames may be obftructed and diverted, and the Road from 1 Status to Egham aforefaid, being Part of the great Weftern Road, rendered impaffable : And whereas ' the Bridge-matters, or Perfons deputed by the Chancellor or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal as • aforefaid, in order to provide Money for the Repair of the faid Bridge and Caufeway, have fre- ' quently kept up a Ferry there at an exorbitant Rate, to convey PafTengers over the River Thames, to the 1 great Inconvenience and Oppreflion of all Perfons travelling that Way, &c." CAP. XXVI. An Aft to revive, explain and amend an Ad made in the fixteenth and feventeenth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An AM for making the River of Medway vavigable, in the Counties of Kent and Suffex. P R. iTTZHEREAS an Act of Parliament was made in the fixteenth and feventeenth Years of the Preamble, re* W Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An Ail for making the River "s^^c^i. of Medway navigable, in the Counties of Kent and SufTex; whereby, after reciting, that making the not printed.

% River Medway, and all other Rivers, Streams and Watercourfes falling thereinto, in the Counties of

' Kent and Suffix, navigable, had been upon View found to be feafable, and would be of great Ufe ' for the better and more eafy and fpeedy Portage of Iron Ordnance, Balls, Timber and other Ma- ' terials, in Places adjacent, made, forged and provided for his Majefty's Service, at all Times, and ' more efpecially at fuch Times and Seafons in the Year as the fame could not otherwife be brought ' out of thole Parts ; and would be advantageous to the Inhabitants, and all others concerned, as well ' for Carriage of the Commodities aforefaid, as of Wood, Corn and Grain, Hay, Hops, Wooll, Lea- c ther and all other Provifions, growing and accruing from thence ; as alfo of Coals, Lime, Stone 1 Wares and all other Neceflaries and Commodities to be carried thither, whereby Commerce and Trade ' would be much increafed, and the publick Weal advanced : It was therefore enacted, That it ihould [ and might be lawful for certain Perfons therein named, to make the faid River, and Streams running ■ thereinto, navigable, in fuch Manner as by the faid Act is limited and directed ; and Commiflioners 1 were alfo therein appointed, with Power to adjudge and determine proper Satisfaction to all Perfon 1 and Perfons, ' Bodies Politick and Corporate, for any Lofs or Damage to be by them fuftained, by ' cutting, digging or otherwife damnifying their Lands and Tenements, in making the faid River and ' Streams navigable, with a Power to appoint new Commiflioners in the Stead of thofe dying or re- ' fufing to act : And whereas the Powers by the faid Act created, were never yet carried into Exe- P cution ; and the feveral Perfons authorized thereby to make the faid River and Streams navigable, 1 and the feveral Commiflioners therein named and appointed, are all fince dead, without any proper ' Succeflbrs appointed in their Stead in Manner as by the faid Act is directed : And whereas the making ' the faid River and Streams navigable at this Time is likely to be of great Utility to the publick, by rea- ' fon that great Quantities of Timber growing on the Woods of Kent and Suffix, through which the faid ■ River and Streams run, and whicii is allowed to be the beft in this Kingdom for the Ufe of his Majefty's ' Navy, cannot be conveyed to any Market, but at a very large Expence, by reafon of the Badnefs of the ' Roads in thofe Parts : And whereas divers Perfons herein after named, and many others, are defirous to ' become Undertakers for making the faid River of Medivay and Streams navigable, and have agreed to ' raife amongft themfelves a Sum of Money fufheient for that Purpofe;' May it pleafe your mod Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, &e. " Proprietors Power. If Proprietors or others do not like Commiflioners Decree, Commiflioners to ifllie ' Warrants to Sheriffs or Coroners of Kent or Suffex to impanel and return a Jury, to appear before the " Commiflioners, to affefs Damages; and Commiflioners to give Judgment. Verdicts, &c, to be record- " ed by the Clerk of the Peace ior Kent or SuJJ'ex. Proprietors always liable to pay Damages to the " Land Owners, &c. by Verdict of a Jury before the Commiflioners. Proprietors may raiie Money " among themfelves to carry on their Work, not exceeding 30,0001. The Money raifed to be dividc^- " into 300 Shares. No Perfon to have above 10 Shares. Subfcribers not anfwering all the Calls, " lhall lofe what they have paid. Subfcribers to have a Vote for every Share, by themfelves or " Proxies. Books of Accounts to be kept at Tunbridge in a Cheft, and the Key kept by the Com- " mittee. Proprietors may employ Boats, &e. to carry Goods on the River, and take Toll oi others. No Toll to be paid till the River is navigable for Boats carrying 40 Tons. Boats not carrying " Goods or PafTengers, to pafs Toll-free. The Navigation of the River Medvjay r.ot (object to the " Commiflioners of Sewers." C A P.