Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/86

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24 C. 2 I -2 3. Anno tertio Georgii II. After 30 SSpt. 17:0, r:i<; India . Company's re- duced Annuities -10 bs p:iid out of >t»e Aggregate 1 imd. Concerning this Company fa far- ther, 12 Geo, 2, C.2?.. n Oct. 2. c. 17. 27 Geo. 2. c. 9. 1 Geo. 3. r. 14. Duty on Stamps and Silt di(- charged there- .1'roiia, ■jGeiisral Ifllie. Salvo for Mat- thew Lyon of 'Warrington. A. D. 1730. venues commonly catled The Aggregate Fund, which (hall be more than fufficient to anfwer, pay and fatisfy what will then be due or demandable for any prior Charges or Incumbrances on the laid Aggregate Fund. XXII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after die twenty-ninth Day of September which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand (even hundred and thirty, in cafe the faid' intended Reduction of the laid Annuity or Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds lb as aforelaid payable to the faid United Company lhall then take Place, then and from thenceforth fuch reduced Annuity or yearly Fund of one hundred and twenty-eight thoufand Rounds (hall be transferred from the feveral Duties and Revenues now charged with the faid prefent Annuity or yearly Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, and be charged upon and payable out of the Monies arifen or to arife into the Exchequer from Time to Time, for the faid feveral Duties and Revenues compofing the Aggregate Fund, to be paid and payable to the faid United Company or their Succeffors, by fuch and the like quarterly Payments as their prefent Annuity or yearly Fund is now payable, fubjeet neverthelefs to fuch Redemption by Parliament as is or ftrll be enacted by any other Act of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, and fubjeet to fuch prior Charges and Incumbrances as are or (hall be made by Parliament on the growing Produce of the faid Aggregate Fund, before the talcing Place of fuch Reduction. XXIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after fuch Time as the faid reduced Annuity or yearly Fund of one hundred and twenty-eight thoufand Pounds (hall become charged on the faid Aggregate Fund, then and from thenceforth the faid additional Duties on (tamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper fo as aforefaid charged, together with the faid additional Duties on Salt, with their faid prefent Annuity or yearly Fund of one hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds (hall be discharged there- from, and alfo from the faid reduced Annuity or yearly Fund and every Part thereof, and (hall be deem- ed a Saving to the Publick by fuch Reduction as aforefaid, and (hall go and be applied to fuch Ufes, and for fuch Purpofes as by any other Act of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, or any future Act or Acts of Parliament are or (hall be from Time to Time directed or appointed concerning the fame. XXIV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons lhall at any Time be fued or profecuted for any Thing done or executed in purfuance of this Act or any of the before recited Acts, he or they (hall and may plead the General IlTue, and give this Act or any of the faid before •recited Acts in Evidence for his Defence ; and if upon the Trial a Verdict (hall pafs for the Defend- ant or Defendants, or the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs (hall be nonfuited, then fuch Defendant or Defendants ffiall have Treble Colts to him or them awarded againft fuch Plaintiff or Plaintiffs. ' XXV. And whereas by the high Tides or overflowing of the River Mercy at Bank Key in the County "' of Lancafler, in the Months of September, Oclober, November and December one thoufand feven hundred

  • and twenty-four, nine hundred lixty-fix Bulhels of Rock Salt or thereabout?, belonging to Matthew

'* Page late ©f Warrington in the faid County of Lancafler, deceafed, was confumed, and for fecuring '*' the Payment of the Duty whereof Bonds were given by him or fome Perfon or Perfons on his Be- ' half; which Bonds have been fince paid off and difcharged : And whereas the faid Matthew Page is ■* fince dead, and Mattheiv Lyon of Warrington aforefaid is his Executor and Reprefentative :' Now for the Relief of the faid Matthew Lyon, in Refpect of the Duty fo paid or fecured to be paid, for fo much of the faid Salt as was loft and confumed as aforefaid, be it enacted by the'Authority aforefaid. That for and in Conlkleration of the Duty paid or fecured to be paid for the faid nine hundred fixty-fix Bulhels of Rock Salt fo loft and confumed as aforefaid, it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Matthew Lycn to export or difpofe of fo much Rock Salt, Duty-free, as the Duties paid or fecured to be paid, for the faid nine hundred lixty-fix Bulhels did amount unto : any Act or Act s of Parliament to the contrary not- withftanding. C A P. XXI. An Act for repairing and amending the feveral Roads leading from Woodjhck through Kiddington znAEnjhn to Roll-Right Lane, and from Enjlow Bridge to Kiddington aforelaid in the County of Oson. P R. The Tolls took Place the 20th Day of May 1730, and are to have Continuance for 21 Years. Continued by 24 Geo. 2. c. 31. CAP. XXII. An Act for amending the Acts therein mentioned relating to the making of Bricks. EXP. " Bricks made of Brick Earth and Sea Coal Allies, may be burnt in Clamps, and mixed with Breeze. " Brickmakers liable to the Penalties in 12 Geo. 1. c. 3;. and 2 Geo. 2. c. 15. Claufes in the former Acts, " not hereby altered, continued." C A P. XXIII. An Act for amending and making more effectual an Act made in the fecond and third Years of the Reign of the late Queen Anne, intituled, An Acl for the creeling a Workbeufe in the City of Worcefter, and for fating the Poor en Work there. P R. " After 1 June 1730, the Act 2 ti? 3 Anna, c. 8. continued, and the Workhoufe, tirV. fettled on the " Guardians after 9 June 1730. Rates for the Poor not to exceed what has been paid in any of the three

  • ' Years laft part. Guardians not obliged to qualify themfelves. Guardians may erect, feparate Work-

houfes ; may leafe out the prefent Workhoufe, £sV. Poor not maintained in the large Workhoufe to r be provided for in their reflective Purilhes, Saving to die Mayur^ b'c. 'their Hou Market." C A P,