Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/516

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450 C. 19. Anno decimo quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1742. Subfaipti™ faid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies M° nt y l ° b ' nk Politick or Corporate, to contribute, advance and pay to the firft or Chief Cafhier or Cafhiers of the Go- ya i e " >n ' vernor and Company of the Bank of England for the Time being, at or before the refpeftive Days and Times by this Aft limited in that Behalf, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding in the whole the faid Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds for the Purchafe of any Annuity or Annuities, to commence from the faid Feaft of the Nativity of Saint 'John the BaptiJf in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty two, and to be paid and payable to fuch Contributor or Contributors, or fuch as he, {he or they fhall nominate, his, her or their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflors or Affigns refpec- Cafliier of the tively, until the fame fhall be redeemed according to the Tenor or true Meaning of the Provifo or Condi- Bank to give Se- tion herein after mentioned in that Behalf; fo as fuch Cafhier or Cafhiers do firft give Security to the curity. good liking of any three or more of the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Treafury now being, or of the High Treafurer or Commiflioners of the Treafury for the Time being, for duly anfwering and paying into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer for the publick Ufe, the Monies fo to be advanced or contri- buted and-to account duly for the fame; which Annuities before mentioned fhall be computed at the Rate Annuit'es to be of three Pounds per Centum per Annum for every one hundred Pounds, and proportionably for any greater 3 per Cent. g um f r0 b e advanced or paid; and the Purchafe Money for every fuch Annuity at the Rate aforefaid, is hereby appointed to be paid to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers as aforefaid, at or before the refpeftive Days Times of paying and Times herein after limited; that is to fay, One fourth Part thereof on or before the fixth Day of July the Subfcripuon j n t he Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-two; and one other fourth Part thereof on Money. or De f ore the fixth Day of Septe?nber then next enfuing; and one other fourth Part thereof on or before the fixth Day of November then next enfuing; and the remaining fourth Part thereof on or before the fixth Day of December then next following; all which Annuities fo to be purchafed fhall not exceed in the whole the Sum of twenty-four thoufand Pounds per Annum, and fhall be paid and payable at two of the Times of paying moft ufual Feaft or Days of Payment in the Year; that is to fay, the Feafts of the Birth of our Lord the Annuities. Chrift, and the Nativity of Saint John the Baptijl, or within fix Days after every of the faid Feaft Days; the firft Payment thereof to be due at the faid Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chrift, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-two, or within fix Days after the faid Feaft Day; Annuities to be neverthelefs the faid Annuities fhall be redeemable according to the Purport and true Meaning of a Pro- redeeirable, v jf or Condition herein after contained in that Behalf and not otherwife; and the faid Cafher or Cafhiers Cafhier to give of the faid Governor and Company for the Time being, is hereby authorized and required, upon the ad- Receipts, vancing and paying to him any fuch Sum or Sums of Money as aforefaid, forthwith to give a Receipt in: Writing, figned by himfelf, for each Payment, to the Contributor or Payer thereof; and from Time toj nev inuAhe Ex- '^' me to P a Y ' nt0 the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer all the Monies which he fhall receive of or foil chequer. the faid Sum, not exceeding eight hundred thoufand Pounds, as faft as he fhall receive the fame or any Part thereof, or within five Days at the fartheft, and to account for all the Monies fo to be advanced and 1 paid to him in his Majefty's Court of Exchequer, according to the due Courfe thereof; in which Ac- count the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers fhall have juft Allowance of all Monies which he fhall have paid foi prompt Payment, purfuant to this Aft. Contributors III. And it is hereby enafted, That in the Office of the Accomptant General of the Governor and Names to be en- Company of the Bank of England for the Ti me being* there fhall be provided and kept a Book or Books. the d Bank° 0kS *' ' n wmcn tnere fhall be fairly entred the Names of all who fhall be Contributors for fuch Annuities, aftei the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum as aforefaid, and of all Perfons by whofe Hands the fait Contributors fhall pay in any of the laid Sums upon this Aft, and alfo the Sum fo paid; to which Bool or Books it fhall be lawful for the faid refpeftive Contributors, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Suc- ceflors and Affigns, from Time to Time, to have refort at all feafonable Times, and to infpeft the famt without Fee or Charge; and the faid Accomptant General for the Time being, fhall on or before the Duplicate Books twenty-fifth Day of March, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred ant tobetranfmitted forty-three, tranfmit an attefted Duplicate, fairly written on Paper of the faid Book or Books, into thi ouer eEXChE " O^ce of the Auditor of the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer there to remain for ever. IV. And it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Contributor and Contri- butors upon this Aft, duly paying the Confederation or Purchafe Money at the Rate aforefaid, at or be- fore the refpeftive Days and Times in this Aft before limited in that Behalf, for fuch Annuity or Annu ities as aforefaid, or fuch as he, fhe or they fhall appoint, his, her or their refpeftive Executors, Admi- niftrators, SuccefTors or Affigns, fhall have, receive and enjoy, and be intitled by Virtue of this Aft t< have, receive and enjoy the refpeftive Annuity and Annuities fo to be purchafed out of the Monies b) Annuities to be this Aft appropriated or appointed for Payment thereof as aforefaid, and fhall have good and fureEftate Charge"" an< * Interefts therein for ever, fubjeft only to the Provifo or Condition of Redemption in this Aft after wards contained concerning the fame; and that all the faid Annuities to be purchafed on this Aft, am the Principal Monies paid for the fame, and every of them during the Continuance thereof, fhall be fre from all Taxes, Charges and Impofitions whatfoever. V. And for the more eafy and fure Payment of the faid Annuities to be purchafed as aforefaid, accord ing to the true Meaning of this prefent Aft; it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, Tha The Bank!e the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their SuccefTors, fhall from Time to Time appoint a chief unt j] the faid Annuities fhall be redeemed by Parliament according to this Aft, appoint and employ on Accomptant fufficicnt Pei ' fori within their Office in the' City of London, to be their chief or firft Cafhier or Cafhiers General. ar >d one other fufficient Perfon within the fame Office, to be their Accomptant General; and that f much of the Monies of the faid Surplufles, Excefl'es or Overplus Monies of the Fund, commonly calle fhe Sinking Fund, which fhall or ought to be from Time to Time feparated and fet apart in the faid Re ceij