Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/67

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A. D. 1730. Anno tertio Georgii II. C. 11, 12. 5 c a p.- xi. An Act for reviving and amending an Act made in the fixth and feventh Years of the Reign of his late Majeity King William the Third, intituled, An Acl to prevent Exactions of the Occupiers of Locks and Wears upon the River of Thames weflward, and for afertaining the Rates of Water-carriage upon the faid River. EXP. ' H E R E A S an Act of Parliament was made and parted in the fixth and feventh Years of the 6 & 7 w i ' W Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Ail to prevent Ex.iflietis of *• **•

  • Occupiers of Locks and Wears upon the River of Thames we/lward, and for afertaining the Rates of Water- * 4 Ge0, *' Ci 8 '

' carriage upon the faid River, which faid A<t, whilft it continued in Force, was found to be ufeful to the

Trade and Navigation of the laid River, and alfo beneficial to all Perfons concerned therein, but the fame

the City of London, exact fuch exorbitant Sums of Money for the Paflage of Barges, Boats, and other Veflfels, to and from thence to London and other Places upon the faid Rivers, as tend greatly to the Difcouragement of the Navigation, and the enhancing the Prices of Water-carriage upon the faid Rivers; and whereas of late feveral Perfons demand and take large Sums of Money for towing Paths, which Paths' ufed to be free for Men to tow their Barges, Boats, and other Veflfels, and towing the faid Barges and Boats requires fuch Numbers of Men as renders it very chargeable, and it is found much more con- venient to tow with Horfes ; but by Reafon of the Neceflity of making ufe of Horfes for fuch Purpofes, the Owners and Occupiers of the faid Lands oblige the Barge-Mafters to pay fuch Sums of Money for the Paflage of the faid Horfes, as if not regulated and afcertained, will leffen the Navigation of the faid Rivers, and render the fame lefs ufeful to the Publick; and whereas the erecting of the faid Locks, Wears, Banks, Dams, Floodgates, and other Engines, are and may be of Ufe to the Navigation of the faid Rivers ; but the Tenants and Occupiers of the fame do now take fuch large Rates for Barges,

  • Boats, and other Veflels having Occafion to make ufe of the fame, or of tlieir Afliftance, for or in their
  • Paflage, that the Water-carriage on thofe Rivers is very much raifed, and the faid Tenants and Occu-
  • piers of the faid Locks, Wears, Banks, Dams, Floodgates, and other Engines, have upon hidden
  • Summer Floods, exacted great Sums of Monies from the Owners and Tenants of the Meadows above
  • them, before they would open the Gates and Locks to draw off the Flood, and divers other Abufes are
  • committed by the Bargemen in their Navigation upon the laid Rivers :' For Remedy whereof, Be it

enacted, &c. " The Commiflioners, &c. may appoint fome of their Number to view the Locks, &c. and to inquire on " Oath of the Rates taken at Locks. Rates for towing Paths of 3 5 Years to continue. Commiflioners may " rate the Price of Carnage. Bargemen acting contrary to the Rule or Afleflments forfeit ;l, and Freight "' of Goods. On extraordinary Occafions, and Notice in the Gazette Commilfioners to meet. On Death " of Commiflioners others to be chofen. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the Juftices of Aflize. Rules to " be written on Parchment, and kept among the Records of the Seflions. Barge-Mafter anfwerable for his " Crew. Commiflioners may remove Piles : They may on Complaint that the Water runs over the " Water-Mark, order the Locks to be open till the Water is funk. They may order the Rivers to be j;« M /, a - l, 2 > " cleanfed. Difpute's about Wears, &c. to be determined at the next Town. Commiflioners to have 100/. cfo. 2, c.s. " per Annum Freehold. Continuation for nine Years. EXP. See 24 Geo. 2. c. 8 r CAP. XII. An Ad for importing of Salt from Europe into the Colony of New York in America. ' 1T7HEREAS the River, Bay and Coaft of the Colony of New York in America, and the Seas ad- Tor fc-nter Zawt 4 W joining, are very commodioufly fituated for carrying on of the fifhing Trade, and they abound concerning p/an- ' with great Qjantities of Shadd, Sturgeon, Bafs, Sardine, and feveral other Kinds of Fifh, which may '"f"^ "-f er '% ' be catched and cured, and made fit for foreign Markets, whereby the Trade of Great Britain, and the , 5 car. 2.' c..'

  • Inhabitants of the faid Colony,- would reap confiderable Benefit, which would enable the faid Inhabi- 22 & 23 Car. 2.

' tants to purchafe more of the Britifl) Manufactures for their Ufe, than at prefent they are able, by c ^^ ar ' Reafon of the little Trade and Produce the faid Colony affords, were it permitted for his Majefty's ^htir^.'Ciz, ' Subjects to import Salt from Europe into the faid Colony for the curing of their Fifh withal, in the like 11^ 3- c - '*• ' Manner as is practifed in New England and Newfoundland, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament made in |! f £■*'•»■ <■• S ' the fifteenth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second for that Purpofe : And whereas formerly iAm'.c 306? 37. ' the Northern Parts of America were comprehended under the general Name of New England, but fince 8 Ann. c. 13. ' have been divided into feveral Provinces and Colonies, and bear other diftinct Names, which occafions 9^™^-^®^

  • a Doubt whether Salt can be imported into them without the further Aid of Parliament, by which a j6.

4 very confiderable and beneficial Fiihery might be carried on there, to the great Benefit of your Majefty's 4 Geo. r. c. n. ' Subjects in Generrl :' May it therefore pleafe your moll Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, And &"' *' c ' w be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords i 3 c«. 1. c. 5. Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of*c«.2. <■. 35. the lame, That from and after the firft Day of June one thoufand fev'en hundred and thirty, it (hall and may