Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/582

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516 C. 5. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. A. D. 1744. General privy Searches Co JuMiees topu- miri Vagabonds, &c. taken up at privy Searches. Different Sorts of Vagabonds, • bow to be parted. form of the Pals, the Peace, by Warrant under Hand and Sea], to levy the Sum of twenty Shillings, by Diftrefs and Sale cf the Goods of fuel) Officer, and thereout to allow to the Perfon intitled thereto the faid Re- ward often Shillings, and fuch other Recompence for his Trouble, Lofs of Time and Expences, as the faid Juftice or Juftices fhall think, fit ; and the Overplus (if any) (hall be returned to fuch Officer upon Demand. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of the Peace for every County, Riding, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Divifion or Liberty, or any two of them, fhall four Times in the Year at leaft, or oftner (if need be) meet in their refpedfive Divifions, and by their War- rant, command the Conftables or other Peace-officers of every Hundred, Parifh, Town and Hamlet, in their feveral Divifions, who fhall be affiftcd with fufficient Men of the fame Places, to make a general Privy Search in one Night, throughout their feveral and refpective Limits, for the finding and apprehen- ding of Rogues and Vagabonds ; and every Juftice of the Peace fhall alfo, on receiving Information that Rogues and Vagabonds are in any Place within his Jurifdiction, iflue his Warrant to the Conftable or other Officer of fuch Place, to fearch for and apprehend fuch Rogues and Vagabonds; and fuch Rogues and Vagabonds as they fhall find and apprehend upon fuch Searches, they fhall caufe to be brought be- fore any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace of the fame County, Riding, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Divifion or Liberty. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where any Rogues or Vagabonds, apprehended by any Conftable, or fuch other Officer or Perfon as aforefaid, or upon fuch Search as afore- faid, {hall be brought before any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Ju- ftice or Juftices, and he or they are hereby required to inform himfelf or themfelves, by the Examination upon Oath of the Perfon or Perfons apprehended, or of any other Perfon of the Condition and Circum- ftances of the'Perfon or Perfons fo apprehended, and of the Parifh or Place, where he, fhe or they, were laft legally fettled ; the Subftance of which Examination or Examinations fhall be put into Writing, and be fubferibed or figned by the Perfon or Perfons fo examined ; and the faid Juftice or Juftices fhall like- wife fign the fame, and tranfmit it to the next General or Quarter-Seffions of the Peace to be holden foj; the fame County, Riding, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Divifion or Liberty; there to be filed and kept on Record ; and fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, fhall and are hereby required to order all fuch Perfons fo apprehended, to be publickly whipt by the Conftable, Petty Conftable or Tythingman, or fome other Perfon to be appointed by fuch Conftable, Petty Conftable or Tythingman of fuch Parifh or Place where fuch Perfons were apprehended ; or to order fuch Perfons to be fent to the Houfe of Correc- tion, there to remain until the next General or Quarter-Seffions, or for any lefs Time, as fuch Juftice or Juftices fhall think proper ; and after fuch Whipping or Confinement, fuch Juftice or Juftices may, and are hereby irhpowered, if they think convenient, by a Pafs under Hand and Seal, in the Manner and Form hereafter directed, to caufe fuch Perfons to be conveyed to the Place of their laft legal Settlement; but if it cannot be found, then to the Place of their Birth; or if fuch Perfons or any of them, be under the Age of fourteen Years, and have any Father or Mother living, then to the Place of the Abode of fuch Father or Mother, there to be delivered to fome Church-warden, Chapel-warden or Overfeer of the Poor of fuch Parifh, Town or Place ; which Pafs fhall be in the Form or to the Eeffect following : To the Conftable of in the County of [or to the Tythingman or other Offi- cer, as the Cafe Jhall he, or if the Offender is committed to the Houfe of Correclion, then to the Governor or Majiir thereof} And alfo to all Conftables and other Officers whom it may concern, to receive and convey ; and to the Church-wardens, Chapel-wardens or Overfeers of the Poor of the Parifh, Town or Place (as the Cafe jhall bs) of in the County of • or either of them, to receive and obey. HE RE AS was (or were) apprehended in the Parifh of (or in the Town of or other Place, defcribing it) as a Rogue and Vagabond, or as Rogues and Vaga- , videlicet, wandering and begging there (or as the Cafe Jhall be) and upon Examination of the faid taken before upon Oath (which Examination is hereunto annexed) it doth appear, that his, her or their laft legal Settlement is at in this County (or, in the County of- ) or, that the faid was (or were) born in the Parifh of in this County (or, in the County of ) and hath (or have) not fince ob- tained any legal Settlement; or that the faid is (or are) under the Age of fourteen Years, and hath (or have) a Father or Mother living or abiding in the Parifh (or Town) of (or other Place dtferibing it.) Thefe are therefore to require you the faid Conftable or other Officer, (or Governor or Majier of the Houfe of Correction, as the Cafe Jhall be) to convey the faid in the next direct Way to the faid Parifh (or Town) of (or other Place) within the faid County, and there to deliver him (her or them) to fome Church-warden, Chapel-warden or Overfeer of the Poor of the fame Parifh (Toiun or Place) to be there provided for according to Law (or in caje the faid Parijh, Town or Place to which fuch Perfon or Perfons is or are to be fent, lies in fome other County, Riding, Divifion, Cor- poration or Franchife .having feparate' General or Quarter-Seffions of the Peace, then the Form Jliall be asfol- lowith, videlkret, To convey the faid to the Parifh (or Town) of that being the firft Parifh (or Toivn) in the next Precinct through which he (fhe or they) ought to pafs in the direct Way to the faid Pariih (or Town) of to which he (jhe or they) is (or are) to be fent, and to deliver him (her or them) to the Conftable or other Officer of fuch firft Town {or Parifli) in fuch next Precinct, together with this Pafe, and the Duplicate of the Examination of the laid taking bonds