Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/626

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560 C. 31. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii lit A. D. 1744.; CAP. XXXI. An Act for repealing the Duties payable upon Glafs Beads, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof; and for allowing the fame Drawbacks on the exportation of refined Borax and Camphire, which are allowed on the Exportation of unrefined Borax and Camphire; and for preventing the fraudulent Exportation of Britijh and Irifo Linens, for the fake of the Bounty allowed by an Act made in the fifteenth and fixteenth Years of his prefent Majefty's Reign ; and for explaining and amending the faid Act, as to the Perfons who are to receive the faid Bounty. 4 &. 5 W. & M. ' Tj.TTHER.EAS by feveral Acts of Parliament now in Force, feveral Duties are payable upon the c. 5. ' W Importation of Great Bugle and Glafs Beads : And whereas it is very difficult for the Officers of ' his Majefty's Cuftoms, and Dealers in the faid Commodities, to diftinguifh the Difference between ' Great Bugle and Glafs Beads, on the Importation thereof: And whereas the Duties on Glafs Beads are ' much lower than the Duties on Great Bugle, which is a great Temptation to unfair Traders to deceive ' the Officers, to the great Difadvantage of the Revenue, and Difcouragement of the fair Merchants : ' And whereas fuch evil Practice enables the unfair Traders to underfell not only the fair Merchants, but ' Kkewife to underfell fuch of the Poor Inhabitants of this Kingdom, who are now employed in the ma- ' king, colouring and manufacturing of Glafs Beads :' For Remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and The old Duty on Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Duties Clafs Beads re- on Glafs Beads, which fhall be imported from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June in the Year of pealed, our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, fhall ceafe and determine; and in lieu thereof there and the new fhall, from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June, be paid to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succef- Diit/ to be the fors, for all Glafs Beads imported into Great Britain, whether plain or manufactured, mixed or coloureJ, ?™p as ' s B pa 'f -. f he fame Subfidies, Impofitions and Duties as are now payable for Great Bugles imported; and that the tor Great uges; f ame ^ ra ;/- e( j 5 levied, recovered and paid by fuch Rates, Means and Methods, with the like Difcounts ^"thefmeUfef anc * Allowances on Importation, and the fame Drawbacks on Exportation, and under fuch Penalties and to e ame e . p or feitures, and be applicable to the fame Ufes and Purpofes, as the Duties on Great Bugles are now raifed, levied, recovered, paid and applied. Duties on Seed II. Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby declared, That this Act, or any thing herein containeJ, BugJenotto be {h a ]i not ; n ar) y w jf e j, e conftrued or underftood to extend to leffen or alter the Rates or Duties on Small a . • or Seed Bugle, which are to remain and be in the fame Manner as they are now rated and paid. Refer tii&g ' HI. And whereas large Quantities of Borax unrefined, commonly called 'Tincall, and of Camphire W. 3. c 34. ' unrefined, are frequently imported, both which are generally fhipt in the fame unrefined Condition, $j4nn. c. 4./. S. ' ar id a Drawback paid on Exportation thereof: And whereas the faid Commodities when refined in Great ■},Am.c.%.].. s Britain, are not entitled, by the Laws in being, to any Drawback, although they are fubjeft to Wafte 8 Gei 1", «'. j', ' ant ^ ^ofs of Weight in refining them here, and are therefore exported Abroad, and refined in foreign r. 10.' ' . ' ' Countries, to the Prejudice of the Revenue and the Commerce of this Kingdom :' For Remedy whereof, Borax and Cam- Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thou- ph ire refined. in fand feven hundred and forty-four, all Borax, and all Camphire which fhall be refined in Great Britain, Great Britain, upon Oath being firft made by the Refiner or Refiners thereof, that the" faid Borax and Camphire entered fhall de mtitled f or Exportation, were produced folely from the very fame Borax and Camphire which had been imported on Exportation. ' n *° ^ reat Britain unrefined, and for which his Majefty's Cuftoms and Duties had been duly paid at the r..J-,'L h~Jl Time of the Importation thereof, and that the fame were duly exported, his Majefty's Searcher alfo cer- fc farther 25 titying the lhippmg thereof, and all fuch other Requmtes being duly performed, as are necellary to be 'Geo. 2. c. 32. done and performed, with regard to Borax and Camphire unrefined, and fhipt for Exportation, mall be 31 Geo, 2. c. 12 intitled unto and have the fame Drawback of all the feveral Duties in all Refpects, as a like Quantity of

    • 35- unrefined Borax and of unrefined Camphire, are now by Law intitled unto; any Statute, Law, Cuftom

or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. ?5Geo. 3.0.29. 'IV . And whereas by an Act of Parliament paffed in the fifteenth and fixteenth Years of the Reign of ' his prefent Majefty King George the Second, intituled, An Act for granting to his Majejiy an additional ' Duty on foreign Cambricks imported into Great Britain, and for allowing thereout a Bounty upon certain Species ' of Britilh and Irifh Linens exported, in order to prevent Britifl) and Irijh Linens exceeding the Value ' of twelve Pence per Yard, being exported for the fake of the Bounty allowed thereby, it is enacted, ' That the Collector and Comptroller, or other proper Officers of the Cuftoms may open, view and ex- ' amine any or all fuch Linens as fhall be entered at the Value of twelve Pence per Yard or under, and ' compare the fame with the Value and Price thereof fworn to or affirmed in the Entry and Endorfement f on the Cocquet ; and if upon fuch View and Examination it fhall appear that fuch Linen is of greater ' Value than twelve Pence per Yard, then and in fuch Cafe the Exporter or Proprietor fhall, on Demand ' made in Writing by the Cuftomer or Collector, and Comptroller of the Port where fuch Goods or Mer- ' chandizes are entered, deliver or caufe to be delivered, all fuch Goods and Merchandizes into his ' Majefty's Warehoufe at the Port of Exportation, for the Ufe and Benefit of the Crown, and upon fuch 5 Delivery the Cuftomer or Collector of fuch-Port, with the Privity of the Comptroller, fhall out of any 1 Money in the Hands of fuch Cuftomer or Collector, arifing by Cuftoms or other Duties belonging to 3 ' the